2/3 【美國歷史上的今天】林肯終於等到了今天


When: Feb 3, 1865

What: Hampton Roads Conference was held today. President Abraham Lincoln met with a delegation of Confederate officials to discuss terms to end the American Civil War. However, Lincoln refused to grant the delegation any concessions.

Why significant: At the time, the situation was becoming progressively worse for the Confederates. Hence they wanted to explore a possible armistice with the Union.

At the meeting, the representatives of both sides discussed a possible alliance against France, the possible terms of surrender, the question of whether slavery might persist after the war, and the question of whether the South would be compensated for property lost through emancipation.

However, the delegation of the Confederates underestimated Lincoln』s resolve to make the end of slavery a necessary condition for any peace. Lincoln declared that the only way to end the war was 「for those who were resisting the laws of the Union to cease that resistance.」

The Union was also in such an advantageous position that Lincoln did not need to concede any issues to the Confederates. Lincoln insisted on immediate reunification and the laying down of Confederate arms before anything else was discussed. Basically, Lincoln was offering little except the unconditional surrender of the South.

Ultimately, the only concrete agreement reached was over prisoner-of-war exchanges. The conference ended within hours, and the delegation of the Confederates left with no concession. The war went on for more than two months.

Tags: American Civil War, Hampton Roads Conference, President Abraham Lincoln




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