2/5 【歷史上的今天】必知的歷史人物之Roger Williams


When: Feb 5, 1631

What: Roger Williams arrived in Boston from England.

Why significant: Roger Williams is a Puritan and the founder of Rhode Island.

Williams worked as a teacher before serving briefly as a colorful pastor at Plymouth and then at Salem. Within a few years of his arrival, he was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for speaking out against the right of civil authorities to punish religious dissension and to confiscate Indian land. Williams left and established a settlement at the present-day Rhode Island, and declared the settlement open to all those seeking freedom of conscience and the removal of the church from civil matters. Many dissatisfied Puritans came, including Anne Hutchinson, another famous religious dissenter in Puritan New England who was also exiled from Massachusetts. Williams named the community 「Providence,」 as he thought the success of the settlement was a sign from God. In Providence, Roger Williams also founded the first Baptist church in America and edited the first dictionary of Native American languages.

Tags: Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, early settlers, Rhode Island, colonial history




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