MWRP讀物推介|三十九級台階The Thirty-Nine Steps

《三十九級台階》(The Thirty-Nine Steps)是「百萬英語閱讀計劃」MWRP叢書——英漢對照中級英語系列讀物第I輯之12,適合已掌握1500基本英語辭彙量(相當於初中畢業)的英語學習者閱讀。




小說作者約翰?巴肯(John Buchan 1875-1940)是英國著名作家,小說發表於1915年,是英國首批著名的驚悚間諜小說之一,多次被改編為電影和話劇。



1. 關於可讀性:這是根據美國Rudolf Flesch博士的統計方法計算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗萊士易讀度),計算根據是句子的字數和100個字內音節個數等,數值在0和100之間,數目越大,文章越容易讀。

2. 1500基本辭彙外的單詞不包括由這些詞構成的合成詞 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生詞 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 專有名詞(人名地名)或由專有名詞派生的辭彙以及感嘆詞不計入生詞。

4. 1500詞外詞數(生詞數)包含重複詞數。比如一個單詞以不同形式出現3次,則按3次統計。

5. 在1500詞外詞條數中,重複的單詞或者一個單詞的不同形式統計為1次。

6. 正文每一千字處都有字數標誌,便於讀者掌握閱讀進度。

7. 1500基本辭彙外的詞在原文部分用粗體顯示,譯文部分用深色粗體,由於翻譯的緣故,兩部分的詞性和意義並不完全對應,僅供參考。

8. 本系列讀物的前三本生詞全部標註,以後只標註兩次,出現兩次以後生詞就不再標註。


The Thirty-Nine Steps


Chapter 1. The Man Who Died

第一章 死掉的人

I returned from the City about three o』clock on that May afternoon. I was very unhappy with life. I had been in Britain three months, and was fed up with it. If anyone had told me a year ago that I would have been feeling like that, I should have laughed at him; but there was the fact. The weather was terrible, the talk of the ordinary Englishman made me sick, I couldn』t get enough exercise, and the amusements of London seemed boring. 「Richard Hannay,」 I kept telling myself, 「you have done wrong, my friend, and you had better do something about it.」


It annoyed me to think of the plans I had been making those last years in Africa. Although I had not made much money, it was enough for me; and I had thought of all kinds of ways of enjoying myself. My father had brought me out from Scotland at the age of six, and I had never been home since. I had dreamed of spending the rest of my days there.


But from the first, I was disappointed with it. In less than a month I had become tired of this place. I had no real friend to go about with. Plenty of people invited me to their houses, but they didn』t seem much interested in me. Here I was, thirty-seven years old, healthy and strong, with enough money to have a good time, yet, bored to death.


That evening, I went into my club. I had a long drink, and read the evening papers. They were full of the troubles in the Near East, and there was an article about Karolides, the Greek Premier. I rather liked the fellow. He seemed to be honest, but some people in Europe hated him. One paper said that we were going to support him, for he was the only person who could prevent Europe from going to war.


The night was fine and clear as I walked back to my flat near Portland Place. I made up my mind to stay one more day in Britain. If nothing interesting happened, I would take the next ship for Africa.


My flat was the first floor in a new building behind Langham Place. Each flat was quite shut off from the others. I had a fellow to look after me who came in by the day. He arrived before eight o』clock every morning and used to leave at seven, for I never ate at home.


I was just fitting my key into the door when I suddenly noticed a man next to me. He was a slim man, with a short brown beard and small blue eyes. I recognized him as the man who lived in a flat on the top floor.


「Can I speak to you?」 he said. 「May I come in for a minute?」 His voice was trembling.


I got my door open and we went in.


「Is the door locked?」 he asked, and he locked it with his own hand.


「I』m very sorry,」 he said. 「But I』m in trouble, and you looked like the kind of man who would understand. If I explain, will you help me?」


「I』ll listen to you,」 I said. 「That』s all I』ll promise.」 I was getting worried by the strange behaviour of this nervous little fellow.


There were drinks on a table beside him. He took a whisky and drank it quickly, and broke the glass as he put it down.


「Pardon,」 he said, 「I』m a bit nervous tonight. You see, I』m dead at this moment.」


I sat down and lit my pipe.


「What does it feel like?」 I asked. I was certain that I had to deal with a madman.


A smile came over his face. 「I』m not mad--yet. I think you』re an honest man, and you seem brave, too. I need help badly, and I want to know if you can help me.」


「Tell me your story,」 I said, 「and I』ll tell you.」


Then he began his story. I didn』t understand it all at first, and I had to stop and ask him questions. But here is what he told me:


He was an American, from Kentucky. After college, he had started out to see the world. He wrote a bit, and acted as war reporter for a Chicago paper, and spent a year or two in South-Eastern Europe. He spoke of many names that I remembered to have seen in the newspapers.


He had played about with politics, he told me, at first for the interest of them, and then because he couldn』t help himself. He had discovered, by accident, that a secret movement was going on. It had been started by very dangerous people. These people were trying to push Europe towards a war. Some hoped to see a new world appear. Some would make money from the war. They planned to get Russia and Germany at war with each other.


「I want to stop them,」 he said, 「and if I can keep alive for a month, I think I can.」


「But I thought you were dead,」 I put in.


「I』ll explain it to you in a minute,」 he said, 「but first, I guess you know the name of Constantine Karolides?」

「一會兒我再給你解釋,」 他說,「不過首先,我猜想你知道康斯坦丁?卡洛里德斯這個名字吧?」

I had been reading about him that very afternoon.


「He is the man who can prevent the war. He is not only intelligent, but also honest. He knows what is happening. That is why the enemies plan to kill him. I found that out-- anyone could. But I found out the way they were going to kill him. That was very dangerous for me. That』s why I have had to die.」


He had another drink, and I was getting interested in him.


