
突破小詞第4彈 youre vs you


常常有童鞋說難以區分youre vs you這2個單詞, 那麼今天我們就帶大家專門訓練一下它們的辨析, 答案在最後.

通過短時間內在不同語境下去聽同一個單詞, 讓耳朵找到它的感覺~

聽不出來的可以放一放日後再聽, 加粗的表示尤其難的, 答案在最後

1 Kids, Im going to tell _____ an incredible story. the story of how I met your mother.

2 -Ted, say Im your best friend.

-_____my best friend, Barney.

3 -Hey, _____want to do something tonight?

-OK, meet me at the bar in 15 minutes,and suit up!

4 -Sorry, we thought_____asleep.

-Its physics, Marshal. If the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk moves, too.

5 -Are_____sure thats a good idea? after last time_____ looked really creepy without eyebrows.

-I can handle this. So think_____find Im full of surprise tonight.

6 -Actually I think its cute.

-Well, _____ clearly drunk. One more for the lady.

7 -Shell forget all about_____ . Mark my words,_____never see that one again.

-There she is!

8 -OK, where was I?

-_____ telling us how you met mom.

-and that excruciating detail.

9 _____know, ever since college its been Marshal and Lily and me. Theyll get married, start a family.

10 -Oh, honey, champagne! No,_____ too old to be scared to open a bottle of champagne.

-Im not scared.

11 -If only I knew her schedule I could arrange a chance encounter.

-Thats great, Ted. _____be the most casual stalker ever.

12 There are two big questions a man has to ask in life:one_____planned out for months, the other just slipps out when_____half drunk at some bar.

13 _____so right about the roof. The roof, the roof is on fire, Ted.

14 -I guess that just your best friends get engaged, _____ start thinking about that stuff.

-I thought I was your best friend.

15 -_____ right. There is no off switch. God, I wish there was an off switch.

16 -I cant watch this.

-Youre in such a bad mood. And I know why. Its because that man thought _____my father.

17 - So do _____ think youll ever get married?

-Well, maybe eventually

18 -That was pretty stupid of me, wasnt it?

-No, mi amor. It was brave. Right, Jay? Brave.

-W-Well,_____know better next time.

19 -There you are. We got a jumper, some crazy guy on the Manhattan Bridge.Come on. _____covering it.

-Alright, Ill be right there.

1 you

2 Youre

3 you

4 you were

5 you;you;youll

6 youre

7 you;youll

8 You were

9 You

10 youre

11 Youll

12 you ;youre

13 You were

14 you

15 You were

16 you were

17 you

18 youll

19 Youre



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