英語寫作:英文簡歷呈現溝通策略!English Writing: Even For Your CV, A Communications Strategy!
English Writing: Even For Your CV, A Communications Strategy!
By Michael J. Jordan
BEIJING – For every single form of writing, I apply my MJ Method. Not just when I』m sharing skills in how to actually write better. But for every form of Communications, too. Including, how to prepare for an interview; or how to introduce yourself; or how to write more effective emails.
Then today, I read a Chinese request for advice on how to write, in English, a resume – also known as a CV, or Curriculum Vitae. Here』s the strategy I offer.
Other professionals may provide you CV guidance from a How-Business-Is-Done perspective. But from my Communications approach, I encourage you to view your CV as another form of Strategic Communications and Persuasive Messaging.
This one, though, is vitally important: If you apply for a job, especially online, your CV is presumably the very FIRST thing the employer reads about you – and learns about you. As we say in America: 「You never get a second chance to make a first impression.」
我想建議一個策略。 其他專業人員可能會從「如何運作」的角度為您提供簡歷建議。 我提供的是一種溝通方式。 作為另一種形式的戰略溝通和有說服力的信息,我鼓勵你查看你的簡歷(也被稱為「CV」)。 我已經就如何準備面試給出過類似的指導; 例如如何介紹自己; 如何寫更有效的電子郵件; 一般來說,如果寫得更好會有更多的機會。然而,隨著你的簡歷,這更加重要:如果你申請一份工作,尤其是在網上申請,你的簡歷大概是僱主讀到你的第一件事 - 並且經由簡歷了解你。 正如我們在美國所說的那樣:「你永遠不會有第二次機會給第一印象。」
So, what exactly WILL this employer learn about you? Even starting from the top of your CV? What messages about yourself are you delivering, directly to their brain? If you look at your CV right now, as it currently stands, analyze: Which signals am I sending? And why those?
Now, let』s improve on it, with a pro-active strategy: Which messages do we WANT to deliver about ourselves? And why exactly do we want to deliver THOSE? In fact, let』s imagine: If the employer (realistically) will only remember ONE thing about you, and if you only have ONE chance to let them know that ONE thing about you – what MUST they know about you? And why exactly would THAT convince them you』re a leading, or IDEAL, candidate for the job?
現在,讓我們改進一下,採取積極主動的策略:我們想要傳遞什麼信息? 為什麼我們要提供這些? 事實上,讓我們想像一下:如果僱主(實際上)只記得一件關於你的事情,如果你只有一次機會讓他們知道關於你的一件事 - 有什麼事是你必須讓他們知道的? 那麼為什麼這個信息會說服他們讓你成為這個職位的主要候選人?
Here』s my four-step method for how to think through your overall messaging strategy:
1) WHO EXACTLY is my audience? What kind of employer? Seeking what kind of candidate? With what kind of skills, experience, knowledge, etc.? Why do they seek such a candidate?
1)誰是我的觀眾? 什麼樣的僱主? 尋求什麼樣的候選人? 有什麼樣的技能,經驗,知識等? 他們為什麼要找這樣的候選人?
2) WHAT EXACTLY do I want to say about myself? What messages do I want to deliver, directly to the reader』s brain? What exactly do I want to show or share about myself?
2)我想如何展現我自己? 我想直接傳遞給讀者的大腦什麼信息? 我想要展示我自己的究竟是什麼?
3) WHY EXACTLY do I want to say this about myself? Why exactly do I want to deliver this message, or send these signals? Why exactly do I want to show or share THIS information?
3)我為什麼要這樣展現我自己? 為什麼我要發送這個消息,或發送這些信號? 為什麼我要顯示或分享這些信息?
4) HOW EXACTLY do I want to say this? How exactly do I deliver this message? By highlighting which skills, experiences, knowledge? Why exactly THOSE skills, experiences, or that knowledge? With which EVIDENCE can I prove I possess such skills, experiences, knowledge?
4)我真的想說這個嗎? 我如何傳達這個信息? 通過強調哪些技能,經驗,知識? 為什麼這些技能,經驗或知識? 我能憑藉哪種證據證明自己擁有這樣的技能,經驗和知識?
Of these four steps, the third is the most difficult. That』s your core argument, which forces you to justify and defend your decisions: what to include in the CV, why, what to exclude, why, and so on. So, how to identify what SHOULD be your core message(s)? Here』s my one-sentence filter for you: 「This employer must learn these things about me, because …」 WHY? Go ahead, finish that sentence! Make your case – to convince YOURSELF, first.
在這四個步驟中,第三個是最困難的。 這是你的核心論點,這迫使你辯護和捍衛你的決定:什麼包括在簡歷里,為什麼?什麼被排除了,為什麼?等等。 那麼,如何確定哪些應該是你的核心信息呢? 下面是我對你的一句話過濾器:「這個僱主必須了解到關於我的這些事情,因為......」為什麼? 來吧,完成那句話! 讓你的情況 - 先說服你自己。
The fourth step is also critical: for you to convince them that you mean what you say, or can actually do what you promise. And you』re not exaggerating, or even lying. But be careful not to only offer empty words. If possible, you should SHOW them, not just TELL them.
第四步也是至關重要的:你要讓他們明白你知道你在說什麼,實際上可以做到你所說的。 而且你不誇張,更沒有說謊。 但要你也要小心,別只提供空話。 如果可能的話,你應該提供證據給他們,不只告訴了他們。
For example, in my own CV, or when applying to any job: When I say I can write, I include hyperlinks to my published writing; when I say I can teach, I include hyperlinks to evidence of my actual teaching; when I say I can consult, I include hyperlinks to evidence of the Communications trainings and 「products」 I』ve produced. And so on.
例如,在我自己的簡歷中,或在申請任何工作時:當我說我可以寫作,我提供超鏈接到我發表的文章; 當我說我可以教學,我提供超鏈接到我的實際教學的證據; 當我說我可以提供諮詢的時候,我將我做通訊培訓和我創造的項目」的各種證據超鏈接包括在其中。 等等。
One reason I love this entire strategic-messaging process is because it helps me organize what are often my disorganized thoughts. If I take the time to think it through, not only does it clarify my focus – with an air-tight, bullet-proof argument – but it builds my self-confidence and readies me to make that argument, via CV, email exchange, interview, or anything else.
如果我花時間好好思考一下,不僅可以明確我的注意力,而且還可以通過嚴密的論證來增強我的自信心,使我能夠通過簡歷,電子郵件交換, 面試或其他任何事情。
I hope this strategy can help you, too! ... Michael
我希望這個策略也能幫助你! 邁克爾
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