Android 的 synthetic back stack 是好設計嗎?

在Android 4.0之前,如果在app A中點擊通知進入app B,按返回鍵會回到app A。這比較符合通知的使用場景:處理任務 - 中斷當前任務處理通知 - 繼續處理當前任務。

而Android 4.1引入了synthetic back stack。從這個版本開始,點擊通知進入Google的 app(及其它使用了該API的app),按返回鍵會在app B內向上導航,最終回到桌面。如果想直接回到app A,必須通過多任務按鈕。

Android 4.1 APIs

Note: When the user enters a deep activity in your app and it creates a new task for your app, the system actually inserts the stack of parent activities into the task. As such, pressing the Back button also navigates back through the stack of parent activities.

Navigation with Back and Up

Navigation into Your App via Home Screen Widgets and Notifications

You can use Home screen widgets or notifications to help your users navigate directly to screens deep within your apps hierarchy. For example, Gmails Inbox widget and new message notification can both bypass the Inbox screen, taking the user directly to a conversation view.

For both of these cases, handle the Up button as follows:

  • If the destination screen is typically reached from one particular screen within your app, Up should navigate to that screen.
  • Otherwise, Up should navigate to the topmost ("Home") screen of your app.

In the case of the Back button, you should make navigation more predictable by inserting into the tasks back stack the complete upward navigation path to the apps topmost screen. This allows users whove forgotten how they entered your app to navigate to the apps topmost screen before exiting.

As an example, Gmails Home screen widget has a button for diving directly to its compose screen. Up or Back from the compose screen would take the user to the Inbox, and from there the Back button continues to Home.


1. 相對於前述使用場景,「處理通知時需要轉到app B的上級頁面」頻率較低,為什麼要為它而使常見場景的操作變繁瑣?

2. 既然"up"和"back"導航可以不一致,是否可以讓"up"負責轉到上級頁面,而保持"back"回到被通知打斷的app這一行為?




In almost all situations, the system maintains a back stack of activities while the user navigates your application. This allows the system to properly navigate backward when the user presses the Back button. However, there are a few cases in which your app should manually specify the Back behavior in order to provide the best user experience.

Navigation patterns that require you to manually specify the Back behavior include:

  • When the user enters a deep-level activity directly from a notification, an app widget, or the navigation drawer.
  • Certain cases in which the user navigates between fragments.
  • When the user navigates web pages in a WebView.



1.Specify parent activities in the manifest

Beginning in Android 4.1 (API level 16), you can declare the logical parent of each activity by specifying the android:parentActivityName attribute in the & element. This allows the system to facilitate navigation patterns because it can determine the logical Back or Up navigation path with this information.

If your app supports Android 4.0 and lower, include the Support Library with your app and add a &element inside the &. Then specify the parent activity as the value for, matching the android:parentActivityName attribute.




2.Create back stack when starting the activity

Adding activities to the back stack begins upon the event that takes the user into your app. That is, instead of calling startActivity(), use the TaskStackBuilder APIs to define each activity that should be placed into a new back stack. Then begin the target activity by calling startActivities(), or create the appropriate PendingIntent by calling getPendingIntent().

For example, when a notification takes the user to an activity deep in your app hierarchy, you can use this code to create a PendingIntent that starts an activity and inserts a new back stack into the target task:


// Intent for the activity to open when user selects the notification
Intent detailsIntent = new Intent(this, DetailsActivity.class);

// Use TaskStackBuilder to build the back stack and get the PendingIntent
PendingIntent pendingIntent =
// add all of DetailsActivitys parents to the stack,
// followed by DetailsActivity itself
.getPendingIntent(0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);





既成事實角度來講,這兩種行為確實也帶來了一些用戶的困惑,這裡也有一部分原因是Android 4.0之前沒有去區分,用戶已經習慣了只有「Back」的一種行為。




1. 界面左上角的hierarchical back:點擊會返回至當前應用的上一層級。

2. Hard key中的historical back:點擊回到上一個界面。





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