Oyster · World 帶你了解生蚝的營養價值

『 Oyster · World Oyster business value 』

『 說到生蚝可能很多人都會產生第一畫面就是街邊烤生蚝 10元3個,北方人稱之為海蠣子,牡蠣。今天在這裡告訴大家真相併非如此,牡蠣和生蚝是兩種完全不同的東西,雖然很多時候和很多地方也把「生蚝」稱為牡蠣,或者嚴格地說,生蚝屬於牡蠣的一種。由於適合生長條件的限制,它的數量上比其它品種的少,因此它的經濟價位一般比較高。』

When it comes to raw oysters may cause the first picture is a lot of people will roast oyster 10 yuan 3 from the street, the north called oysters, oysters. Tell you the truth here today is not the case, oysters and raw oysters are two completely different things, although a lot of time and a lot of places also called the "oyster" oysters, or strictly speaking, oyster belongs to a kind of oyster. As a result of the limitation of suitable growth conditions, its number is less than the other varieties, so its economy is generally high prices.

〖 就鋅含量而言,牡蠣和生蚝的差別卻十分驚人:每100g生蚝含鋅71.2mg,而同樣重量的牡蠣含鋅只有9.39mg,生蚝是普通牡蠣的7.6倍。就鋅含量而言,生蚝絕對是佼佼者,遙遙領先於其他天然食物,再無一種食物可以望其項背。還有蚝肉蛋白質含量超過40%,營養豐富,味道鮮美,素有「海中牛奶」之稱,同時還可入葯。因此,營養學一向推崇的含鋅量「最高」的牡蠣是指「生蚝」,而不是普通的牡蠣。鋅,對男人來說,是構成JY的很重要的元素,你懂得。〗

In terms of content of zinc, oysters and the difference of raw oysters are staggering: 71.2 mg per 100 g oyster containing zinc, and the same weight of oyster zinc only 9.39 mg, oyster is 7.6 times that of ordinary oysters. In terms of content of zinc, oyster is absolutely outstanding, well ahead of other natural food, all kinds of food can be nearly as well. And oyster meat protein content more than 40%, nutritious, delicious, known as "milk" in the sea, at the same time can also be used as a medicine. Nutrition, therefore, have always admired the zinc content of oyster "highest" refers to "oyster", rather than ordinary oysters. Zinc, for men, is a very important element of JY, you know.

「 生蚝是唯一可以生食的貝類,在很多國家很普遍,對人體也有多種保健功能。」

Oysters are the only raw shellfish, are common in many countries, also have a variety of health care function to human body.


糖 原:糖原是生蚝的主要成分,具有迅速補充,恢復體力,提高肌體免疫力的作用。

蛋白質:生蚝中蛋白質含量高脂肪含量少,故又稱之為"海底牛奶",在生蚝干,也就是豉中體現更加明顯。生蚝具有調節整個大腦皮層的功能,對於美容養顏、滋陰補血、補腎壯陽都有不錯的效果。古文有: 生用鎮靜、軟堅、解熱的效力良好;煅用則澀而帶燥,收斂固澀之力較強。 註:大部分海鮮的性寒,生蚝也不例外,體質特別寒涼的人建議少吃。










鉀和維生素 : 生蚝中所含的鉀元素,可治療皮膚乾燥及粉刺;維生素可使皮膚光潤,同時可以調節油脂的分泌。

核酸 : 生蚝中所含的核酸,是蛋白質合成的重要成分,能延緩皮膚老化,減少皺紋的形成。隨著年齡的增長,人體合成核酸的能力逐漸降低,只能從食物中攝取,人們日常所飲的牛奶在這方面明顯不及"海底牛奶"。

鋅 : 生蚝中所含的鋅元素,研究發現,鋅對生殖器官的發育和性功能的完善至關重要,前列腺及精液中含有豐富的鋅才有利於精子的生存和活動。否則,一方面會使睾丸組織結構萎縮,精子生長異常且活動力減弱;另一方面會使男性的雄性激素水平明顯下降。

硒 : 生蚝中所含的硒元素,則能阻止體內有害物質對精子細胞膜的氧化損傷,方可保護精子。

活性肽 : 對人體有多種保健功能,由於人體胃酸的破壞作用,生吃只是獲取了生蚝中一少部分的營養,未被人體完全吸收利用。

Raw oysters have nutrition composition and efficacy :

Glycogen, glycogen is the main element of the oyster, has rapidly supplement, restores the physical strength, improve the body immunity function.

Protein: high protein content in the raw oysters, less fat, so it is also called the "sea of milk", in oyster dry, namely is more obvious in fish. Oysters have adjust the function of the cerebral cortex, the blood tonic, beauty to raise colour, ziyin kidney strong sun has a good effect. Ancient prose are: raw with calm, soft firm, antipyretic effect is good; But with dry calcined with is acerbity, solid acerbity force of strong convergence. Note: most of the seafood sex cold, oyster is not exceptional also, special cold constitution suggest eating less.

Calcium carbonate: its composition have convergence, acid and pain effect, helps to gastric and duodenal ulcer healing. Experimental results show: the formulation of oyster white stag can cure on guinea pig experimental ulcer and prevent the occurrence of experimental gastric ulcer in rats, and inhibit the secretion of free acid and total acid in rats.

Taurine: oysters in the bezoar acid has obvious cholagogic effect, protect liver can prevention and treatment of intrahepatic bile YuJi disease during pregnancy.

Trace elements: oysters contain trace elements and repletion, pregnant women can contribute to the growth and development of the fetus, correction of anemia and speed up the pregnant women of strength.

P: oysters contain phosphorus is very rich, because calcium is absorbed by the human body needs the help of phosphorus, so it is the best food calcium.

Vitamin b12: oysters contain vitamin b12, is general food or lack of vitamin b12 in the drill elements can effectively prevent pernicious anemia, so have the function of the active hematopoietic function.

Amino acids, protein content in the raw oysters contain a variety of excellent amino acids:

(1) these amino acids can remove toxic substances in the body, to detoxify;

(2) the taurine can lower blood cholesterol concentration, therefore, can prevent hardening of the arteries.

Calcium: calcium contained in raw oysters, make the skin smooth, make skin beautiful, calcium seems particularly bloody.

Potassium and vitamin: oysters contain potassium, to treat dry skin and acne; Vitamin can make the skin smooth, and can regulate the secretion of oils and fats.

Nucleic acids: nucleic acids contained in raw oysters, are the important components of protein synthesis, can delay the ageing of the skin, and reduce the formation of wrinkles. As the growth of the age, the bodys ability to synthesis of nucleic acids gradually reduce, can only be from food intake, daily milk drink by significantly less than "the seabed milk" in this regard.

Zinc, zinc contained in raw oysters, the study found that zinc for the perfection of the development of reproductive organs and sexual function is crucial, prostate and semen contains abundant activity and is conducive to the survival of sperm and zinc. Otherwise, on the one hand, can make the structure of testicular tissue atrophy, developed abnormal sperm and activity weakened; On the other hand will make men significantly lower testosterone levels.

Selenium: oysters contains selenium element, it can prevent the body from harmful substances oxidative damage of sperm membrane, can protect the sperm.

Active peptide: a variety of health care function to human body, because the damage, stomach acid raw are but a few nutrients, obtained the oyster one not be fully absorbed by human body use.

Oyster · World 宗旨:求質不求量!』


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