Oyster · World 世界上有多少生蚝品種?

『 Oyster · World 』How many oyster varieties in the world ? ??

〔 為了回答這個複雜的問題,我們必須重新審視生蚝的基礎知識。〕

生蚝「獨特」有三個根本因素:其物種,環境及其特徵。獨一無二的辭彙是引用的,因為許多食品行業認為兩個生蚝可能是完全一樣的,但是有不同的品牌,是自己的品種。品牌差異化由於營銷的增加絕對改變了產品格局。因此,為了解決這個趨勢,真正的 四大因素使生蚝獨一無二:它的種類,環境,栽培方式和品牌。

To answer this complex question, we must re-examine the basics of oyster. :

The oyster "unique" has three fundamental factors: its species, its environment and its characteristics. Unique vocabulary is references, because many food industry believe that two oysters may be exactly the same, but with different brand, is your own species. Brand differentiation has definitely changed the product landscape because of the increase in marketing. So, in order to solve this trend, the real four factors make oyster unique: its kind, its environment, its culture and its brand.

如果你能記住你的高中數學課,你可能會學到一些關於組合和排列的東西(誰會認為數學與生蚝有關係)。 實質上,世界上的品種數量等於這四個因素的獨特組合。 例如,位於 華盛頓州普吉特海峽(Puget SoundWA)的 Crassostrea virginica海灘,也就是 Totten Virginica Oyster,與位於 華盛頓州 Puget Sound 的另一個 Crassostrea gigas 海灘不同,也就是Totten Inlet Oyster。這兩個生蚝之間的主要區別是它們的種類,但它們使它們變得味道好看,並且看起來很不一樣。了解這些因素將有助於解釋為什麼有這麼多的生蚝品種存在。

If you can remember your high school math class, you might learn something about composition and alignment (who thinks math is related to oysters). In essence, the number of species in the world is the unique combination of these four factors. Phuket is located in Washington state, for example, the strait (Puget Sound, WA) Crassostrea virginica beach, namely Totten stations virginica Oyster, and is located in the Puget Sound, Washington another Crassostrea gigas beach, namely Totten stations Inlet Oyster. The main difference between the two oysters is their species, but they make them taste good and look different. Understanding these factors will help explain why so many oysters exist.

〖 因子1:生蚝的種類 〗

有生蚝家庭中的許多種, Ostreidae,但是,並不是所有的人都食用。家庭由10多個屬組成,但最常見的可食用生蚝種源自 CrassostreaOstrea Saccostrea 屬。以下是今天商業消費或耕種的最熟悉的物種:

  • Crassostrea virginica - 東方生蚝
  • Crassostrea gigas - 太平洋生蚝
  • Crassostrea sikamea - 熊本生蚝
  • Ostrea edulis - Belon Oysters
  • Ostrea lurida / conchapila - 奧林匹亞生蚝
  • Saccostrea glomerata - 悉尼搖滾生蚝

還有其他可食用的生蚝,如紅樹林生蚝(Crassostrea gasar),但它們通常在商業上不可用。不言而喻,生蚝的種類 很重要,因為它在確定其一般風味和殼形狀方面起著重要作用。

Factor 1: type of oyster

Ostreidae, many of the species in the oyster family, but not everyone. Families are made up of more than 10 families, but the most common edible oysters come from Crassostrea, Ostrea and Saccostrea. Here are some of the most familiar species of business today:

Crassostrea virginica - Oriental oyster

Crassostrea gigas - Pacific oyster

The Crassostrea sikamea-bear oyster

Ostrea edulis - Belon Oysters

Ostrea lurida/conchapila - Olympia oysters

Saccostrea glomerata - Sydney rock oysters

There are other edible oysters, such as the Crassostrea gasar, but they are usually not commercially available. It goes without saying that the type of oyster is important because it plays an important role in determining the general flavor and shape of the shell.

〖 因素2:環境 〗


Factor 2: environment

Oysters are the species that filter feed, so the composition of its direct water affects the taste of oysters. A raw oyster that grows in the mouth of a river where fresh water meets water is less animated than an oyster filter. The raw oysters grown on seaweed beds are more seaweed and green accents than the raw oysters grown in open water. Each place has its own unique characteristics, so the raw oyster that grows in different places will have different appearance and flavor.

〖 因子3:GROWOUT方法 〗

Shigokus是太平洋生蚝種類,通常生蚝已經有凹槽和脊殼上如下圖所示。然而,Shigokus生長在從未觸及海底的懸掛袋中,並且它們不斷被 潮汐的高度翻滾。這種粗糙的方法產生平滑的貽貝樣的殼,堅定的肉和深杯,使得Shigokus與弟兄不同。一個農場只能在一個地方種植一種,但通過使用不同的種植技術,種植者可以創造出多個生蚝品種。

Factor 3: GROWOUT method

Shigokus is the Pacific oyster species, and usually the oyster has grooves and ridges as shown below. However, Shigokus grows in suspended bags that never touch the bottom of the sea, and they are constantly being rolled up by the tides. This crude method produces a smooth mussel shell, strong meat and a deep cup, making Shigokus different from the brothers. A farm can only grow one place in one place, but by using different planting techniques, growers can create more than one oyster variety.

〖 因素4:品牌 〗

品牌差異化允許更多的生蚝在市場上佔有一席之地,併產生消費者忠誠度,但也會改變今天生蚝品種的定義。在Duxbury灣,有多個生蚝品牌。僅舉幾例,有Standish Shore,Island Creek / Row 34,Merry Oysters,Hungry Pilgrim,Blue Yonder和Powder Point。所有這些都是同一個種類,種植在同一個海灣,並有類似的種植方法,但有些人認為它們是不同的品種。品牌生蚝是一個有趣的辯論,但由於它不會消失,這是我們應該考慮的一個因素。

Factor 4: brand

Brand differentiation allows more oysters to have a place in the market and generate customer loyalty, but it also changes the definition of oyster varieties today. In Duxbury bay, there are several oyster brands. For example, there are Standish Shore, Island Creek/Row 34, Merry, Hungry Pilgrim, Blue Yonder and Powder Point. All of these are the same species, planted in the same bay, and have similar planting methods, but some people think they are different varieties. Brand oysters are an interesting debate, but because it doesnt go away, its a factor we should consider.

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