
Oyster · World蚝世界 鮮活進口生蚝Video

Oyster · World蚝世界 只做高品質的進口生蚝 。

Oyster · World蚝世界 鮮活進口生蚝Video—在線播放—優酷網,視頻高清在線觀看 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg5NzU2OTc3Ng==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0#paction



1 怎樣分辨生蚝的優劣?


2 如何判斷生蚝的新鮮程度?


3 品嘗生蚝的三大指標是什麼?


aHR0cDovL3dlaXhpbi5xcS5jb20vci8zdGdhQXRmRXY0ckFyWk5oOTQzTQ== (二維碼自動識別)

1 How to tell the difference between an oyster ?

The first criterion for choosing an oyster is to see if the oyster is alive. In the oyster dish, select a slightly open oyster, gently tap its shell, the live oyster will close the shell quickly, and the unmoved oysters are obviously "dead". In addition, a fresh oyster can be cooked by heating, and the tightly closed shell will open with the heat, and the oyster, which is tightly closed from the beginning to the end of the shell, should never be eaten.

2 How to determine the freshness of oysters ?

There is a great resistance to the oyster; No smell after breaking open; Oyster skirt has vitality, oyster meat is elastic.

3 what are the three main indicators of tasting oysters ?

The freshness of the oyster; The abundance of meat; The salinity of the SAP.


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