
[雙語]獵鷹重型火箭首射成功,SpaceX 下一步將做什麼

Whats Next For SpaceX After Falcon Heavys First Successful Launch?

獵鷹重型火箭首射成功,SpaceX 下一步將做什麼

12 February 2018, 6:45 am EST By Charmagne Nojas Tech Times

  • 作者:Charmagne Nojas
  • 翻譯:張士超
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Falcon Heavys successful launch opened a new chapter for SpaceX. Now that the bar has already been raised, it is concentrating in the development of an even bigger and more powerful spaceship.

獵鷹重型火箭的成功發射為 SapceX 打開了新的一頁。標準既已拔高,該公司現正致力於研發一台體積更大、荷載更強的航天器。

辭彙:1. raise the bar: to set a higher standard例句: new software that raises the bar for competitors存疑討論:1. powerful 譯為 荷載強2. spaceship 譯為 航天器

Known as the Big Falcon Rocket, the new vehicle outgrows its predecessors two-stage system. It completely minimizes the stage separation process by being the first single-stage rocket within the heavy-lift market.

新的航天器名為大型獵鷹火箭(Big Falcon Rocket),其前驅系列的兩級系統已不能再適應它的體型。它成為重型火箭市場唯一的單級火箭,將級間分離過程徹底簡化。

存疑討論:1. Big Falcon Rocet (BFR) 譯為 大型臘鷹火箭2. outgrow 譯為 因……而不再適用3. two-stage system 譯為 兩級系統

Specifically, the BFR is designed to conduct planetary entries on Mars and other planets that are yet to be fully explored, and to accomplish this purpose, it would need to survive heat shields and other harsh atmospheric conditions.

BFR 被特別設計用來登陸火星和其它有待深入探索的行星。為做到這一點,它必須能保證防熱罩不被摧毀,以及承受其他惡劣的大氣條件。

辭彙:1. heat shield: 熱屏蔽(尤指宇宙飛船頭錐及機翼前緣上的塗層,用於保護飛船,使其在重返地球大氣層時免受所產生的高溫傷害),抗熱塗層

Being a spaceship with a crew on board, flights are anticipated to be more challenging, but Elon Musk, the companys chief executive, announced in a press conference that it could be ready for experimental takeoffs as early as 2019.

作為載人航天器,飛行難度應當更大,而公司首席執行官伊隆·馬斯克在一次新聞發布會上稱,它在 2019 年就可能實現試驗試飛。

"There are a lot of uncertainties around this program, but it is going to be our focus," he said just after the Falcon Heavy was launched last Feb. 8.

獵鷹重型火箭在 2 月 8 日剛剛發射之後,伊隆·馬斯克就稱,「這一項目不確定之處很多,但這將成為我們的工作重心。」

SpaceXs team currently has their hands full with building the new crew capsule Dragon 2, as well as the Falcon 9 upgrade. Upon the completion of both projects, there would be nothing left to work on except for the BFR.

SpaceX 團隊正忙於製造新型載人龍飛船 2 號,以及對獵鷹 9 號進行升級。當兩個項目完成之後,就只剩下 BFR 的建造工作。

Falcon 9 And Falcon Heavy Updates

獵鷹 9 號與獵鷹重型火箭的升級

After its modification, the design and development of the Falcon 9 together with Falcon Heavy would finally reach completion.

在改裝完成之後,獵鷹 9 號與獵鷹重型火箭的設計與研發將最終結束。

存疑討論:1. modification 譯為 改裝2. development 譯為 研發

Musk claimed that his team has already gained a better understanding of reusable booster technology, allowing them to not just upgrade existing rockets but also to streamline the BFR for space exploration.

馬斯克稱其團隊已經對重用助推器技術有了更深入的理解,這使得他們不僅可以據此升級現有的火箭,同時可以優化 BFR 用於宇宙探索。

存疑討論:1. streamline 譯為 優化

With an improved booster, the reusable spaceships first test is taking off from the Earth and successfully re-entering its surface. After this, the BFR will then conduct the same test on the moon.

裝備改進的助推器,這架可重用的飛行器的首次試驗將是從地球起飛,並成功重回地球表面。之後,BFR 將在月球進行同樣的試驗。

These full-scale tests are coming much later, according to Musk. They are estimated to be conducted in the following three to four years. For the meantime, SpaceX continues to render services through the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy.

據馬斯克透露,這些完整試驗的時間會更晚,預計在三四年之後進行。現階段 SpaceX 繼續使用獵鷹 9 號與獵鷹重型火箭服役。

Big Falcon Rocket: A Megarocket Slash Spaceship

大型獵鷹火箭:超級火箭 + 宇宙飛船

As part of Musks vision to bring the human race to Mars, a report reveals that the BFR has specifications that would put it above all rockets ever created.

一份報道顯示,作為馬斯克將人類送到火星願景的一部分,BFR 的規格制定將使它成為有史以來最強的火箭。

Its spaceship component and launch system are designed to sit atop an enormous booster propelled by 31 Raptor engines. In comparison, the Falcon Heavy is only powered by 27 Merlin engines.

它的宇宙飛船部分與發射系統之下是一個龐大的助推器,由 31 個猛禽發動機推動。相比之下,獵鷹重型火箭只用了 27 個灰背隼(Merlin)發動機。

存疑討論:1. Merlin engine 譯為 灰背隼發動機

SpaceXs BFR is rising at a height of 348 feet with a capability of launching 150 tons of payload into low-Earth orbit.

SpaceX 的 BFR 高達 348 英尺(約 106 米),可將 150 噸的載荷送入低地軌道。



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