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New Zealand Kaipara Oyster Farm

海洋生物豐富,位於紐西蘭北島人煙稀少西北地區的凱帕拉港的營養豐富的水域,為實現我們家族創造世界上最可持續的生蚝養殖場的雄心勃勃,提供了理想的位置。Kaipara Oysters將前所未有的水產養殖技術與示範農場和水管理結合起來,以確定我們認為將成為可持續水產養殖生產的新基準。(With an abundance of marine life, the untouched, nutrient-rich waters of the Kaipara Harbour, located in the sparsely populated northwest region of New Zealand』s North Island, offered the ideal location to fulfil our family』s ambition of creating the world』s most sustainable oyster farm.

Kaipara Oysters? have combined unprecedented aquaculture techniques and exemplary farm and water management principals to establish what we believe will become the new benchmark for sustainable aquaculture production.

《 農場 》

紐西蘭在最佳水產養殖生產方面享有盛名,幾十年來一直在尋找開創性的生產方式。我們的農場通過開發新的和創新的方式將這一區別化到另一個層面,以確保我們的業務的每個方面都以最可持續的方式進行。(New Zealand has a well-earned reputation for best-practice aquaculture production, acquired over several decades of initiating groundbreaking production methods. Our farm has taken this distinction onto another level by developing new and innovative ways to ensure each and every aspect of our operation is conducted in the most sustainable manner possible.

《 地點 》



開發完成後,開帕拉將成為紐西蘭最大的生蚝農場,每年可生產2400多萬個牡蠣。這將使紐西蘭的當前年產量增加40%以上。(Kaipara is New Zealand』s largest and most isolated body of water and our farm』s location in the central harbour ensures pristine water conditions and a large water exchange, excellent levels of productivity and vigorous water conditions.

The farm site covers 76 hectares and is the only commercial operation allowed in the central harbour.

When fully developed, Kaipara will be New Zealand』s largest oyster farm, capable of producing more than 24 million oysters per year. This will increase New Zealand』s total current annual production by more than 40%.

《 環保建設 》





We believe Kaipara Oysters has combined unprecedented aquaculture techniques and exemplary farm and water management principals to establish a new benchmark for sustainable aquaculture production.

A prime example of our strong environmental commitment came in the construction of our production area. We built the entire farm area using only materials manufactured from recycled eco-friendly materials, including plastics.

We found recycled plastic offered all the strength of traditional metal and wood materials but, because it cannot rust or rot, it requires only minimum maintenance and replacement. This has resulted in less seabed disturbance.

This pioneering undertaking was a world』s first for the global aquaculture industry.

《 認證 》

專家說,一個完美生蚝的秘訣是把它呈現在高峰期。但是在大多數情況下,生蚝與最終消費者相距甚遠。為了克服這個相當大的障礙,Kaipara Oysters在他們達到最高條件的時刻,在他們鄰近的最先進的處理設施「快速凍結」。這鎖定了所有的自然的味道和健康的營養。(Experts say the secret to a perfect oyster is to present it in its peak condition. But in most cases, oysters are farmed a considerable distance from their end-consumer. To overcome this considerable hurdle, Kaipara Oysters are 『snap-frozen』 at their neighbouring state-of-the-art processing facility the moment they reach their peak condition. This locks in all the natural taste and healthy nutrients.

凱帕拉生蚝通過最嚴格的Asure質量有機認證,由IFOAM(國際有機農業運動聯盟)認證,世界領先的有機組織之一。Kaipara Oysters are organic-certified under the stringent Asure Quality organic certification programme, which is accredited by IFOAM (International Federation Organic Agricultural Movement), one of the world』s leading organic organisations.

此外,農場和工廠得到世界上最嚴格的食品安全和公共衛生機構的全面批准,包括美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)和歐盟(EU)。(In addition, the farm and factory are fully approved by the world』s most exacting food safety and public health agencies, including the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union (EU).

《 保證產品質量 》

一切都在水中開始,由於人造干擾,凱帕拉港提供了世界上最安全的一些水域。因此只有一個乾淨,孤立的環境才能自然產生一個真正乾淨的生蚝。(Everything starts in the water and Kaipara Harbour offers some of the safest growing waters in the world because of their remoteness from human interference. Oysters are filter feeders, they reflect their environment in taste and cleanliness, and so it follows only a clean, isolated environment can naturally produce a truly clean oyster.

為了確保生長最安全的生蚝,凱帕拉不斷對農場進行水質檢測,對每批生產批次進行全面的微生物檢測。(To ensure it grows the safest possible oysters, Kaipara constantly performs water quality testing on its farm area and conducts full microbiological tests on every production batch.

在過去的四十年里,凱帕拉完善了先進的生產技術,使公司能夠在達到高峰狀態的時候「快速凍結」牡蠣,以保持剛剛收穫的味道,並為終端消費者提供同樣的終極飲食體驗時間。(Over the last four decades, Kaipara has perfected an advanced production technique that allows the company to 『snap-freeze』 its oysters the moment they reach peak condition to preserve the just-harvested taste and to give end-consumers the same ultimate eating experience every time.

凱帕拉生蚝在半殼中凍結。這確保沒有浪費和全年可用性。相比之下,所有受到季節性高峰影響的活牡蠣只有有限的保質期,一般死亡率為10%。(Kaipara Oysters are presented frozen in the half shell. This ensures there』s no waste and year-round availability. In contrast, live oysters, which are all subject to seasonal peaks, only have a limited shelf-life and generally a 10% mortality.

此外,已經證明,購買冷凍食品可以減少碳足跡,因為新鮮產品通常必須每天在世界各地飛行。然而,冷凍生蚝由於其長期的保存期限,可以遠距離運輸更多的碳海運。(Furthermore, it has been proven that buying frozen food can reduce carbon footprints as fresh products often have to be flown daily all over the world. Frozen oysters, however, can be transported over great distances much more carbon-effectively by sea because of their long shelf-life.

《 Kaipara名字從哪裡來? 》


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