Practice Your Right to Vote for Our Better University

Leon Zhang and partner Alan Zheng is running for the Governing Council at the University ofToronto. All undergraduate students at Art & Science and UTM,UTSU can vote in. Each student can votes two candidiates and within half a minute. Our partner in the Engineering is Litos and Engineering students can vote for him ~

The voting link is:

Leon Zhang


I am Leon Zhang, a third-year student in Rotman Commerce completing a specialist in Finance & Economics. My deep love for our university campus sparkles my passion to strike for the better university; my strong identity of our student community motivates my devotion to fight for change.

I love reading politics and history. I am a popular columnist and key opinion leader writing commentaries on various platforms. My articles have successfully gained thousands of followers on Zhihu.

Besides holding a position as Campus Correspondent (Journalist) for College Daily, I also serve as a Mandarin lecturer and tutor for our students.

Having played the main role in drama The Island presented by 881 Drama Club, I am currently working as the Director of Public Relation in the club.




The Governing Council is one of the most significant decision-making bodies in our school. In the past couple years, however, our students have had low turnout rates in our elections.

You have yet to realize that your vote counts. You have yet to realize how great your vote can benefit yourself. You have yet to realize how great your vote can change.

I hope, through my campaign, every one of us will come to a realization that we can engage in the governance of our university; our voice will be heard our university, and we are the true owner of our university.



Election of Governing Council in the University of Toronto is fair and equal for everyone.

In process of vote counting, there was absolutely NO possibility of black-box operation or royal appointment in the past. Transparency and fairness will be continued.

Right now, as long as you vote, you will get your returns; as long as you practice your right to vote, WE WILL BECOME THE TRUE OWNERS OF OUR SCHOOL.


This is the famous line of Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln of the United States.

Are YOU, willing to bring this value to U of T, with me?


I hope, through my campaign, We can tell the University of Toronto:


Starting off from our candidates, we pave our way and say:

We are united. We are not silent.

We have voice. We have power.

Our voice and power are greatly beyond people』s imagination.


As a student representative,

I will vote against all unreasonable drafts, bills, and decisions that are not for the best of our students:

I vote AGAINST tuition fee rise unless it is based on CPI or other appropriate reasons or standards, for example.Through pushing U of T administration increasing their spending on undergraduate education, I will Improve the experience for both domestic and international undergraduate students. I will devote my effort on:

Mental health assistance program to improve our psychological strengthen

Support program to help international students integrate into our community. More internship and co-op opportunities to build up our resume

I will eliminate unreasonable rules that the administration imposes. Remove late withdrawals on academic record

Remove mandatory Meal Plans and allow options

Restore international wire of tuition and fees

Voters have been complaining that due to the recent cease of accepting international wire by the U of T, every international student LOSES MORE THAN A THOUSAND DOLLARS to pay the $50,000 tuition with Western Union.

Why should we bear the losses when we can spend that one thousand dollars on an iPhone X, an Alienware, or a bundle of Yves Saint Laurent lipsticks?

If I am elected, I will fix this problem immediately.

「Whatever the People Desire, Always in my Heart」

I can represent our students and make a contribution. Even just a small step forward, I will push it with my greatest effort. Thank you very much.

Non sibi sed patri?

The gate of the Governing Council was engraved with this line:

「Non sibi sed patri?」

The plain common Latin phrase is, however, magically powerful to us.

Especially for me, it is the quote of my Facebook and other social media accounts,

Because it means:

「Not for self, but for our home and native land」

University is our home. We are an organic community.

I will fight for the change of our university;

And serve our community for the best of our future.

  • The one who changes the UofT
  • Who is so powerful,That s/he can change the U of T?
  • The answer is YOU.

  • Every member of our U of T community who vote.

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right.

Don』t be silent and hide.

If you want your rights,

GO VOTE! Not for me, but for YOURSELF, for your university, and your rights.

United, we are strong,

Divided, we will fall.

Alan Zheng

As Chinese students, our position and view are becoming more and more important in university. However, Chinese students are stills facing problems like having important exams during the spring festival, or lack of mental health care in university. There are several problems that need to fixed by someone, someone can represent Chinese students and fight for Chinese students benefit in Governing Council.

Im Alan Zheng, I was born and raised in Beijing, he also lived in Hong Kong for a long time. After 2012, I joined U.S. Army Junior R.O.T.C., I was deployed in California 8th brigade and finished my high school degree during officer training. After graduate, I received Cadet Lieutenants rank. I then moved to Canada and study in U of T, majoring in International Relations and East Asian Studies. Im currently a Royal Canadian Military Institute member, Hart House sponsored Global Citizen Dialogue researcher and speaker. But most importantly, Im a UTCSSA member. In 2016, I helped held two CSSAs new student meeting (Beijing and Toronto) and the 2018 Spring Festival Gala. I also helped large number of new Chinese students to solve their problems about university.

Now, Im ready to fight for Chinese students rights on the table of Governing Council. Now all I need, is your vote. I ensure you, that your vote will means a lot to Chinese students life in U of T. Vote for Alan, vote for a better U of T.


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