GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 8. Selection

  • 單一選項二元狀態的操作控制項,iOS 和 Material 稱之為 Switch,Windows 和 Office 稱之為 Toggle,都很形象。

  • Slider / 滑桿 有精確選擇也有模糊選擇;比如明暗度、音量、透明度等。

  • iOS 上類似老虎機樣式的選擇控制項的官方命名是 Picker / 選擇器,也有叫 Wheel Selector、Scroll Wheel 等等。

  • iOS 和 macOS 的顏色選擇器因其圓形的樣式被命名為 Color Well,Well 有水井的意思。

  • 對應譯名:

    Radio Button —— 單選框

    Checkbox —— 複選框

    Switch —— 開關

    Toggle —— 撥動開關

    Slider —— 滑桿

    Pickers —— 選擇器

    Color Well —— 顏色選擇器


  1. Switches. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  2. Pickers. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  3. Sliders. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  4. Selection Controls. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Selection Controls
  5. Pickers. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Pickers - Components - Material design guidelines
  6. Selection controls. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Selection controls - Components - Material design guidelines
  7. Slider. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Sliders - Components - Material design guidelines
  8. Calendar, date, and time controls. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Guidelines for date and time controls
  9. Slider. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Sliders
  10. Toggle switch. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Guidelines for toggle switch controls
  11. Checkbox. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Office UI Fabric
  12. ColorPicker. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Office UI Fabric
  13. DatePicker. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Office UI Fabric
  14. Slider. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Office UI Fabric
  15. Toggle. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from Office UI Fabric


GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 6. Confirmation Popup
GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 4. Menu 附彩蛋
GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 3. Toolbar

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