MWRP讀物推介|少年尋寶記The Young Treasure Hunter

《少年尋寶記》(The Young Treasure Hunter)是「百萬英語閱讀計劃」MWRP叢書——英漢對照中級英語系列讀物第II輯之11,適合已掌握1500基本英語辭彙量(相當於初中畢業)的英語學習者閱讀。




原書作者是弗蘭克·V·韋伯斯特(Frank V. Webster)是美國20世紀初著名兒童文學作家,先後出版兒童讀物20多本。原書出版於1909年。




1. 關於可讀性:這是根據美國Rudolf Flesch博士的統計方法計算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗萊士易讀度),計算根據是句子的字數和100個字內音節個數等,數值在0和100之間,數目越大,文章越容易讀。

2. 1500基本辭彙外的單詞不包括由這些詞構成的合成詞 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生詞 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 專有名詞(人名地名)或由專有名詞派生的辭彙以及感嘆詞不計入生詞。

4. 1500詞外詞數(生詞數)包含重複詞數。比如一個單詞以不同形式出現3次,則按3次統計。

5. 在1500詞外詞條數中,重複的單詞或者一個單詞的不同形式統計為1次。

6. 正文每一千字處都有字數標誌,便於讀者掌握閱讀進度。

7. 1500基本辭彙外的詞在原文部分用粗體顯示,譯文部分用深色粗體,由於翻譯的緣故,兩部分的詞性和意義並不完全對應,僅供參考。

8. 本系列讀物的前三本生詞全部標註,以後只標註兩次,出現兩次以後生詞就不再標註。


The Young Treasure Hunter


Chapter 1. Seeking a Job

第一章 找工作

「How are you feeling this morning, father?」 asked Fred Stanley as his father came slowly into the dining-room, leaning heavily on a crutch.


「Not so well, Fred. My leg hurt badly last night, and I did not sleep much. You are up early, aren』t you?」


「Yes. I am going over to the new diggings and see if I can』t get a job.」


「Where are the new diggings, Fred? I hadn』t heard of any.」


「Near Cartersville. They』ve formed a settlement and called it New Strike. I heard they wanted boys to drive the ore carts, and I thought I』d go over and try for a place.」


「It』s too bad you have had to stop school, Fred, and go to work. If I wasn』t crippled I could make lots of money at mining.」


「Never mind, father. When you get well again, you』ll make more than ever. And I don』t mind giving up school--very much.」


Fred added the last words in a lower voice, for he greatly liked his studies. But when he was needed at home he did not complain.


Norman Stanley, Fred』s father, had been injured in a mining accident about six months before. Though he was better now, he could not walk without a crutch. The doctor said he would get entirely well, but it seemed very slow, and sometimes Mr. Stanley was almost discouraged.


The Stanley family, of which Fred was the only child, lived in the town of Piddock, California. It was not far from a mining area, and within a short distance of the coast. Mr. Stanley had been well off when he was able to work. But because of his accident, his savings had been used up. Fred made small sums by doing odd jobs here and there. Mrs. Stanley took in sewing, and they just managed to get along.


「Well, Fred,」 went on Mr. Stanley, 「I hope some day I can send you back to school, and perhaps to college. If only my leg would get better,」 and he let out a sigh.


「Don』t worry, father. We』ll get along somehow,」 said the boy.


「Your mother is not up yet, Fred,」 said Mr. Stanley. 「She was sewing quite late last night, and I told her to take a rest this morning. I thought maybe you and I could get our own breakfast.」


「Of course we can, dad.」


While father and son were getting their breakfast, Mrs. Stanley came downstairs. She was a little woman with slightly gray hair, but a sweet face and kindly, laughing blue eyes.


「Well!」 she cried. 「You』re ahead of me this morning, aren』t you?」


「I thought you would like to rest a bit,」 said her husband. 「That is why I did not call you.」


「Oh, I』m not so tired. I slept well, and I wanted to be up early and get Fred』s breakfast. Do you feel any better this morning, Norman?」 asked Mrs. Stanley.


「Not much. Perhaps a little. It is very slow.」


Tears came into the eyes of Mrs. Stanley, but she turned her head away so he would not see them.


The little family gathered around the table, and Mr. Stanley told Fred something of how to drive an ore cart.


「Perhaps I』ll not get a chance at one, dad.」


「Oh, yes, you will. If you see any old miners there, at the new diggings, just mention my name, and they』ll help you. They all know me, and I have helped lots of them. Yes, and some of them have helped me.」


The meal was soon over. And, with a small package of bread and bacon, and a piece of pie, saved from the day before, Fred Stanley started off to look for work.


