Coming Feb. 25! 「International Communications: Communicate with the World – in English」


BEIJING – I』m pleased to announce that my second Zhihu LIVE is now scheduled

for Feb. 25th.

Following up on my first LIVE, in which I shared my strategies and skills for how to communicate 「more comfortably and confidently」 with foreigners, this second event will cover a wide range of topics, each of them somehow related to International Communications.

Why is it so important for China – the world』s second-largest economy – to improve its English communication with the world? How do the Chinese people benefit from more effective English communication?

One great Chinese concern I often hear is, 「We must do more to explain China to the world!」 That helps explain why China invests so much in 「soft-power」: to win hearts and minds, globally.

Meanwhile, every serious Chinese company and organization now has an English-language website – or know they need one. China MATTERS on the international stage, in every way: economically, diplomatically, militarily, and so on.

Each of you, individually, can become a human 「bridge」 to the world – communicating in whatever English you know, helping to explain China to the world, and the world to the Chinese.

Among the topics I』ll explore are:

1) Do you believe the International Media is too critical of China? You』re right … and


2) Strategy for how to Communicate differently with a foreign audience, not Chinese audience.

3) Similarities and differences between American Journalism and American Communications.

4) How you』d benefit from studying International Journalism or International Communication.

5) The advantages – and disadvantages – of studying or working abroad.

6) Five skills to improve your English writing.

7) Understanding why EQ is more important than IQ, when communicating with foreigners.

8) From a foreign teacher』s view, understanding Chinese students – like, why you』re so


9) Two skills to become less shy – and speak up more confidently.

10) Tips to prepare for a job-interview with any Chinese organization that needs English skills.

Meanwhile, if you have ANY other questions – related to the English language, writing, journalism, Communications, storytelling, messaging, studying in America, China』s relations with the world, how to talk to foreigners, or any other topics – please feel free to ask me.

I hope to hear from you on Feb. 25th!


掌握國際交流:用英語與世界連接 www.zhihu.com圖標

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