





The human heart has a bit of Oedipus complex

Everyones heart hides a similar to the mother, and not the mother, but beyond the great mother image itself. This great image exists, may be a omniscience in your subconscious mind the outline, the goddess of all philosophical visions, may see what is encountered sought after and advocate your reality, even in the great mind of developers, suture people into a sense of awe and admiration of the researchers, led by the charm to sign, with the maternal compassion and broad acceptance of touch things good, thus we traction and regulate itself quality of thinking and behavior consciousness.

We will cant help or subconsciously such signs category characters, plastic for their own role models or idol worship, because the God of magic, enough to go beyond the limit of conventional domain range, or more reasonable is a birthright.

When we were young, everyone in the mind space, will be deeply branded with a mother mark, think she was the most beautiful people in the world, will think adults should also be at that time my mother look.

But in fact, in our growth process, experienced young naive, rebellious adolescent wild, ignorant, mature and calm, in the transition period, the evolution of the idea of hierarchy transformation and behavior, in some things and the environment in the process of grinding and catalysis. We have often converted to another, forming itself independent personality, with analysis of the thinking and judgment of things, has been formed in another way or another unique chic style, at this time, we want to find the real me, is how far away. "The kind of small, when you want to become a mother like mark, also is very valuable.

Change an angle to think, everyone thought level of excess and evolution, which are a god figure, as the original version to create and set the self extension trend, more standard to explore and improve their own cultivation. This kind of thought and spiritual excesses and influence, often greater than a certain behavior side demonstration, but will be more positive energy accumulation of life, triggering more positive and effective conversion source, make the ideological evolution and behavior to melt for the synthesis of unification.


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