Oyster · World 教你如何打開生蚝

Oyster · World teaches you how to open an Oyster


今天 Oyster · World 變身老師來教您如何正確簡單的打開一隻美味的生蚝!

Many of the previous articles are about the brand and the story of the oyster.

Today, Oyster World is a teacher to teach you how to properly open a delicious raw Oyster!

☆ 注 意 ☆

  1. 不要把生蚝浸泡在水裡 或 用自來水沖洗,這樣會嚴重迫害生蚝內部PH值,改變生蚝內部循環,導致口感下將。Oyster · World 的生蚝可以直接開啟食用。
  2. 不要用蠻力去開啟生蚝,蠻力只會容易傷害到你的手或手臂,同時也容易把你的生蚝撬壞。
  3. 準備一個進口檸檬 或 一瓶辣椒仔。

Notice being fostered

Dont put the oyster soaking in the water or with tap water rinse, it would have been severe persecution oyster internal PH value, change the oyster internal circulation, will lead to taste.Oyster, World Oyster can directly open to eat.

Dont use brute force to open raw oysters, brute force will only be easy to hurt your hands or arms, but also easy to pry bad your oyster.

Prepare a lemon or a bottle of pepper seed imports.

  1. 準備一把蚝刀。( 購買 Oyster · World 的生蚝 會免費送您一把蚝刀。)

  1. 準備一隻防割手套 (膠皮手套也可以) 或 一條幹凈的毛巾。

  1. 準備紙巾 (最好是廚房用紙)





第四步:生蚝肉留在凹殼中,同樣用蚝刀割斷凹殼中的韌帶,然後將蚝肉翻滾一面,因為某種原因而被稱為「費城翻轉」(Philly Flip)。

Step 1 : hold the oyster in your left hand and the oyster knife in your right hand. The cutter location is very main, oyster flat side up, on the right side a third position into the cracks (that is, inside casing connection), insert the oyster knife to 45 ° raphe.

Step 2 : when the oyster knife is inserted into the oyster shell, gently turn the oyster knife and pry it open.

Step 3 : press the shell in one hand, and the knife along the gap. The upper shell of the oyster is turned on and the upper shell of the oyster is opened.

Step 4 : oyster meat in hollow shell, the same with the ligament in the oyster knife cut hollow shell, then the oyster meat back side, for some reason and is known as the "Flip" in Philadelphia (Philly Flip).


著名演員 黃曉明南澳之行柯芬灣Coffin Bay Oyster Farm蚝場帶你下海撈生蚝

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