你如何看待新浪微博限制上限 140 字的的做法?



Twitter 的創始人設定每一條 tweet 的字元數為140,因為手機簡訊(手機信號)的限制是160字元,創始人空出20個字元顯示用戶名,於是剩下的140便成為了發言字數的封頂。沒有什麼特別神秘的原因。

也許新浪微博就這樣沿用了吧,因為這的確是個 reasonable 的極限——但僅僅對英語來說。對於中文來說,說實話,多了點。


Daily chart: Lost (or gained) in translation


「Chinese is so succinct that most messages never reach that limit.」

Twitter creator Jack Dorsey illuminates the sites founding document. Part I

It was really SMS that inspired the further direction -- the particular constraint of 140 characters was kind of borrowed. You have a natural constraint with the couriers when you update your location or with IM when you update your status. But SMS allowed this other constraint, where most basic phones are limited to 160 characters before they split the messages. So in order to minimize the hassle and thinking around receiving a message, we wanted to make sure that we were not splitting any messages. So we took 20 characters for the user name, and left 140 for the content. That』s where it all came from.

至於為什麼 SMS 當初是160字:(維基百科)

Short Message Service

Based on his personal observations and on analysis of the typical lengths of postcard and Telex messages, Hillebrand argued that 160 characters was sufficient to express most messages succinctly.





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