
[Operating System Concepts搬運工] 關於加密,驗證, SSL / TLS3.0的基礎知識



我覺得我們這門課雖然叫Operating System Concepts,到不如說是安全基本知識入門(所以學啥完全取決於老師的方向和自己)。這部分大概預習了(霧。。)有一周,還是懵懂,不對的地方希望大家多多指教。課本用得是很經典的Abraham Sliberschatz,Peter Bear Galvin 和Greg Gagne 的 Operating System Concepts 9th Edition(也就是恐龍書). (然而弱渣的我基本上是看中譯第七版,翻譯得一塌糊塗)剛好看到知乎最近也在升級Https,感覺沒有很好的答案去解釋這些概念,所以就把自己在書上看到的記在這裡。

中文是我自己翻譯的,不對準確性負責,自己的陋見用的是斜體。(時間有限,所以就選一部分啦,請參見原書Chapter 15。)






有機會的話也會在github上架個Jekyll 模板 上blog但是現在沒空...所以假期的話也該會做(flag已立),現在的話就只是純靜態的個人介紹頁面。

  • Encryption 加密

Because it solves a wide variety of communication security problems, encryption

is used frequently in many aspects of modern computing. It is used to send

messages securely across a network, as well as to protect database data,

files, and even entire disks from having their contents read by unauthorized




Security, on the other hand, requires not only an adequate protection

system but also consideration of the external environment within which the

system operates.


Breach of confidentiality(保密性),

Breach of integrity(完整性),

Breach of availability(可用性,簡單的說就是unauthorized destruction未被許可的破壞),

Theft of service(偷竊服務, 即 unauthorized use of resources私自佔有使用資源),

Denial of service(拒絕服務).


An encryption algorithm enables the sender of a message to ensure that only a computer possessing a certain key can read the message, or ensure that the writer of data is the only reader of that data.


An encryption algorithm consists of the following components:

? A set K of keys.

? A set M of messages.

? A set C of ciphertexts.

? An encrypting function E : K → (M→C). That is, for each k ∈ K, E_{k} is a

function for generating ciphertexts from messages. Both E and E_{k} for any k

should be efficiently computable functions. Generally, E_{k} is a randomized

mapping from messages to ciphertexts.

? A decrypting function D : K → (C → M). That is, for each k ∈ K, D_{k} is a

function for generating messages from ciphertexts. Both D and D_{k} for any

k should be efficiently computable functions.


? 一個密鑰集合K



? 一個加密函數 E : K → (M→C). 即,對於每個密鑰 k ∈ K, E_{k}是一個用消息生成密文的函數。對任意k來說, E 和 E_{k}都是高效的且可計算的函數。大致來說,E_{k} 是從消息到密文的一個隨機映射。

? 一個解密函數 E : K → (C→M). 即,對於每個密鑰 k ∈ K, D_{k}是一個用密文生成消息的函數。對任意k來說, D 和 D_{k}都是高效的且可計算的函數。大致來說,D_{k}是從密文到消息的一個隨機映射。

An encryption algorithm must provide this essential property: given a

ciphertext c ∈ C, a computer can compute m such that E_{k} (m) = c only if

it possesses k. Thus, a computer holding k can decrypt ciphertexts to the

plaintexts used to produce them, but a computer not holding k cannot decrypt

ciphertexts. Since ciphertexts are generally exposed (for example, sent on a

network), it is important that it be infeasible to derive k from the ciphertexts.

There are two main types of encryption algorithms: symmetric and


一個加密演算法必須提供這個必要屬性:給定一個密文c ∈ 密文集合C, 只有計算機掌握k的時候才能通過計算加密函E_{k} (m) = c得到消息m。因此,只有掌握密鑰k的計算機可以解密密文,但是沒有掌握k的計算機卻不可以。因為密文常常是被暴露出來的(比如在網路中發送的時候),所以很重要的一點是讓從密文推出密鑰k變得不可能。一共有兩種加密:對稱加密和非對稱加密。

Symmetric encryption algorithm and Asymmetric encryption algorithm


In a symmetric encryption algorithm, the same key is used to encrypt and to

decrypt. Therefore, the secrecy of k must be protected.




  1. data-encryption standard (DES):64-bit value,a 56-bit key, performing a series of transformations that are based on substitution and permutation operations (基於替換和排列變換). Work on a block of bits at a time, is known as a block cipher.
  2. triple DES: DES algorithm is repeated three times (two encryptions and one decryption) on the same plaintext using two or three keys—for example, c = E_{k3} (D_{k2} (E_{k1} (m))). When three keys are used, the effective key length is 168 bits (i.e. 56*3).
  3. advanced encryption standard (AES):another block cipher, use key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits and works on 128-bit blocks. //這裡block cipher應該是按照固定bit長度加密的意思
  4. RC4: stream cipher based (encrypt and decrypt a stream of bytes or bits rather than a block). This is useful when the length of a communication would make a block cipher

    too slow.


