

The Fictitious State of Trump』s Fantastical Union



1) Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists. 虛假的; 虛幻的

Were interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.


2) A fictitious character, thing, or event occurs in a story, play, or film but never really existed or happened. 虛構的

The persons and events portrayed in this production are fictitious.


The word that came to mind most often as I watched Donald Trump deliver his first State of the Union address was 「pretend.」


He pretends to be a statesman, and we』re supposed to pretend that hundreds of vulgar and recklessly divisive moments before this — thousands, if we』re adding tweets — don』t negate[1] that claim.



1) V-T If one thing negates another, it causes that other thing to lose the effect or value that it had. 使無效

These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.


2) V-T If someone negates something, they say that it does not exist. 否定

He warned that to negate the results of elections would only make things worse.


We』re supposed to pretend that he gives a fig about[2] decorum, though it disappears almost as soon as the teleprompter[講詞提示裝置] does. Above all, we』re supposed to pretend that what he says today has any bearing on what he』ll say tomorrow, when what he said yesterday contradicted it.


[2]not give a fig/not care a fig (about/for sth/sb)

to not be at all concerned about or interested in something or someone old-fashioned informal(對某事/某人)毫不在乎

Our president lives in a world of sand and wind and make-believe[3], where the merest gust can alter the shape of everything, and Tuesday night』s remarks — especially his appeal for 「common ground」 and his vision of 「all of us together」 as 「one American family」 — should be seen in that shifting, swirling, fantastical context.



1) N a fantasy, pretence, or unreality 幻想; 假裝; 非存在之物

2) N (as modifier) 幻想的; 假裝的; 非存在之物的

a make-believe world


To be fair, most State of the Union addresses are wishes. George W. Bush gave us gauzy[4] spins[5] on where he was going and where he had been. Barack Obama set markers (preschool and community college for all!) that he』d never reach. The State of the Union traffics in[6] the sublime — and thus in the ridiculous.

公平地說,大多數國情咨文都是許願。喬治·W·布希(George W. Bush)華而不實地將他想達到的目標和已經達到的目標混為一談。貝拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)設置了自己永遠無法達到的標準(所有人都能上學前班和社區大學!)。國情咨文行走在一個崇高的境界,因而也是荒誕的。

[4]gauzy: Gauzy material is light, soft, and thin, so that you can see through it. 輕薄透明的

...thin, gauzy curtains



1) N-SING If someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way. (特意做的) 詮釋與宣傳

He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.


2) N-UNCOUNT In politics, spin is the way in which political parties try to present everything they do in a positive way to the public and the media. (政治) 粉飾

The public is sick of spin and tired of promises.


[6]traffic in: Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so. 從事 (毒品或贓物等的) 非法買賣

The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.


But Trump is a ridiculous breed apart, his moods more erratic, his poses more ephemeral[7], his pledges emptier.


[7]ephemeral: existing or popular for only a short time 短暫的;只流行一時的;朝生暮死的

Fashion is by nature ephemeral.


Last February, in a speech to a joint session of Congress, he used his opening minutes to exalt[8] civil rights, decry anti-Semitism and proclaim that 「we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.」


[8]exalt: To exalt someone or something means to praise them very highly. 盛讚

His work exalts all those virtues that we, as Americans, are taught to hold dear.


Later came the violence in Charlottesville, Va., and his insistence that there were 「some very fine people」 among the white nationalists and neo-Nazis there.


Early this month he invited television cameras into the White House so that we could behold his placid demeanor as Democrats made their pitch for[9] Dreamers and he recommended a 「bill of love.」 Within 48 hours, he was ranting about[10] 「shithole countries」 whose human effluvium[惡臭;臭氣] befouls[11] our shores.


[9]make a/sb』s pitch (for sth)(= try to persuade people to do something) (推銷宣傳 某事物)

He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.


[10]rant about: to talk or complain in a loud excited and rather confused way because you feel strongly about something 大聲激昂地說;怒氣沖沖地抱怨

She was still ranting about the unfairness of it all.


[11]befoul: to make dirty or foul; soil; defile 弄髒

The bird befouled its own nest.


Senator Chuck Schumer, the leader of his chamber』s Democratic minority, said that negotiating with Trump was like negotiating with Jell-O. Food-wise, he gave the president the benefit of the doubt. Trump is squishier[濕軟的;粘糊糊的], and far less innocuous[無害的;無冒犯之意的]. Negotiating with him must be like negotiating with sour cream.

