
Competent computers still cannot comprehend


few weeks ago I went to the Imperial War Museum

in London to watch an artificial intelligence program attempt to crack

the mindbendingly complex Enigma code used by the Germans during the

second world war. It did so in 12 minutes and 50

seconds.數周前,我去了倫敦的帝國戰爭博物館(Imperial War


Having already

machine read some German language training data from Grimm』s Fairy

Tales, the AI program crunched through billions of permutations

generated by the four-rotor Enigma machine sifting combinations of

letters for their 「Germanness」.在機器閱讀了來自《格林童話》(Grimm』s Fairy Tales)的一些德文培訓數據後,人工智慧程序分析了由四個轉子的英格瑪機器生成的數十億個排列組合,在海量字母組合中尋找德文語句。

A challenge

that had occupied some of Britain』s most brilliant mathematical minds at

Bletchley Park for many months and at enormous cost was solved by a

modern AI program in a few minutes for only £10. The program, developed

by the data analytics company Enigma Pattern and boosted by 2,000

virtual servers, was able to check an astonishing 41m combinations a




Simon Singh,

the science writer and author of The Code Book, said the

Enigma code was considered all but unbreakable in its day. 「It is a

tough, tough code to break. It was long thought to be an impossible

challenge,」 he said at the event.科學作家、《密碼故事》(The Code



此次演示是一個聰明的宣傳噱頭,展示了人工智慧與強大計算能力相結合之後快速增長的能力。但是,它也進一步證明了布萊切利公園的密碼破譯天才阿蘭?圖靈(Alan Turing)的早期直覺,即計算機可以在不理解的情況下展現出強大勝任能力。The

demonstration was a smart publicity stunt to show off the fast-growing

capabilities of AI when combined with massive computing power. But it

also came as further proof of the early intuition of Alan Turing, the

genius codebreaker of Bletchley Park, that computers can exhibit

competence without comprehension.

人工智慧程序沒有意識到它正在試圖破解德國的密碼機,甚至不知道那些德文單詞的含義。相反,它將模式識別技術與蠻力計算相結合,產生一個基於概率的解決方案。機器智能即使在沒有完全理解問題的情況下,也能提供正確的答案。The AI program

had no conception that it was trying to crack a German cipher machine,

nor even what the German words meant. Rather, it was combining pattern

recognition technology and brute force computing to produce a

probabilistic solution. Machine intelligence can provide the right

answer even when it does not fully understand the question.



phenomenon is spreading to an ever-widening range of human activities

from playing games, such as chess and Go, to reading legal documents,

interpreting radiology scans and driving cars. Computers do not

comprehend what tasks they are performing even as they perform them more

efficiently than humans.

計算機智能的勝任能力範圍不斷擴大,引發了許多棘手問題,癥結在於當機器幾乎能做所有事情時會發生什麼?這個難題已經催生了一大堆論述在人工智慧時代身為人類將意味著什麼的圖書。The expanding

competence of computer intelligence raises many ticklish questions about

what will happen when machines can do almost everything. That dilemma

has already spawned a shelf load of books about what it will mean to be

human in the age of AI.

但是,英格瑪故事的一個不那麼為人所知的方面突顯出,人類與機器之間仍然存在著顯著差異——即使這段插曲折射出的人性並不特別光彩。But one

lesser-known aspect of the Enigma story highlights a significant

difference that remains between man and machine — even if this episode

does not reflect particularly well on humans.

據辛格透露,戰爭結束後,英國當局沒有公開他們已經破譯了英格瑪密碼這個事實,反而維持它不可破譯的假象。這種欺騙讓他們能夠把一些繳獲的英格瑪機器賣給友好國家的政府,讓英國人能夠截獲他們最敏感的通信內容。According to

Mr Singh, even after the war the British authorities kept secret the

fact that they had cracked the Enigma code, maintaining the pretence

that it was unbreakable. That deceit enabled them to sell some of the

captured Enigma machines to friendly governments, allowing the British

to spy on their most sensitive communications.

很難想像計算機會設計這樣一個狡猾的策略。說謊是一件複雜的事情,涉及到對意圖的掩飾、對情境和人類心理的理解,以及讓真假兩種現實並存。英國人的背信顯然是一種高度稀少的智力。It is hard to

imagine a computer could ever devise such a devious strategy. Lying is a

complicated business involving the masking of intention, an

understanding of context and human psychology, and the coexistence of

two versions of reality, one true, one false. British perfidy is clearly

a highly rarefied form of intelligence.



Machina)中,一個類人機器人接受了圖靈測試(Turing test,圖靈設計的旨在判斷機器能否思考的試驗——譯者注),後果令人不寒而慄。As the Russian

poet Joseph Brodsky once wrote, the real history of consciousness

begins with our first lie. It remains an interesting question whether a

computer will ever consciously be able to deceive humans. If, and when,

it ever does, we dim humans may be in serious trouble. The consequences

have been chillingly explored in the 2015 film Ex Machina, in which a

humanoid robot takes the Turing test.


Tegmark)在其著作《生命3.0:人工智慧時代的人類》(Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of



his book Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,

Max Tegmark

highlights the distinction philosophers draw between the Latin concepts

of sapience (the ability to think intelligently) and sentience (the

ability to appreciate subjective experiences).

這位麻省理工學院(MIT)的物理學教授認為,在本世紀的某個時候,電子智能可能會超越人類智慧,挑戰我們自稱為地球上最聰明的物種「智人」(Homo sapiens)的主張。

At some point

this century, the MIT physics professor contends, electronic

intelligence may well supersede human intelligence, challenging our

claim to be Homo sapiens, the smartest entity on the planet.

但獲得電子意識(這讓它們能夠理解意思)將是一個更為重要的事件——如果真能實現的話。他提出,如果人類想要延長自己的例外主義,那麼也許是時候把我們重新標榜為「意識人」(Homo sentiens)了。But acquiring

electronic consciousness, which enables meaning, will be an even more

important event, if it ever happens. If we humans wish to extend our

exceptionalism, he suggests, then maybe it is the moment to rebrand

ourselves as Homo sentiens.


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