MWRP讀物推介|世界著名故事選World Famous Stories

世界著名故事選(World Famous Stories)是「百萬英語閱讀計劃」MWRP叢書——英漢對照中級英語系列讀物第I輯之6,適合已掌握1500基本英語辭彙量(相當於初中畢業)的讀者閱讀。



本冊讀物選自詹姆斯·鮑德溫(James Baldwin)編寫的《Fifty Famous Stories Retold》和《Thirty More Famous Stories Retold》,故事主要取材於西方著名的歷史故事、名人軼事和民間傳說,都是人們關注的傳統題材和內容。這兩部讀本為許多國家少年兒童所喜愛。20世紀前半葉,這兩本書曾以英語教材的形式流行於大江南北,書名譯為《泰西五十軼事》和《泰西三十軼事》。當時人們選用這兩本書作教材,主要原因在於文辭優美,故事引人入勝,內容具有教育意義,有助於培養少男少女們的高尚情操。許多故事在我國英語教材中都有選用。

詹姆斯·鮑德溫(James Baldwin 1841-1925)是美國教育家、作家,是美國最多產的兒童教科書作家。




1. 關於可讀性:這是根據美國Rudolf Flesch博士的統計方法計算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗萊士易讀度),計算根據是句子的字數和100個字內音節個數等,數值在0和100之間,數目越大,文章越容易讀。

2. 1500基本辭彙外的單詞不包括由這些詞構成的合成詞 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生詞 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 專有名詞(人名地名)或由專有名詞派生的辭彙以及感嘆詞不計入生詞。

4. 1500詞外詞數(生詞數)包含重複詞數。比如一個單詞以不同形式出現3次,則按3次統計。

5. 在1500詞外詞條數中,重複的單詞或者一個單詞的不同形式統計為1次。

6. 正文每一千字處都有字數標誌,便於讀者掌握閱讀進度。

7. 1500基本辭彙外的詞在原文部分用粗體顯示,譯文部分用深色粗體,由於翻譯的緣故,兩部分的詞性和意義並不完全對應,僅供參考。

8. 本系列讀物的前三本生詞全部標註,以後只標註兩次,出現兩次以後生詞就不再標註。


World Famous Stories


1. The Inchcape Rock


In the North Sea there is a great rock called the Inchcape Rock. It is twelve miles from any land, and is covered most of the time with water.


Many boats and ships have been wrecked on that rock, for it is so near the top of the water that no ship can sail over it without striking it.


Many years ago, there lived not far away a kind-hearted man who was called the Abbot of Aberbrothock.


「It is a pity,」 he said, 「that so many brave sailors should lose their lives on that hidden rock.」


So the abbot had a buoy tied to the rock. The buoy floated in the shallow water. A strong rope kept it from floating away.


On the top of the buoy, the abbot placed a bell. When the waves rushed against it, the bell would ring out loud and clear.


Sailors, now, were no longer afraid to cross the sea at that place. When they heard the bell ringing, they knew just where the rock was, and they turned their ships around it.


One calm summer day, a ship with a black flag happened to sail not far from the Inchcape Rock. The ship belonged to a sea robber called Ralph, and all honest people were afraid of her.


There was very little wind that day, and the sea was as smooth as glass. The ship stood almost still.


Ralph looked out on the calm sea. He saw the buoy floating above the Inchcape Rock. It looked like a big black spot on the water. But the bell was not ringing that day. There were no waves to move it.


「Boys!」 cried Ralph, 「put out the boat, and row me to the Inchcape Rock. We will play a trick on the old abbot.」


The boat was put out. The strong men soon rowed it to the Inchcape Rock. Then the robber broke the rope that held the buoy. He cut the ropes of the bell. It fell into the water.


「The next ship that comes this way will hit the rock,」 said Ralph.


Soon a gentle wind blew up, and the black ship sailed away. The sea robber laughed as he looked back.


For many days, Ralph searched the seas, and he robbed many ships. At last he happened to sail back toward the place where he had started.


The wind had blown hard all day. The waves were high. The ship was moving quickly. But in the evening the wind died away, and a thick fog came on.


Ralph could not see where the ship was going. 「I wish the fog would clear away!」 he said.


「I thought I heard the noise of waves,」 said the pilot. 「We must be near the shore.」


「I cannot tell,」 said Ralph, 「but I think we are not far from the Inchcape Rock. I wish we could hear the bell.」


The next moment there was a great crash. 「It is the Inchcape Rock!」 the sailors cried, as the ship turned over to one side, and began to sink.


「Oh, how unfortunate I am!」 cried Ralph. 「This is the result of the joke that I played on the good abbot!」


2. The Indian Girl


There was once a very brave man whose name was John Smith. He came to North America many years ago, when there were great woods everywhere, and many wild beasts and Indians. Many stories are told of his adventures, some of them true and some of them not. Here is one of them:


One day when Smith was in the woods, some Indians caught him. They led him to their king, and in a short time they were ready to kill him.


A large stone was brought in, and Smith was made to lie down with his head on it. Then two tall Indians with big sticks in their hands came forward. The king and all his great men stood around to see. The Indians raised their sticks. In another moment they would fall on Smith』s head.


But just then a little Indian girl rushed in. She was the daughter of the king, and her name was Pocahontas. She ran and threw herself between Smith and the raised sticks. She held Smith』s head with her arms. She put her own head upon his.


「Oh, father!」 she cried, 「don』t kill this man. I am sure he has done you no harm, and we ought to be his friends.」


The men with the sticks could not strike, for they did not want to hurt the child. At first, the king did not know what to do. Then he spoke to some of his soldiers, and they lifted Smith from the ground. They untied the ropes from his wrists and feet, and set him free.


The next day the king sent Smith home, and several Indians went with him to protect him from harm.


After that, as long as she lived, Pocahontas was the friend of the white men, and she did a great many things to help them.



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