1/30 【美國歷史上的今天】第一部憲制性文件,建立了「獨立但不統一」的美國


When: Jan 30, 1781

What: Maryland became the 13th and last state to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

Why significant: Virginia was the only state to ratify the Articles by the 1778 deadline. Most states wished to place conditions on ratification, which Congress refused to accept. Ten further states ratified during the summer of 1778, but small states with big neighbors and no land claims - Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland - still refused. Maryland held out the longest, only ratifying the Articles after Virginia relinquished its claims on land north of the Ohio River to Congress. On March 1, 1781, the Articles were entered into force and the United States of America came into being as a sovereign federal state.

The problematic Articles of Confederation remained the law of the land for only eight years before the Constitutional Convention rejected them in favor of a new, more centralized form of federal government. They crafted the current U.S. Constitution, which took effect in 1789, giving the federal government greater authority over the states and creating a bicameral legislature.

Tags: American Revolution, Constitution, Articles of Confederation



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