In an asymmetric encryption algorithm, there are different encryption and

decryption keys.... Any sender can use that key to encrypt a communication,

but only the key creator can decrypt the communication. This scheme, known

as public-key encryption, was a breakthrough in cryptography.

在非對稱加密演算法,加密和解密密鑰是不同的。...任何發送者能均夠能使用那個密鑰 (即公鑰)加密通訊,但是只有密匙創建者能解密通訊。這種模式,被稱為公鑰加密,曾是密碼學的一個突破。

Example: RSA Algorithm 舉例:RSA 加密演算法

In RSA, k_{e} is the public key, and k_{d} is the private key. N is the product of

two large, randomly chosen prime numbers p and q (for example, p and q are

512 bits each). It must be computationally infeasible to derive k_{d,N} from k_{e,N} , so

that k_{e} need not be kept secret and can be widely disseminated. The encryption

algorithm is E_{k_{e} } ,N(m) = m^{k_{e} } mod N, where k_{e} satisfies k_{e} k_{d} mod (p?1)(q?1) =

1. The decryption algorithm is then D_{k_{d} } ,N(c) = c^{k_{d}} mod N.

在RSA中,k_{e} 是公鑰,k_{d} 是私鑰, N是兩個較大的隨機選擇的素數之積(比如,p,q每個都是512位長)。從k_{d,N} k_{e,N} 一定是不能計算出的,因此k_{e} 不必保持機密並可以被廣泛傳播。

加密演算法是E_{k_{e} } , N(m) = m^{k_{e} } mod N,k_{e} 滿足 k_{e} k_{d} mod (p?1)(q?1) = 1.

接著解密演算法是 D_{k_{d} } ,N(c) = c^{k_{d}} mod N

An example using small values is shown in Figure 15.8. In this example, we

make p = 7 and q = 13.We then calculate N = 7?13 = 91 and (p?1)(q?1) = 72.

We next select k_{e} relatively prime to 72 and < 72, yielding 5. Finally, we calculate

k_{d} such that k_{e} k_{d} mod 72 = 1, yielding 29. We now have our keys: the public

key, k_{e} ,N = 5, 91, and the private key, k_{d} ,N = 29, 91. Encrypting the message 69

with the public key results in the message 62, which is then decoded by the

receiver via the private key.

圖15.8一個比較小一點的例子。我們讓 p = 7, q =13。然後計算N = 7*13 且 (p?1)(q?1) = 72。接著我們相應的給k_{e}選擇一個小於72的素數,得到5。最後我們通過k_{e} k_{d} mod 72=1計算得到 k_{d} ,為29。因此現在k_{e},N = 5, 91;私鑰 k_{d} ,N = 29, 91。用公鑰加密消息69得到密文結果62,然後通過私鑰解密。




The use of asymmetric encryption begins with the publication of the public

key of the destination. For bidirectional communication, the source also must

publish its public key. 「Publication」 can be as simple as handing over an

electronic copy of the key, or it can be more complex. The private key (or 「secret

key」) must be zealously guarded, as anyone holding that key can decrypt any

message created by the matching public key.


We should note that the seemingly small difference in key use between

asymmetric and symmetric cryptography is quite large in practice. Asymmetric

cryptography is much more computationally expensive to execute. It is much

faster for a computer to encode and decode ciphertext by using the usual

symmetric algorithms than by using asymmetric algorithms. Why, then, use

an asymmetric algorithm? In truth, these algorithms are not used for general purpose

encryption of large amounts of data. However, they are used not

only for encryption of small amounts of data but also for authentication,

confidentiality, and key distribution, as we show in the following sections.


  • Authentication認證

We have seen that encryption offers a way of constraining the set of possible

receivers of a message. Constraining the set of potential senders of a message

is called authentication. Authentication is thus complementary to encryption.


Authentication is also useful for proving that a message has not been modified.


An authentication algorithm using symmetric keys consists of the following


? A set K of keys.

? A set M of messages.

? A set A of authenticators.

? A function S : K → (M → A). That is, for each k ∈ K, S_{k} is a function for

generating authenticators from messages. Both S and S_{k} for any k should

be efficiently computable functions.

? A function V : K → (M×A→{true, false}). That is, for each k ∈ K, V_{k}

is a function for verifying authenticators on messages. Both V and V_{k} for

any k should be efficiently computable functions.


? 一個密鑰集合K



? 一個驗證器生成函數 S : K → (M→A). 即,對於每個密鑰 k ∈ K, S_{k} 是一個用消息生成驗證器的函數。對任意k來說, S和S_{k} 都是高效的且可計算的函數。

? 一個驗證器驗證函數 E : K → (M×A→{true, false}). 即,對於每個密鑰 k ∈ K, V_{k} 是一個用來驗證特定消息的驗證器的函數。對任意k來說, V 和V_{k} 都是高效的且可計算的函數。

The critical property that an authentication algorithm must possess is this:

for a message m, a computer can generate an authenticator a ∈ A such

that V_{k} (m, a) = true only if it possesses k. Thus, a computer holding k can generate authenticators on messages so that any computer possessing k can

verify them. However, a computer not holding k cannot generate authenticators

on messages that can be verified using V_{k} . Since authenticators are generally

exposed (for example, sent on a network with the messages themselves), it

must not be feasible to derive k from the authenticators. Practically, if V_{k} (m, a)

= true, then we know that m has not been modified, and that the sender of

the message has k. If we share k with only one entity, then we know that the

message originated from k.

