這是是英國詩人西格里夫·薩松(Siegfried Sassoon)代表作《於我,過去,現在以及未來 》(In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet)中的經典詩句。台灣詩人余光中將"In me the tiger sniffs the rose."翻譯為:心有猛虎,細嗅薔薇。意思是老虎也會有細嗅薔薇的時候。同理,人性中同時存在陽剛和陰柔兩面。再宏偉且遠大的雄心也會被溫柔和美麗所折服,安然感受美好。
這句詩讓人聯想到《少年派的奇幻漂流》中那隻名叫Richard Parker的孟加拉虎(Bengal tiger)。儘管它生性兇猛,隨時可能置同處一船的派於死地。但由於派一開始就尊重Parker的習性和領地法則,不僅沒有成為老虎的腹中之物,還逐漸通過自己的耐心和智慧馴服它,得以在漫長的漂流過程與猛虎和平共處。最終兩者都有幸生存下來,離開浩瀚無際的海洋。
In me, past, present, future meet
Siegfried Sassoon
In me, past, present, future meet
To hold long chiding conference.
My lusts usurp the present tense
And strangle Reason in his seat. My loves leap through the futures fence To dance with dream-enfranchised feet. In me the cave-man clasps the seer,And garlanded Apollo goes
Chanting to Abrahams deaf ear. In me the tiger sniffs the rose. Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble, Since there your elements assemble於我,過去,現在以及未來
——西格夫里·薩松(余光中譯) 於我,過去,現在以及未來 商談著,各執一詞,紛紛擾擾林林總總的慾望,掠取著我的現在
將理性扼殺於它的寶座 我的愛情紛紛越過未來的藩籬 夢想解放出雙腳,舞蹈著 於我,穴居者攫取了先知 佩帶花環的阿波羅 向亞伯拉罕的聾耳邊吟唱 我心裡有猛虎在細嗅著薔薇 審視我的心靈吧,親愛的朋友,你應戰慄 因為那裡才是你本來的面目Siegfried Loraine Sassoon, CBE, MC (8 September 1886 – 1 September 1967) was an English poet, writer, and soldier. Decorated for bravery on the Western Front, he became one of the leading poets of the First World War. His poetry both described the horrors of the trenches, and satirised the patriotic pretensions of those who, in Sassoons view, were responsible for a jingoism-fuelled war.(wiki)