Oyster · World 義大利LABI手工啤酒搭配頂級生蚝


What should you wear when you eat oysters? You must be able to think of beer. Although raw oysters can be tasted all year round, we must be more sophisticated to live up to this tender ocean gift. With more elegant beer, and with a fat oyster, youll get a double bonus!

『 義大利頂級LABI手工啤酒 』


Remove the oyster gamey smell a lot of people will choose lemon, but this bottle of low-grade top Italian LABI manual beer with three different hops fermented, they smell with the nose of citrus aromas. Just drinking this beer can be a great way to get rid of the smell of raw oysters, and you dont need any extra food to eat. You can have a good taste of raw oysters.

『 什麼是手工啤酒?』



手工精釀啤酒有著誘人的麥芽和啤酒花香氣,以加拿大米爾街(Mill Street)手工精釀啤酒為例,那變化無限的色澤、質地和個性是其他飲料均無法匹敵的豐富感受。還有就是,手工啤酒的風味是可以描述其特質的,其中包括啤酒的感受、歷史、技術和其他方面的特徵。加拿大手工啤酒釀造商對待風味的態度各不相同,有些人熱衷於古典風味的原貌再現,而另一些人則將風味作為靈感之源,根據可用的方法、材料或他們想要表達的主張來詮釋風味,例如millstreet 的咖啡波特啤酒,品嘗起來前端有柔和的烤制味道,輕度的啤酒花香,較為濃稠,同時由於其在釀造過程中混合了獨有的BLAZAC咖啡豆,因此咖啡醇香非常明顯,就是一款特性非常鮮明的手工精釀啤酒。

The brewers association has agreed to craft beer brews as small, independent and traditional brewers. Small means that less than two million barrels of beer are brewed each year, with a focus on almost entirely or almost entirely from malt, which is not diluted with other ingredients such as corn or rice.

But other than that, craft brewers see themselves as artists, and each beer is an opportunity to create a unique and enjoyable experience.

Manual craft beer with attractive of malt and hops aroma, Mill Street in Canada (Mill Street) manual craft beer, for example, the infinite change color, texture and personality is unmatched at other beverages rich feelings. Also, the flavor of craft beer can describe its idiosyncrasies, including the feeling of beer, history, technology and other features. Canada craft brewers attitude toward the flavor of each are not identical, some enjoy the beauty of classical flavor, while others will taste as a source of inspiration, according to the available methods, materials, or claim they want to express to interpret flavor, such as the coffee porter beer millstreet, taste up front has soft baked taste, mild beer is sweet, is relatively thick, at the same time because of its mixed in the process of brewing a unique BLAZAC coffee beans, coffee flavour is very obvious, therefore, is a very distinct features handmade craft beer.


Oyster · World 已為各位饕客準備了6種義大利頂級LABI手工啤酒及鮮美生蚝!

So the real top delicious beer is beer by hand, put down your hands bottled beer public!!!!

Oyster, the World has for you happened six top Italian LABI manual beer and delicious Oyster!

【 750ml 6 瓶 起 售 】

【 330ml 12 瓶起售 】

如需購買 義大利LABI頂級手工啤酒 請認準 Oyster · World

【 750ml 6 瓶 起 售 】 【 330ml 12 瓶起售 】

If you want to buy Italian LABI top craft beer, please give it to Oyster World

【 750ml 6 bottles to be sold 】 【 330ml 12 bottles to be sold 】


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