「They can』t kill him in his own land. But on the 15th day of June he is coming to this city to attend a big meeting. Now Karolides is the most important guest, and the enemies plan to kill him here.」


「That』s simple enough, anyhow,」 I said. 「You can warn him and keep him at home.」


「If he does not come, they win,」 he said, 「for he』s the only man who understands the whole problem and can prevent the war from happening.」


「What about the British Government?」 I said. 「They』re not going to let their guests be murdered. Warn them, and they』ll be on guard.」


「No good. They might fill your city with detectives and double the police and Constantine would still be murdered. The murderer will be caught, but he will put the blame on the governments in Vienna and Berlin. It will be a lie, but everybody will be ready to believe it. I happen to know every detail of the plan. But it』s not going to happen if a certain man who knows the whole business is alive right here in London on the 15th day of June. And that man is going to be your servant, Franklin P. Scudder.」


I was beginning to like the little fellow.


「Where did you find out this story?」 I asked.


「I can』t tell you the details now. When I was quite sure of it, I thought I should disappear, and I reached this city by a very strange route. I left Paris dressed like a young French-American, and I sailed from Hamburg dressed like a Jew diamond merchant. In Norway I was an English student, but when I left Norway, I was a cinema-man. When I got to London from Scotland, I thought I was safe. But yesterday…」


He had another drink.


「I saw a man standing in the street outside this building. I used to stay in my room all day, and only slip out after dark for an hour or two. I watched him for a bit from my window, and I thought I recognized him… He came in and spoke to the porter… When I came back from my walk last night I found a card in my letter-box. It had the name of the man I never want to meet on earth.」


From his look, I could see he was honest. I asked him what he did next.


「I realized that there was only one way out. I had to die. If they knew I was dead they would stop looking for me.」


「How did you manage it?」


「I told the man that serves me that I was feeling very bad, and I pretended to look like death. That wasn』t difficult for me. Then I got a dead body--you can always get a body in London if you know where to go for it. I fetched it back in a trunk on the top of a car, and I had to be helped upstairs to my room. I went to bed and got my man to get me some sleeping pills, and then told him to go. When I was left alone I began to dress up that body. He was my size, and I judged he had died from drinking too much, so I put some whisky bottles about the place. His jaw did not look like mine, so I blew it away with a gun. There are no neighbours on my floor, and I guessed I could risk it. So I left the body in bed dressed up in my clothes, with a gun lying on the bed-clothes. Then I got into a suit of clothes I had kept for emergencies. It wasn』t any use my trying to get into the streets. I watched from my window till I saw you come home, and then slipped down the stair to meet you.」


It was the strangest sort of story, but I had heard many strange stories that had turned out to be true.


I thought for a moment. 「Right. I』ll trust you for the night. I』ll lock you into this room and keep the key. Just one word, Mr Scudder. I believe you』re honest, but if you are not I should warn you that I know how to use a gun.」


「Sure,」 he said, jumping up. 「I don』t know your name, Sir, but let me tell you that you』re a kind man. I』ll thank you to lend me a razor.」


I took him into my bedroom. When he came out in half an hour』s time, I could hardly recognize him. Only his hungry eyes were the same. He was shaved clean, his hair was parted in the middle, and he had cut his eyebrows. He looked like a British officer who had spent some time in India. And he no longer spoke like an American.


「Oh! Mr Scudder--」 I cried.


「Not Mr Scudder,」 he corrected. 「Captain Theophilus Digby of the British Army. Please remember that, Sir.」


I made him a bed in my smoking-room. Then I went to bed myself, more cheerful than I had been for the past month. Exciting things did happen sometimes, even in this city.


I woke next morning to hear my man, Paddock, making a lot of noise at the smoking-room door.


「Stop that noise, Paddock,」 I said. 「There』s a friend of mine, Captain--Captain」 (I couldn』t remember the name) 「sleeping down in there. Get breakfast for two and then come and speak to me.」


I told Paddock that my friend was a great man in the army. He had been working too hard and needed complete rest and stillness. When Scudder came to breakfast, he looked just like a British officer.


I left him with the newspaper and a box of cigars, and went down to the City till lunch time. When I got back, Paddock had a serious face.


「The gentleman in No. 15 shot himself this morning, Sir,」 he said. 「They』ve just taken him away. The police are up there now.」


I went up to No. 15, and found a couple of policemen busy making an examination. I asked a few foolish questions, and they soon kicked me out. I told Scudder what I had seen. The police believed that the dead man was Scudder, and that he had killed himself. This interested him greatly.


The first two days he stayed with me, he was very peaceful. He read and smoked a bit, and made notes in a note-book. But on the third day I could see he was beginning to get restless. It was not his own safety that worried him, but the success of his plan.


「Say, Hannay,」 he said one night, 「I judge I should tell you more about this business. I should hate to be killed without leaving somebody else to carry on with my plan.」


I did not pay close attention to what he told me. I was more interested in his own adventures than in his politics. I remember that he was very clear that the danger to Karolides would not begin till he had got to London. He mentioned the name of a dangerous woman--Julia Czechenyi. He talked, too, about a Black Stone and a man that lisped in his speech. And he described an old man, perhaps the most dangerous, with a young voice who could hood his eyes like a hawk.


Next day he was much more cheerful. I went out to dinner with a mining engineer I had got to see on business. When I came back, I pushed open the smoking-room door. The lights were not lit. I wondered if Scudder had gone to bed already.


I turned on the light, but there was nobody there. Then I saw something in the far corner which made me drop my cigar and fall into a cold sweat.


My guest was lying on his back. There was a long knife through his heart.



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