GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 7. Action Popup

  • To Sum up:

    - Acknowledgement Popup: Let the user know the action has been completed or something just happened;

    - Confirmation Popup: Let the user verify the action they want to proceed;

    - Action Popup: Let the user take action and verify;

  • Action Popup 是用戶主動發起的新的任務流分支,所以稱不上對之前操作的打斷,樣式上也有全覆蓋的擴展。

  • 在 Action Popup 中,操作是必須的,但確認不是必須的;比如 iOS 上的 Action Sheets 和 Material 上的 Simple Dialogs。

  • 注,Persistent Bottom Sheets 是特殊形式;不同於 Popup 臨時性本質 —— 操作完畢後彈層即消失 —— PBS 是永久存在的,「To display content equal in value to the primary content」。PBS 並非操作性控制項,而更接近於 layout structure,類似兩欄結構。

  • 對應譯名:

    Action Popup —— 動作彈層


  1. Action Sheets. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  2. Popovers. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  3. Dialogs. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from macOS Human Interface Guidelines: Dialogs
  4. Bottom sheets. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from Bottom sheets - Components - Material design guidelines
  5. Dialogs. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from
  6. Dialogs. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from Dialogs and flyouts
  7. Panel. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 10, 2017, from Office UI Fabric


GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 6. Confirmation Popup
GUI 常用元素中英對照表 / 3. Toolbar

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