《音樂美學》讀書筆記——2. Absolute Music by Thomas Grey

這一章從歷史發展的角度討論了絕對音樂 (Absolute music):概念的形成、拓展和應用,以及對於「什麼樣的音樂能稱為絕對音樂」這一命題進行了討論。

Historical perspective:

  • The term absolute music is first introduced by Wagner in his programmatic commentary for a performance of Beethovens Ninth Symphony in 1846.
  • Eduard Hanslicks treatise of 1854 On the Musically Beautiful has traditionally been viewed as a theory of absolute music.
  • For them the term only denotes pure instrumental music.

Three propositions:

  • Some music is absolute (the normative view in music scholarship and criticism)
    • Includes most classical instrumental genres such as the fugue, the string quartet and the symphony.
    • They could be understood and appreciated without reference to concepts, images or verbal data.
    • Does not include texted vocal music.
    • They are conceived to match at least some elements of linguistic features such as meter, rhythm and rhyme.
    • Does not include works of a descriptive title.
    • Compositional style and substance are the determining factors, not liturgical function.
  • All music is absolute (German Romantic-metaphysical tradition)
    • Arthur Schopenhauer The World as Will and Representation
      • Music is a direct reflection of the all-encompassing principle of the Will. (Lack of reference to the phenomenal world)
      • Thus any titles or texts may serve an illustrative function, but our perception of the music itself is not fundamentally altered by them.
    • Our attitude toward the music may be inflected by textual and cultural contingencies, but the music is what we hear first.
  • No music is absolute (post-modern)
    • Richard Wagners open letter On Franz Liszts Symphonic Poems
      • No music is absolute. Anti-Schopenhauerian
      • All empirical musical practices are conditioned by aspects of the human body, voice and fundamental cultural practices.


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