驗證演算法的重要屬性是:對一個消息m,只有計算機掌握k的時候可以生成一個驗證器 a ∈ A 使得驗證函數 V_{k} (m, a) = true 。因此,任何持有密鑰k的計算機可以生成關於消息m的驗證器,這個驗證器可被其它任意一台任何持有密鑰k的計算機通過V_{k} 來驗證。因為驗證器通常是被暴露的(比如,在網路上和消息一起被發送),所以很重要的一點是讓從驗證器推出密鑰k變得不可能。實際上,如果V_{k} (m, a) = true,我們就可以知道消息沒被更改過。如果我們只把k分享給過一個實體,那麼我們就能知道消息源自最初的發布者。

Just as there are two types of encryption algorithms, there are two main varieties of authentication algorithms.



The first step in understanding these algorithms is to explore hash functions. A hash function H(m) creates a small, fixed-sized block of data, known as a message digest or hash value, from a message m. Hash functions work by taking a message, splitting it into blocks, and processing the blocks to produce an n-bit hash. H must be collision resistant —that is, it must be infeasible to find an m^{} = m such that H(m) = H(m^{} ). Now, if H(m) = H(m^{} ), we know that m = m^{} — that is, we know that the message has not been modified. Common message-digest functions include MD5, now considered insecure, which produces a 128-bit hash, and SHA-1, which outputs a 160-bit hash. Message digests are useful for detecting changed messages but are not useful as authenticators. For example, H(m) can be sent along with a

message; but if H is known, then someone could modify m to m^{} and recompute H(m^{} ), and the message modification would not be detected. Therefore, we must authenticate H(m).

理解這兩種演算法的第一步是探索hash函數。hash函數H(m)用一條消息創建一塊小的且固定大小的數據,被稱作消息摘要或者hash值。它是這樣工作的:取一條消息,將其拆分成塊,並且處理這些小塊來產生n位的hash。H函數是拒絕碰撞的,也就是說,如果m^{} =m,則H(m) = H(m^{}  ) 是不成立的。所以現在,如果H(m) = H(m^{}  ), 那麼一定有m = m^{}  ,也就是說,我們可以確定這條消息m沒有被更改。常見的消息摘要函數包括產生128位hash摘要的MD5(現在已經被認為是不安全的)和產生160位hash摘要的SHA-1。消息摘要對檢測消息是否被更改十分有用但是對驗證驗證器來說是沒用的。比如,H(m)可以和一條消息一起被發送,但是如果H函數是已知的其他人可以將m修改成m^{}  然後重新計算H(m^{}  ),並且這種更改不能被檢測出來。因此,我們必須驗證H(m).

message-authentication code (MAC)消息驗證碼

? uses symmetric encryption 使用對稱加密

? a cryptographic checksum is generated from the message using a secret key 消息的加密校驗和通過一個密鑰來被生成。

? k is needed to compute both S_{k} andV_{k} , so anyone able to compute one can compute the other. k用來計算S_{k} V_{k} ,所以任何能計算一個的人也能計算另外一個。

digital-signature algorithm數字簽名演算法

? the authenticators thus produced are called digital signatures 這種演算法的驗證器也被叫做數字簽名。

? Digital signatures are very useful in that they enable anyone to verify the authenticity of the message.數字簽名使得任何人可以驗證消息的真實性。

? k_{v} is the public key, and k_{s} is the private key. k_{v} 是公鑰,k_{s} 是私鑰。

? infeasible to derive k_{s} from k_{v} 不可從k_{v} 推導出k_{s}

? Example: RSA digital-signature algorithm,similar to the RSA encryption algorithm, but the key use is reversed. The digital signature of a message is derived by computing S_{ks} (m) = H(m)^{k_{s}} mod N.The key k_{s} again is a pair <d, N>, where N is the product of two large, randomly chosen prime numbers p and q. The verification algorithm is then

V_{k_{v}} = ? ( a^{k_{v}} mod N = H(m)), where k_{v} satisfies k_{v} k_{s} mod (p ? 1)(q ? 1) = 1.

例子:RSA 數字簽名演算法, 和RSA加密演算法類似,但是key的使用是相反的(譯者註:即私鑰算出驗證器,公鑰驗證驗證器)。一個消息的數字簽名S_{ks} (m)是通過計算S_{ks} (m) =H(m)^{k_{s}} mod N 得到的。密鑰k_{s} 同樣是有序數對<d,N>,N同樣是兩個巨大的且隨機選出的素數p和q之積。驗證演算法是V_{k_{v}} = ? ( a^{k_{v}} mod N =H(m)),同樣k_{v} 滿足k_{v} k_{s} mod (p ? 1)(q ? 1) = 1.




TAG:加密 | 驗證 | SSL |