It was about eight miles from Piddock, where Fred lived, to New Strike, over the mountains. It was a hard journey, but the boy set off on it with a light heart. He was hopeful of getting a job, and he knew that if he did, there would be more happiness at home.


As Fred made a turn in the road, he saw, just ahead of him, an old man, riding on a small donkey. The man』s legs were so long, and the donkey so little, that the rider』s shoes nearly touched the ground.


The man had a big bundle before him, and the donkey went very slowly. So Fred soon caught up to the rider.


「Good morning,」 the boy said.


「Ah, stranger, good morning,」 was the man』s reply. 「I see you are going to the same place I am.」


「I don』t know whether it』s the same place or not, but I』m going to New Strike,」 said Fred.


「So am I, stranger. What is your name?」


「Fred Stanley.」


「Where are you from?」




「Well, I』m Bill Gardner. Old Bill Gardner, they mostly call me.」


「And where are you from?」 asked Fred.


「Me? Oh, I am from nowhere in particular. I make my home wherever I happen to drop my pick and shovel. I』m a prospector.」 And Fred noticed that, besides his bundle, the old man had a set of mining tools.


「Are you going to settle at New Strike?」 asked Fred.


「Yes. I heard there were some rich mines there, and I want to get my share. Go along there!」 and the man pulled the donkey』s reins.


「He』s the slowest donkey I ever saw,」 the man went on, 「and I』ve seen some pretty lazy ones. But do you expect to do any prospecting in New Strike? Where』re your tools?」


「I haven』t any.」


「Then you』ll find it pretty hard to pick up one in the camps. Every man will want his own.」


「Oh, I don』t expect to look for gold.」


「What are you going to look for then?」


「A job. I heard they wanted drivers for the ore carts at the stamp mills, and I thought I might become one.」


「But, why don』t you try mining?」


「I don』t believe I』m old enough.」


「Oh, yes, you are. I came to California when I was only a boy, and I』ve been mining ever since.」


「My father was a miner,」 said Fred.


「Was he? What』s his name?」


「Norman Stanley.」


「What! Norman Stanley, who used to work in the Eagle』s Claw mine?」


「Yes,」 replied the boy, who had often heard his father speak of the mine.


「Well, well! I know him like a brother. Just tell him you met old Bill Gardner, and he』ll remember me all right.」


「I will.」


「And I』ll speak a good word for you when we get to the new diggings,」 went on the old man. 「I know every miner in these parts worth knowing.」


Fred found he could easily keep up with the small animal, and the miner talked pleasantly until they came to New Strike. Then, the boy went to the manager of the stamp mills, to apply for a job.


「Let me know how you get along,」 said the miner, as he was about to part from the boy.


「Where will I find you?」


「Oh, I』m going to put up at the hotel. There』s only one, so you won』t have much trouble finding me. Just ask for Old Bill Gardner, and anybody will point me out. Well, good luck.」


「Thank you,」 answered Fred, as he started toward the stamping mills.


「Well, what can I do for you?」 asked the manager, as Fred entered the office.


「Do you want any boys to drive ore carts? I heard you did.」


「We did, but we filled the last place about an hour ago.」


Fred』s heart sank. If he had been a little earlier, or if he had started sooner, he might now have had a good job.


「Is there anything else to do around here?」 he asked. 「I would be glad to get work of any kind.」


「I』m afraid I haven』t anything for any one as young as you.」


「I am quite strong, though I am only seventeen years old.」


「Yes, I must admit you seem a strong boy, but, I am sorry to say, I can』t give you any work. If you leave your name and address I』ll send for you, when there is anything.」


「Thank you,」 replied Fred, and he wrote them on a piece of paper the manager gave him.


「If you were a man now, I could give you work in the mine. But I can』t put boys in there. Have you had any experience in mining?」


「No, but I know something about it from hearing my father tell about it. He is a miner.」


「What is his name?」


Fred told him, and found that, while the manager did not know Mr. Stanley, he had heard of him.


「I wish, for your father』s sake, I could give you work,」 he said. 「I』ll keep you in mind, and you shall have the first job that is open.」


「That is very kind of you.」


Fred said good-by to the manager, and started off to see if there was any work elsewhere for him. But he found that either all the places were filled, or that, when there was work, he could not do it.


Somewhat discouraged, he sat down to eat his simple lunch, and, after a drink from a spring, he felt refreshed.


Early that afternoon he had tried all the possible work in New Strike, but he could not find a job.


「I think I』ll start back home,」 he said. 「There』s no use looking up Mr. Gardner.」


The truth was he did not like to tell the old miner he had not succeeded in getting work. So Fred started off on his long trip back to Piddock.


But, as he was passing along the only street of the town, a voice called him. He turned to see the old miner in front of the hotel. 「Wait a minute. I want to speak to you!」


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