Volunteer in Uttaradit: Day 0.5 - 11

## Day 1 July.11th Mon.

- Arrived and met all the staff

Got computer and assignment but been told to be relaxed.

Been impressed by the difference of working way of Thai, German, Australian and Chinese.

- Taught in the emergency gathering

Watched and then joined.

- For the first time had lunch together

Was not really able to follow everyone with their speed and accent at first.

- Went shopping and bank for necessities for the apartment with Peter

I do like the German way to get things structured and planned.

- BBQ party with Lu, Bon and the families

Mixed accents and ideas of Germany, Thai, Belgium and Chinese.

Communication way.

Experience of Franzi and Ly.

No way to say no to Thai.

## Day 2 July.12th Tue.

- Taught Prathom 1

Why we are here to teach?

How to teach and attract?

"You make things too complicated."

Relate words by drawings and colors.

- Visited Uttaradit University

- Hung around, was invited to the House and Knowledge

Amazing how people live here in such a peaceful state.

- Dinner at FRIDAY with Franzi

Had difficulties when came to real topic.

- Diaries

## Day 3 July.13th Wed.

- Taught Prathom 1

Stressed and uneasy about teaching, needed find a way out.

- Chinese distributor of German sweets

The method to do business.

Complicated communicate step by step.

- Uttaradit Weekly Market

- Dinner with Lus family

The paying issues with Franzi.

Real family life.

- Kids games at TTGardeN

- Chats in the yard

## Day 4 July.14th Thur.

- Taught Anuban

Cuuuuute! Relaxed.

- Chess and cafe

- 3-hour nap

- Local food market

- Sat and ate

No judge.

Relate to local people.

- Livehouse

## Day 5 July.15th Fri.

- Taught Prathom 3

Felt so overwhelmed by kiddies hug and pics. I got much more than I paid.

The game HANGMAN.

- Promotion infos on Chinese websites

- Tattoo Studio with Franzi

- Conversations about DO NOT JUDGE and open mind

## Day 6 July.16th Sat.

- Worked at school

- Dined out with Siras and Lus

- Durian Market

- Waterfall

- Laplair Annual Market

## Day 7 July.17th Sun.

- Worked at school, took pics, Chinese promotion infos

- Talk with Sira

- Hotpot with Siras family, Craig n Em

## Day 8 July.18th Mon.

- Worked at school

- ATV n coffee

- TTGardeN with Siras

- Party with Lus

## Day 9 July.19th Tue.

- Saw off Franzi

- Worked at school

- TTGardeN with Simon n Siras

## Day 10 July.20th Wed.

- Saw off Emily

- PPT with Simon

- Chinese Promotion

- Tickets and expired visa

- Hanged around for dinner

- PPT and videos for Anuban

## Day 11 July.21st Thur.

- Taught Anuban 2 alone

- Watch Peter & Simon teaching


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