

quora:Why is it that alot of Chinese people dont feel oppressed by their regime?


quora.com 是美國版的知乎,匯聚了來自世界的精英學者、行業專家。這個網站上有一些關於中國的話題非常有趣,經常有一些外國小白問一些偏見滿滿又十分腦殘的問題——如本題,然後被網友們打臉甚至群毆的事情,比中宣部的戰鬥力大概高100的1000次方倍吧,呵呵,不說了,我得給克強同志打個電話先。


Ive known only a few Chinese people who were abroadfor study/work (expats excluded), and most of them didnt feel oppressed atall.

On the contrary, one in particular, was very happyabout it, and he felt that the government was a great help to the population.

How is that possible?

Edit (1 month and 33 answers later):

Thanks everybody for the answers. Some were morehelpful than others, of course, but thats how it goes.

Just one addendum: stop counselling me to come visitChina and see for myself unless you want to sponsor the trip for me, as I donthave the spare cash right now.










Lucas Karl Hahn

268 upvotes by Naiwei Li, Xun Wang, Shijia Wei, (more)

You have to look at it from their perspective.


China had a really bad 150-200 years until around the year 1980. Inthe mid-nineteenth century it experienced foreign occupation, a Taipingrebellion where millions died, and starvation, all at the same time. Then thedynasty collapsed in 1912, and China was carved up by warlords. The 1930s and1940s saw simultaneous civil war between the CCP and the KMT as well asJapanese occupation with the attendant war crimes (i.e. Rape of Nanking, massbeheadings). It then got unified under the Communist Party in 1949 and somehoped for a lasting peace but then the Communist Party became radicalized. Theresult was the Great Leap Forward, where some tens of millions starved to deathbecause of harebrained ideas such as making steel in your own backyard furnace.The 1960s and 1970s saw upheaval, power struggles and the Cultural Revolution.It quieted down a bit in 1980.


China then saw double-digit growth for 3 decades, bringing tens millions outof poverty. That is why authoritarianism is tolerated, because material needsare being fulfilled.


Think about their reference points. They probably dont compare their nation asmuch to other countries as they do to Chinas past. And right now things arentas bad as they were 50 or 100 years ago. Ronald Reagan asked the Americanvoters in 1980 "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" andproceeded to win the election against incumbent Carter, because the answer wasclearly "No." If the CCP were to ask the Chinese people "Are youbetter off than you were 40 years ago?" the answer would be a resounding"Yes!" (though there is some nostalgia for socialism).


These reference points make the current regime look good. The Chinesetolerate a strong central government because they fear the two evils of civilwar and foreign dominance.


Chinas economic growth cannot continue indefinitely at these rates. It willslow down, and see decades of slow growth. While a person who can remember 1970or 1980 or 1990 will see a huge difference between then and now,eventually ageneration of Chinese people will be born who have seen little change in theirmaterial status during their lifetimes. This will lead to impatience with theCCP and a greater assertiveness in demanding political reforms.


Once people reach a certain level of income, they will care about"postmaterial" needs such as good governance, a clean environment,the rule of law. So the current regime will be transformed either way:if growth continues the people will eventually want other things as well, andif it stagnates they lose their popular support.


Shijia Wei, Chinese learning more about China

436 upvotes by Domenico Matteo, Eric Pan, Roy Peng, (more)

Judging from your profile I guess you are German. TheGerman news is in particular critical of the PRC and the CPC and often portraysthem in a negative light. Even when there are some compliments, its usuallyfollowed by some criticizing remarks. The funny thing is, while Germanjournalism resents China for its CPC one-party system and governmentrestrictions on the press, German business is fond of China as a profitable newmarket, so the German politics is stuck somewhere in between.


Notice how all three parties are concerned with their own perspectives andstandpoints, but what about Chinese people who are actually living in China?The feeling is mixed. Many Chinese have seen their own situation improved frombeing poor to being well-off to affluent and seen Chinas internationalposition risen from the lowest pit to an important global player. They creditthis to the Chinese government and want them to keep on doing this goodwork.









P.s. 許多中國人確實不喜歡網路和媒體的限制,因為這些直接影響到了很多人。但僅靠這些是無法帶動anti政府潮流的。想一想「這一切都會過去的」,便會讓他們忘了這些不方便。




I visited China first in 2006 after listening to years of western commentary onalleged Chinese repression. In China I was able to walk anywhere and talk toanybody. I watched Chinese English language television and saw many opencriticisms of the Government on some programmes.


The Chinese government has brought 600 million people out of poverty and hungerand given them good housing, clothing and education. All this in three decades.Nothing as beneficial to humanity has happened in the history of the world.Its no surprise Chinese people support their government.


Edward Conway










Oliver Lee

13 upvotes by Joseph Boyle, Emmetxu Emmetxu, Ivan Cc, (more)

I was born in Countryside and both my father andmother are farmers. When I was 7 years old, we only have one Television coloredin black and white, one bicycle with huge size, a house without bathroom. Iwent to college and got a job after graduated. Now we have colored TV, Motorcycle, refrigerator, washing machine, we built a new house. Besides, I have abrother and a sister. Let the truth speaks, even through China did somethingwrong in the past, but have your countries ever did something good to us?


Vernon William Baumann

8 upvotes by Chengguang Liu, Graham Lyons, GwydionMadawc Williams, (more)



2. Eastern culture, as a whole, is far morecollectivist and hive-centred than western culture, which is predominatelyindividualistic. Chinese people are far more willing to make personal and othersacrifices for the sake of the greater whole, China and the Chinese government,in this case. So that alone makes them less likely to revolt against theirgovernment.


