
Oyster · World 阿爾卡雄灣的生蚝皇后

『 Oyster · World The oyster queen in the gulf of arcajos

羅馬人佔領紀龍德(Gironde)時期,生蚝已經在阿爾卡雄灣(Bassin d』Arcachon)生活。但是這個讓當地人享受美味小礫石(扁形蚝)的天然礁石,到十八世紀以後逐漸消失了。小礫石也逐漸被葡萄牙及日本的牡蠣所代替。儘管如此,人們在享用生蚝時,仍舊習慣稱之為阿爾卡雄灣生蚝(Hu?tre d』Arcachon)。當然,還是會搭配香腸、新鮮的麵包、咸黃油和一杯兩海間(Entre-deux-Mers)干白葡萄酒!  自1852年開始,生蚝養殖業在阿爾卡雄灣(Bassin d』Arcachon)興起。第一批養殖場有維克多-考斯特(Victor Coste)建立,他是法蘭西學院(Collège de France)的教授,生活在拿破崙三世(Napoléon III)時期。如今,從事生蚝養殖業的公司已接近380家,平均年產量為10000噸。

During the Roman occupation of Gironde, oysters were living in the Bassin d arcachon. But this natural reef, which allows locals to enjoy a delicious little gravel (flat oyster), has been disappearing since the 18th century. Small gravel is also gradually replaced by Portuguese and Japanese oysters. Even so, the oyster is still used as an oyster bay oyster (Huitre d arcachon). Of course, it still goes with sausages, fresh bread, salted butter and a glass of dry white wine between two seas! Since 1852, the oyster industry has sprung up in Bassin d arcachon. The first farms have Victor - the stern test (Victor Coste) was established, he is (College DE France), a professor at the College DE France living in Napoleon III (case III). Today, there are nearly 380 companies in oyster farming, with an average annual output of 10,000 tonnes.

養殖場每天都用「阿爾卡雄灣(Bassin)」的海水更新,以保證生蚝有良好水質環境快速生長。除供應養殖生蚝的生產外,全法生蚝養殖業所需的45億牡蠣苗,有70%都源自阿卡雄灣(Bassin d』Arcachon)。                     


The farm is updated every day with the "Bassin" seawater to ensure that the oyster has a good water environment and rapid growth. In addition to the production of farmed oysters, about 70 percent of the 4.5 billion oyster plants needed for the oyster industry came from Bassin d arcachon.

Some oyster farms can go on foot when the tide goes down. This is a great opportunity to understand the industry and to visit the collection of oyster seedlings and their techniques and techniques accompanied by oyster farmers. Bassins harbor and oyster farming villages retain their original state of life, with unique charm. Here you can enjoy the delicious oysters and, of course, the shrimp, the clams, the sole, the Wolf perch and other seafood.

爾卡雄灣(Bassin)北岸的港口有何爾波(Herbe)、卡龍(Canon)、比雷洋(Piraillon)、大比蓋(Grand Piquey)、小比蓋(Petit Piquey)、阿雷斯( Arès)、昂代諾(Andernos)。南岸有:朗通(Landon)、歐唐日(Audenge)、比加諾斯(Bi ganos)以及居讓梅斯特拉 (Gujan-Mestras),它由七個小港口組成,其中的拉羅斯港(Larros)是最古老的港口,牡蠣商會(Maison de l』Hu?tre)就座落於此。                   

眾多生蚝養殖場是對外開放的,為您提供生蚝品嘗。這是絕佳的補碘機會,也很適合拍照:濱海的小木屋,彩色屋頂,白色的石灰瓦,加上阿卡雄灣(bassin)的天空帶來的美妙的光線。阿卡雄灣(Bassin)的各個旅遊局(Offices de Tourisme)都推薦你來參觀生蚝養殖業及其工藝,步行或乘漁船,參觀這裡的生蚝養殖場、港口,以及阿爾卡雄灣(Bassin)的島嶼。

ports male bay north shore (Bassin) He Erbo (Herbe), calderon (Canon), than LeiYang (Piraillon), larger than the cover (Grand Piquey), smaller than the cover (Petit Piquey), and les (Ares) o, the generation (Andernos). South are: lang tong (Landon), European Tang Ri (Audenge), pekah, (Bi ganos) and let the plum in Stella (Gujan - Mestras), it is composed of seven small port, the port of la rose (Larros) is the most ancient port, oyster chamber of commerce (Maison DE l Huitre) is located here.

Many oyster beds are open to the outside world and serve you with oysters. This is the perfect complement iodine opportunity, is also suitable for photo: binhai cabin, colored roofs and white lime, plus aqua male bay (bassin) bring the beauty of the sky light. Aqua male bay (Bassin) every tourism bureau (Offices DE Tourisme) recommend you visit the oyster breeding industry and its process, on foot or by boat, to visit the oyster beds, ports, and al male bay (Bassin) island.

每年夏天,阿爾卡雄灣(Bassin d』Arcachon)從事生蚝養殖的村子都慶祝他們的明星。這是接觸生蚝養殖者的絕佳機會,分享他們的養殖工藝及產品。同時還有諸多娛樂節目及狂歡晚會。

六月 : 萊日-卡普-費雷節(Fête de Lège-Cap-Ferret )

七月 : 朗通(Lanton)節、居讓梅斯特拉(Gujan-Mestras)節,昂代諾萊班(Andernos-Les-Bains)節

八月 : 阿雷斯(Arès)節、克拉烏艾(Claouey)節,河爾波(Herbe)節

Every summer, Bassin d arcachon celebrates its stars in oyster farming villages. This is a great opportunity to contact the oyster farmers and share their aquaculture and their products. There are plenty of entertainment and partying too.

June: the Fete DE legal-cap - Ferret

July: Lanton festival, gujan-mestras, andernos-les-bains

August: Ares, Claouey, Herbe


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