


This survey of clinicians was conducted with a written questionnaire and supported by face-to-face interviews with respondents who claimed to have prescribed minoxidil topical solution for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in patients less than 18 years of age. Data were collected from 84 clinicians who had treated a total of 448 patients between the ages of 10 and 18 years.

The majority of the patients were male (76%); 24% were female. The mean ages of the patients at initiation of minoxidil topical solution treatment for their hair loss were 15.8 and 15.2 years, in males and females, respectively. In the males, 38% had frontal hair loss, 21% had vertex hair loss, and 40% had both frontal and vertex involvement. The mean duration of MTS treatment was 17.4 and 19.2 months, in males and females, respectively. Sixty-seven percent of males and 63% of females are currently still undergoing treatment for androgenetic alopecia with minoxidil topical solution.

For patients whom the response to treatment was known, 55% of males and 51% of females showed an improvement in scalp coverage or reduced hair loss; 40% of males and 44% of females showed no change. Overall, only 5% of the patients had worsening of their hair loss. Very few patients (6% overall) reported adverse reactions that were related to MTS treatment (mostly itching or mild irritation).

This study shows that there is a population of patients (ie, less than 18 years of age) who are being treated off-label with minoxidil topical solution. Furthermore, the results suggest that minoxidil topical solution use in patients less than 18 years of age has been effective, safe, and well-tolerated.









TAG:脫髮 | 女性脫髮 | 脂溢性脫髮 |