3. The Chinese economy is still the worlds fastestgrowing economy (I speak under correction). In tandem with this, the militaryand diplomatic might of the Chinese government is growing in leaps and bounds.In addition to the US and Russia, China is also the only other genuine playerin the space race.


The government is obviously doing a stellar job. Sowhy would you have a problem with a state like this, as a citizen? Rather, itwould engender pride as opposed to anything like revolt. Wouldnt you agree? Iwould be proud of a government like that, I assure you. I live in South Africa whereour president built a $20 million mansion at the tax payers expense and earnsthe worlds fourth largest salary as a political leader. And yet, together withBrazil, we are the country with the largest disparities between rich and poor.


So tell me, would you feel oppressed in a country likeChina ... if you were a Chinese citizen? I would feel only gratitude ... andpride...


4. The US has been policing and controlling the worldfor the last half a century. China is slowly moving into this position. I dontfear Chinese hegemony at all. I think the US did a terrible job as WorldPoliceman. I dont China could, in any way, do a worse job. So yeah, my twoYuans worth...

4. 美國在過去的半個世紀一直掌控著世界。中國正在逐漸抵達這個地位。我一點不害怕中國的霸權。我認為美國做世界警察做的很糟糕。我不認為中過會搞砸。好了,我這兩元值了。

William Emmanuel Yu, Chief Nerd.PHB and PHD.

7 upvotes by Greg Kemnitz, Adrian Ho, Kuan Kiat Chew, (more)

It is because we have a difference of values. The mostobvious one is freedom of speech and expression.


Folks outside of China value this freedom and consider it essential in modernsociety. We consider it unthinkable to not have it. However, the Chinese (andeven some other South East Asian countries) have made the trade-off to haveless freedom of speech and expression for societal security. This meansgenerations of Chinese didnt grow up with it and dont consider it essentialto everyday life. They simply dont put the same value on it as we do.


In their view, Freedom of speech just isnt as fundamental as food, water andshelter compared to us.


Tony Li 3 votes (show)

Put another way, the Chinese teach the concept of Harmony. This conceptis higher on their scale of importance than Freedom.


Lung Ko

If you had to let go just one thing among food, shelter, water, andfreedom of speech, which would you give up?


Jianguo Shi

In fact, the freedom of speech is only limited in some aspects.Comparing the online comments in China and the US, you will find the speech inChina is more open and bold, or freer.


Sean Bard

3 upvotes by Lin Lishi, Scott Hoversten,and Xu Xu.

For the most part, normal Chinese people tend not tocare or pay attention to politics as long as their life is getting better yearafter year.


Marshall Drew



Tim Durkin

11 upvotes by Domenico Matteo, Gary Raduziner, Joseph Boyle, (more)





Barry Thompson

4 upvotes by Naiwei Li, Graham Lyons, Lin Peng, (more)

Out of all the governments in the world Chinas ispretty successful. China has experience amazing growth and development and isvery, very stable. They have freedom! Sure they have problems, but show me acountry that doesnt. Democracy wont solve any of Chinas problems. All youllget is 5 minutes of people thinking this is great, then theyll soon realisethat they just got 1 or 2% more freedom in exchange for loosing any stabilitythey had and they can watch as the economy crashes. There are lots of democraciesout there with some serious problems, far greater than Chinas. But people inthe west stumble to think up of an excuse for them.

Another point Id like to make is that the actual day to day freedom differencebetween the west and China is nothing worth while noticing. The freedom in thewest is blown out of proportion. Often times its a trade off, between certainfreedoms. There are lots of things you can do in "unfree" countriesthat you cant do in "free" ones.



Joseph Schooling

1 upvote by Edward Conway.

Because they are not oppressed. Simple.


Shunki Kan

7 upvotes by Susan Wang, Qing Lian, Yaqian Wang, (more)

As a foreigner, I can image the majority of theChinese people you may know, they are students, or graduated students wholiving in a foreign country. They have ulmost no self-dependent livingexperiences in China. Some of them are offspring of Chinas elites and they arebeneficiaries of the current regime. I mean, how can they know the truedarkness of the Chinese society and how the poor Chinese people feel?


Warren Schenck

I dont feel oppressed by my regime and yet they areoppressing me. In the US. our government has been oppressive for all of its history.I still believe that it is wonderful to live here and I would never moveanywhere else. The Chinese believe the same thing about their own government.The Chinese know the government might not be perfect but their doing their bestfor the people.

The only criticism I have for the Chinese government is that when theineptitude of the system was displayed for the world to see. When faultyconstruction of schools caused thousands of children to die in the earthquake.The Government tried to cover it up rather than admit it made mistakes andwould commit to putting rules in place to make sure that things like this wouldnever occur again. You see at least here in the US. when mistakes are made theresponsible people are not always brought to justice but rules are put in placeto make it so that mistakes will not happen again.


Petr Misan, Investor, Scientist, AmateurPhilosop... (more)

The same reason Americans believe that their countryis democratic.

-- because of ideology.

跟美國人相信他們的國家是民主的同一個理由 —— 因為意識形態。


1 upvote by Joseph Boyle.

Likely because they are all educated to be patriots.Patriots never feel oppressions. Instead the harder the country treats them,the prouder they are, as they can feel the power of the country vividly..

Of course it works even better when people can have the pride without feelingthe pain, like Chinese people living abroad.






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