參議員查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)是參議院民主黨少數黨領袖,他說和特朗普談判就像和Jell-O果凍談判一樣。從食物角度而言,這個比喻讓人把總統往好處想。特朗普比較容易擺布,而且非常無害。和他談判一定就像和酸奶油談判差不多。

On Tuesday night, Trump dwelled boastfully on[12] certain economic indicators — unemployment figures, the stock market — to portray America as a newly industrious land, dizzy with[13] sudden riches. But we Americans aren』t that dizzy: We still expect more from our country and president than a Dow above 25,000, and that』s why Trump』s approval rating is below 40 percent.


[12]dwell on: to think, speak, or write at length 細想; 詳述

Why do you keep dwelling on that matter?


[13]dizzy with: feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are looking down from a high place or because you are ill 頭暈目眩的

Ruth felt dizzy with relief.


He took starkly[徹底地;毫不掩飾地] partisan positions on regulations, gun rights, foreign aid, 「religious liberty」 and more, then dared to pretend that he was extending an 「open hand」 to Democrats. He did this serenely, no trace of the volcanic temper that his aides have come to fear.


There were howlers[愚蠢的錯誤; 低級錯誤] aplenty in his address. 「Americans love their country, and they deserve a government that shows them the same love and loyalty in return,」 he said. How does minimizing Russian interference in the 2016 election — and thwarting[14] the investigation into what happened — accomplish that?


[14]thwart: to prevent someone from doing what they are trying to do 阻撓,阻礙

Fierce opposition thwarted the government』s plans.


thwarted ambition


There were fictions galore[豐富;大量adj/adv]. 「For the last year,」 he asserted, 「we have sought to restore the bonds of trust between our citizens and their government.」 No. He, his brood, Steven Mnuchin, Louise Linton and Tom Price (remember him?) swanned around on the government』s dime[15], their self-promotion and self-celebration extraordinary even by Washington』s standards.

他的演講中還有大量胡編亂造。「去年,」他說,「我們試圖恢復公民與政府之間的信任關係。」不。他、他的家人,斯蒂文·努欽(Steven Mnuchin),露易絲·林頓(Louise Linton)和湯姆·普萊斯(Tom Price,還記得他嗎?)花著政府的錢到處閑逛,即使是華盛頓的標準,他們的自我炒作和自吹自擂也太過分了。

[15]dime: A dime is a U.S. coin worth ten cents. 10美分硬幣

The penny meters are slowly being replaced by electronic ones that take nickels, dimes, and quarters.


Trump on Tuesday night identified priorities: immigration reform, infrastructure. But we can』t trust his commitment to either, because he doesn』t know his own mind.


Whether the issue is health care, tax cuts or his beloved border wall, he holds several different positions simultaneously or in rapid succession, saying one thing at a microphone only to tweet something else entirely. His aides occasionally try to sell this as a master deal maker』s way of keeping everybody guessing, when it』s really an amateur policy maker』s way of revealing that he』s just bumbling around.


The distance between Trump when he』s controlled and Trump when he』s unbound makes a speech like Tuesday night』s an especially hollow charade[假樣子;啞謎猜字遊戲]. And the orchestrated[16] news in it can』t erase the messier developments beforehand, including the escalation of his assault on the F.B.I. and reports of his lawyers』 panic about his offer to be interviewed by the special counsel Robert Mueller. Jonathan Swan wrote in Axios that one of Trump』s intimates 「believes the president would be incapable of avoiding perjuring himself[作偽證;發假誓]. 『Trump doesn』t deal in reality,』 the source said. 『He creates his own reality.』 」

受控狀態下的特朗普和無拘無束的特朗普之間的差異,令周二晚上的演講顯得像是一個特別空洞的玩笑。而演講中精心安排的信息也無法消除之前已經更加混亂的事態發展,其中包括他對聯邦調查局的攻擊升級;以及據有關報道稱,他同意接受特別檢察官羅伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)的問詢,令他的律師們感到恐慌。喬納森·斯萬(Jonathan Swan)在Axios網站上寫道,特朗普的一位親友「相信總統屆時將無法避免自我傷害。」這一提供消息的人士還說:「特朗普不去處理現實,他創造自己的現實。」


1) V-T If you say that someone orchestrates an event or situation, you mean that they carefully organize it in a way that will produce the result that they want. 精心組織

The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail.


2) N-UNCOUNT 精心的安排

...his skilful orchestration of latent nationalist feeling.


His speech was such a creation, and to treat it any other way is to launder his entire political history and see a leader who has never been there.


I』m not that good at pretend.





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