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『 Oyster · World Morrobay Oysters 』

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作為一家大型生蚝公司Tomales Bay Oyster Company(TBOC)生產農場,在舊金山以北50英里處。只有義大利在加利福尼亞州雷克斯市的零售商店供應最新品質的生蚝。

我們的創始人尼爾·馬洛尼(Nal Maloney)於2004年成立之初被TBOC聘請,負責管理他們的莫羅灣運營.Nalal在俄勒岡大學獲得海洋生物學學士學位。通過這種教育,商業和水產養殖方面的專業研究,包括在俄勒岡州的科斯灣的俄勒岡海洋生物學研究所和蒙特雷學院的研究所 - GuaymasMéxicoNeal,為這項業務奠定了堅實的基礎。然後,他在TBOC工作期間培養了自己的技能,並且在業主退休後,自2008年11月起就開始了自己的事業,Morro Bay Oyster公司。


The history of the bay oyster

Bay has a long history, as a thriving seaport, beautiful seascape, the mouth of a peaceful and productive.From many bird populations to dozens of cowardice seals, bay has been all sorts of home life.Bay oyster cultivation began in the early 20th century, since has been a part of its rich culture.

As a large Oyster Company Tomales Bay Oyster Company (TBOC) production farms, 50 miles north of San Francisco.Only Italy retail supply in the city of California rex latest quality raw oysters.

Our founder Neil Maloney (Nal Maloney) was founded in 2004, at the beginning of the TBOC employ operations. Responsible for managing their moro bay Nalal received his bachelors degree in Marine biology at the university of Oregon.Through this education, commerce and aquaculture professional research, including in Oregon Oregon coase bay Marine biology research institute and the monterey institute of the college - GuaymasMexicoNeal, laid a solid foundation for the business.Then, he works in the TBOC during develop their skills, and the owner after retirement, since November 2008 began their careers, Morro has already been Bay Oyster company.

Our company is committed to by providing the most fresh oysters, in bay growing reputation.Our Pacific jin-sheng huang oyster manual harvest, directly from the original water, and sell it to a local restaurant and farmers market, the public and our barge in the bay port.

「 太平洋 - 金生蚝 」


"Pacific - golden oyster"

Pacific golden oyster is a beautiful, hardy species that thrive in the cold, rich waters of Morro bay. Their home is a unique bay found on Californias central coast, where strong winds and waves meet and flow from ancient volcanic aquifers. This fusion of elements results in a constant change in salinity, temperature, nutrients and tides. Pacific golden oyster adapted to these changes in life and developed a powerful flavor. When coastal storms bring rain and salt to the oyster beds, the Pacific golden oyster will form a distinct melon noodle. Springs strong northwesterly winds lead to the upwelling of cold, salty, nutrient-rich water found near the depths of the ocean. The strong tides bring water into the farm twice a day, allowing our oysters to explode with growth and absorb fresh brine around them.

《 農業過程 》


Agricultural process

Pacific golden oyster spent the first six to eight months in our nursery, taking care of it every day. Theyve been flooded for almost the entire time, so we can make sure they get everything they need to grow and develop before we get into a more serious environment. Once they have reached full potential in the nursery, we separate them from the dense storage tanks and transfer them to the areas where we grow. They live in powerful mesh bags that allow water to carry plankton through farms and feed all of our oysters, when they grow up in bags. These bags are fixed in the long floating line of the tidal rise and fall. They float below the surface of the water, above the earth, the most abundant plankton. The usual wave motion makes the thin new shell roll and mold, forming a deep layered cup that can withstand the pressures of nature. Once the tide recedes, the oyster must bend its muscles tightly to keep the shell closed and keep the oxygen rich. They will rely on this ability until the tide returns. Pacific gold has been given the safety of growing in the harsh Marine environment at the moro bay raw oyster company, and eventually reaches its highest potential before harvest. 12 to 18 months later, we start harvesting, manually sorting each oyster, and sending it to our customers. Those who make the grade will be separated by size, bagged and returned to our holding area. They are still submerged until we are ready to pull them out of the water and give them to you.


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