
做一下記錄,2017年9月24日,論文《城市雲腦,基於互聯網雲腦的智慧城市新架構》的英文版本登記在 arxiv.org網站上。地址:arxiv.org/abs/1710.0412

City Cloud Brain, a New Architecture of Smart City Based on the Internet Cloud Brain

In the ten years after the Smart City was put forward, there are still problems like unclear concept, lack of top-down design and information island. With the further development of the Internet, the brain-like architecture of the Internet is becoming clearer and clearer. As a product of combination of city buildings and the Internet, the Smart City will also have a new architecture, and the city cloud brain thus appears. Based on the Internet Cloud Brain, this paper describes how to construct the Smart City in the form of brain-like tissue, and how to evaluate the construction level of the Smart City (City IQ) relying on the Big SNS (city neural networks) and city cloud reflex arcs.



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TAG:雲計算 | 智慧城市 | 互聯網 |