
突破小詞第5彈 the vs a


常常有童鞋說難以區分the vs a這2個單詞, 那麼今天我們就帶大家專門訓練一下它們的辨析, 答案在最後.

通過短時間內在不同語境下去聽同一個單詞, 讓耳朵找到它的感覺~

聽不出來的可以放一放日後再聽, 加粗的表示尤其難的, 答案在最後

1 Hey, see, you know, however, I thought Ihad_____thingfor half Asian girls? Well, now Ivegot_____ new favourite,Lebanese girls.

2 -Hey.Where is your suit? Just once when I say suit up, I wish youd put on _____ suit.

-I did, that one time.

-It was_____ blazer.

3 I was 27,just starting to make it as an architect and living in New York with Marshal, my best friend from college.My life was good, and then uncle Marshal went to screw _____ whole thing up.

4 -Good,and as your best friend, I suggest we play_____little game Id like to call have you met Ted.

-No, we are not playinghave you met Ted.

5 -Ted, Im going to teach you how to live. Barney. We met at_____urinal.

-Oh, alright.

6 -Lesson one,lose_____goatee. It doesnt go with your suit.

-Im not wearing_____suit.

-Lesson two,get_____suit.

7 Marshal was in _____second year of law school, so he was pretty good at thinking on his feet.

8 -Its_____very pretty name.

-Thanks. Its Lebanese.

9 Im exhausted. It was finger painting day at school._____5-year-old boy got to second base with me.

10 I do those dumb little fluff pieces at_____end of_____news, you know, like, monkey can play _____ukulele. Im hoping to get some bigger stories soon.

1 a;a

2 a;a

3 the

4 a

5 the

6 the;a;a

7 the

8 a

9 A

10 the;the;the



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