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『 Oyster · World Bruny Island Oyster 』



Bruni island

Aquamarine gulf edge Shi Haiya, lush tropical rainforests, rolling green pastures.And Bruni island still have the best oysters in the world!Bruni is Tasmanias fourth largest island, but the real two island is linked by a narrow canyon.Bruni in hobart, 40 km (25 miles) in the south.To catlin along A6 highway where Bruni Mirambeena vehicle ferry to north island Roberts Angle...

獲得脫殼培養太平洋生蚝,Crassostrea gigas,它是原產於亞太太平洋海岸。

《 農業 》

從塔斯馬尼亞苗圃購買距離約40mm長的生蚝,然後使用DEntrecasteaux頻道的原始水域將其肥胖成70mm +塊的粗壯肉,準備好桌子!生蚝懸浮在托盤中的長浮線上,每天24小時從水中過濾營養物質,直到準備好收穫。這個過程大概需要6-12個月的時間,最終的產品是一種濃郁的,甜味的太平洋生蚝。我們的租賃位於大灣中心。這意味著我們的生蚝是理想的位置,以過濾通過海灣洗滌的潮汐和潮流,並為生蚝提供豐富的營養。


Buy an oyster from the tasmanian nursery, which is about 40mm long, and then use the original water of the D entrecasteaux channel to make it 70mm + chunks of thick meat, ready for the table! The oyster is suspended in a long float on the tray, filtering nutrients from the water 24 hours a day until it is ready to harvest. The process takes about six to 12 months, and the final product is a rich, sweet Pacific oyster. Our lease is at the center of the big bay. This means that our oysters are the ideal place to filter the tides and tidal currents washed over the bay and provide abundant nutrition for the oysters.

《 質量保證 》

大灣被列為低風險地區,出口已獲得塔斯馬尼亞貝類質量保證計劃的批准。大灣郊區住宅很少; 相反,該地區大部分是乾燥,綿羊牧場,沒有河流系統進入海灣。這意味著水是純凈的,無污染的,我們的生蚝可以被歸類為有機的。Get Shucked的食品安全管理系統每收穫一次,並追蹤每日的衛生計劃,確保生蚝不僅從原始環境中收穫,而且在原始環境中處理。該計劃還包括每日衛生清單和定期的內部和外部審核,以確保一切都得到徹底監測。

Quality assurance

The gulf is classified as a low-risk area, and exports have been approved by the tasmanian quality assurance programme. There are few houses in the big bay; Instead, the region is mostly dry, sheep pastures, and no river systems enter the bay. This means that the water is pure and pollution-free, and our oysters can be classified as organic. Get Shucked every harvest food safety management system, and track the daily health plan, to ensure that raw oysters are not only benefited from the original environment, but also in the original environment. The plan also includes daily health listings and regular internal and external audits to ensure that everything is fully monitored.



Pacific oyster was introduced for the first time in the 1940 s, Tasmania, although they are not Tasmanias local oysters, but they are usually sold as a Tasmania oyster. But dont be fooled! The real tasmanian oyster is called angas. Though you can eat anker raw oysters, they are not delicious like Pacific Cousins, and that is why you will seldom find they farmed, or on the menu.

The oyster has double shell shells to protect its software. The two shells are connected by hinges and the adductor muscles hold the shells together. When the oyster is low or harvested, the oyster immediately USES the muscle to remove it from the water. The stronger the adductor muscle, the more water the oyster grows.


大多數(如果不是全部)生蚝以男性開始,後來在生命中改變為女性。當水溫正確(20°C +)時,當滿月時,當出現潮汐時,會產生成年生蚝。他們把數以百萬計的雞蛋和精子射入水中,這麼多的水看起來像是牛奶。那麼呃,你知道其餘的!

嬰兒生蚝在潮濕中漂流3周,直到它們變得太沉重,通常當它們長約7mm時。他們然後找到一些難以堅持自己的指頭。這就是我們所說的唾液。這將需要18個月至4年的時間才能達到您熟悉的尺寸 - 適合您的桌子的尺寸。


The oyster is the filter feeder. They use their gills to filter plankton, usually filtering 30 litres of water a day.

Most (if not all) of the oysters start with men and then change to women in life. When the water temperature (20 ° C +) right, when the full moon, when there is a tide, adult oysters. They put millions of eggs and sperm into the water, so much water looks like milk. Well, you know the rest!

Baby oysters float for three weeks in the wet, until they become too heavy, usually when they are about 7mm. They then found something that was difficult to hold on to. Thats what we call saliva. This will take 18 months to 4 years to reach your familiar size - the size of your desk.

Our oysters are usually harvested by the age of two to three. But if an oyster is left on its own device, it can survive for up to 30 years. We have a 15-year-old oyster shell on the counter. When you put it in, make sure you look.

《 牡蠣護理 》





Oyster care

Unless youre going to eat your oysters directly, youd better not open the oyster. Given the proper care, the oyster will stay out of the sea within 5-7 days after harvest. You can keep fresh oysters in the fridge. To ensure maximum freshness quality, place them under wet cloth.

If you want to put them in an eski, cover with a wet cloth. Ideally, the temperature should be about 4 ° C, but even in a day or two days to finish, even if the temperature is as high as 10 ° C will also is very good, because even if is 10 ° C, they still keep vigor and keep their delicious taste.

Once open, oysters to save in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, but please note: they will absorb any strong taste (for example, rock sugar and Onions tend to pollution, no matter how good your oyster packaging).

When buying fresh oysters, make sure the shells are firmly closed. Discard any oysters that have been opened or appear to have lost water.



Fish live longer and eat oysters for longer

There is little food in comparison to the nutritional value of oysters. Oysters are high in zinc, and modern medicine is linked to improved male performance. They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, copper, omega 3, vitamin A, B1, B2 and C. They are very rich in protein and low in cholesterol. Oysters are a very healthy nutritional choice and are said to be the only ones that cant digest bad food.

【 布魯尼島生蚝農場 照片 】


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