Oyster·World 帶你認識美國泰勒生蚝

『 Oyster·World 美國·泰勒·生蚝



From the tide to the table

Taylor oyster since the 1890 s has been grown in the Pacific northwest high quality, sustainable raw oysters.

【 我們的基礎從一開始 】


Our foundation is from the beginning.

Through years of experience, we have learned how to develop the best shellfish in the Pacific northwest. We are in the south puget sound, the hood canal, sami rabbah and Walsh bay bay of farmland has its own unique conditions, shellfish for us to provide the special characteristics.


The scope of our farm from the beach, muddy unit to the rock coastline, these areas of each region has the ability to grow shells, we proudly from tide to the desktop. Our cathedral is famous for its beautiful white meat, which is grown on the deep sea sands of the intertidal zone. In tidal units, we grow our variety of oyster species, where they develop unique flavors from their entire filtered waters.

『 泰勒 · 可持續生蚝貝類養殖創新者 』


"Taylor sustainable oyster shellfish innovator"

As a company that relies on clean water and healthy ecosystems, it has long been a manager of the Marine environment. Sustainable development is important not only for our day-to-day operations, but also for our future. The environment we depend on to protect our livelihood is our goal, so we can continue to cultivate it for more than 120 years.


Taylors oyster is a major threat to our oysters. We have been at the forefront of this problem, because it appeared a few years ago in our oyster hatchery, which attracted our baby oysters. Our efforts have even attracted international attention. Last year, public affairs senior director bill Dewey was asked to talk about ocean acidification.




All Taylors oyster products are certified by the food federation and the food alliance is the agricultural third party certification body.

Our clams, mussels and oysters were rated as "best choices" by the seafood watch program at the monterey bay aquarium.

Oyster Taylor also proudly announced that, in our south puget sound and rabbah bay oyster farm production has been aquaculture management committee (ASC) certification, the council is responsible for farmed seafood international leading third-party certification body. We are trying to certify all of our farms on the west coast with unique locations through the ASC program.

《 太平洋 西北 的 味·道 》

我們種植最好的貝類,從臭名昭著的大地球到我們獨家的Shigoku和Totten Inlet Virginica生蚝,我們專註於太平洋西北地區最新鮮的潮汐表貝類。

The flavor of the Pacific northwest

We grow the best shellfish, through the notorious big earth to our exclusive Shigoku and Totten stations Inlet Virginica raw oysters, we focus on the Pacific northwest is the most fresh tide tables of shellfish.

生 蚝



Ostreidae: we offer five different types of oysters to satisfy every oyster lover. Like wine, oysters depend on their location and subtle flavor differences. Oyster connoisseurs like to call this "merrior". We sell our oysters in a variety of ways, including raw materials, peeling and top.

〈 熊本生蚝 〉


〈 奧林匹亞生蚝 〉


〈 太平洋生蚝 〉


〈 四國生蚝 〉





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