
估計今天考完試,大家都懵了~這次的題目的問法是特別特別少見的問法,雖然也能繼續用我正常的套路去走,但估計沒練習過的同學碰到了就會比較囧一點,而且吧,主要是這道題目是2008年的老題目,那些什麼預測機構要是有臉說預測中了那也真是bull shit~


Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?


  1. 家庭的教育開支不得不變大,經濟壓力就大了啊
  2. 青少年一多,父母管不過來,容易出現一些青少年的犯罪問題


  1. 等著這幫人長大畢業,那時候的就業壓力可就大了啊


Some countries have witnessed a rise in the proportion of the population under the age of 15. This essay will examine its current and future effects on those countries.

To begin with, a rising proportion of the young population will bring a greater economic burden on families. It is acknowledged that education, especially when parents want to offer their children high-quality education, will cost parents a large amount of money. The increasing proportion of youngsters means that parents need to spend more money on education. As a result, families may not have the budget to improve other aspects of their life.

In addition, juvenile delinquency may become a societal issue. When there are more children in a family, parents may face the challenge of balancing work and family. Since many children and teenagers are not able to distinguish what is and is not appropriate, without guidance of parents, they may be misled by some designing people and even break the law unconsciously. Especially for children from impoverished families, they are likely to earn money through some illegal ways, such as stealing, and it will affect social stability to some degree.

As for its future effect, when these youngsters grow up, they will face severe competition. It is acknowledged that employers will choose to hire excellent candidates through some tests. However, if the number of candidates increases rapidly, it means that youngsters need to defeat more competitors to be recruited by employers. Inevitably, there will be numerous graduates who fail to secure employment. Then, a higher unemployment rate will also contribute to social instability.

To sum up, the current effects of a higher percent of youngsters in some countries include a greater economic burden on families and a possibly increasing rate of juvenile delinquency. In the future, a higher unemployment rate may arise from this trend, and it will also disrupt social order to some extent.



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