







Preserve the dignity of culture

No matter where the times change to, we must not allow the fall of the cultural industry, which needs the common defense of all cultural lovers.

An era of change and continuous progress, will inevitably lead to the prosperity of some products or some products of de-chain. This is an inevitable negative energy effect of the product of age change, but no matter what position the span of the era turns to, how much has changed. But we must not condone or allow the decline or delinking of an eras cultural industry.

The cultural industry of an era symbolizes and represents the development and evolution of civilization in this era. When we look at the level of development of an era, we must first of all look at the position and position of the cultural products of this era. The progress of culture leads to the span of the development of a civilized era, which indicates whether this era can truly prosper. The rise and fall of cultural industry in an era marks the pattern and climate of the development of this era. Is it a long time? It is to promote the development of the times and social and human progress of a steel identification benchmark, the real prosperity of the cultural industry, can be crowed and related to all the product chain more orderly and effective, its development is more prosperous. The more prosperous the era, the more widespread its coverage, and the longer the era continues.

In an era, the rise and fall of cultural industry. Can affect the development of various industries and prosperity. But also control the generation or several generations of culture sought breath and lifeblood. How to continue and develop the cultural industry and the progress of the common prosperity of the times. We need all our cultural lovers to uphold and defend together.

The reason why we are persistent and interested in an industry, is bound to its own lifeblood and its prosperity or weakness closely linked, we advocate and pursue a culture of deep molding. Chasing its pulsating pulse at every stage, we care about any possible development direction and fate, because our thoughts, our pursuits, our growth. Both are linked to its development and its roots, so we respect it as a life of faith, related to its pulse and fight.

To respect and protect the circulation and reproduction of cultural industries in a time is to guard the civilization and belief of a nation and an era. It also defends and preserves the cultural dignity of history and the future. Every inch of its footprint in the long river of history is the symbol and direction that it leads to the future of mankind and the future of the times.


書評 | 本雅明(Walter Benjamin)《機械複製時代的藝術作品》

TAG:文化 | 文化產業 |