



Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

Arnold Bennett The Old Wives Tale

Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Heart

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre

Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights

Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange

Samuel Butler The Way of All Flesh

A.S.Byatt Possession

Lewis Carroll Alices Adventures in Wonderland

Angela Carter The Company of Wolves

Agatha Christie Murder on the Orient Express

Ivy Compton-Burnett A Family and a Fortune

JosephConrad Heart of Darkness, LordJim

DanielDefoe Robinson Crusoe

CharlesDickens David Copperfield

SirArthur C. Ddyle Adventure of SherlockHolmes

Margaret Drabble The Waterfall

DaphneDu Maurier Rebecca

GeorgeEliot Middlemarch

E.M.FForster Howards End, A Passage toIndia

JohnFowles The French LieutenantsWoman

JohnGalsworthy The Man of Property

WilliamGolding Lord of the Flies

GrahamGreene The Human Factor

ThomasHardy Tess of the DUrbervilles, Judethe Obscure

AldousHuxley After Many a Summer

HenryJames Daisy Miller

JamesJoyce A Portrait of the Artist as aYoung Man

RudyardKipling Kim

CharlesLamb Tales from Shakespeare

D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers

JohnLe Carre The Spy Who Came in from theCold

DorisLessing The Grass Is Singing

DavidLodge Nice Work

W.Somerset Maugham The Moon andSixpence, Of Human Bondage

IrisMurdoch The Black Prince

GeorgeOrwell Nineteen Eighty-four

SalmanRushdie Midnight Children

SirWalter Scott Ivanhoe

C.P. Snow The Affair

MurielSpark The Prime of Miss JeanBrodie

RobertLouis Stevenson Treasure Island

JohnathanSwift Gullivers Travels

WilliamM. Thackeray Vanity Fair

EvelynWaugh A Handfull of Dust

H.G. Wells The Invisible Man

OscarWilde The Picture of DorianGray

VirginiaWoolf Mrs Dalloway, To theLighthouse


SherwoodAnderson Winesburg, Ohio

JamesBaldwin Go Tell It on theMountain

SaulBellow Seize the Day, Henderson theRain King

WilliamS. Burroughs The Naked Lunch

WillaCather My Antonia

KateChopin The Awakening

StephenCrane The Red Badge of Courage

TheodoreDreiser Sister Carrie, An AmericanTragedy

RalphEllison Invisible Man

WilliamFaulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the Fury

F.Scott Fitzgerald The GreatGatsby

AlexHaley Roots

NathanielHawthorne The Scarlet Letter

JosephHeller Catch-22

ErnestHemingway The Sun Also Rises, TheOld Man and the Sea JamesJones From Here to Eternity

MaxineHong Kingston The Woman Warrior

HarperLee To Kill a Mockingbird

SinclairLewis Main Street

JackLondon The Call of the Wild, Martin Eden

NormanMailer The Naked and the Dead

CarsonMcCullers The Heart Is a LonelyHunter

JamesA. Michener Centennial

MargaretMitchell Gone with the Wind

ToniMorrison The Bluest Eye

VladimirNabokov Lolita

FrankNorris The Octopus

J.D. Salinger The Catcher in theRye

ErichSegal Man, Woman and Child

UptonSinclair The Jungle

JohnSteinbeck The Grapes of Wrath

HarrietBeecher Stowe Uncle Toms Cabin

WilliamStyron Sophies Choice

MarkTwain The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn

AliceWalker The Color Purple

RobertPenn Warren All the Kings Men

EdithWharton The Age of Innocence

ThorntonWilder The Bridge of San LuisRey

ThomasWolfe Look Homeward, Angel

HermanWouk The Winds of War

RichardWright Native Son


MorleyCallaghan That Summer in Paris

NorthropFrye The Great Code

MargaretLaurence The Stone Angel

StephenLeacock Sunshine Sketches of a LittleTown

MalcolmLowry Under the Volcano

HughMacLennan The Watch That Ends theNight

L.M. Montgomery Anne of GreenGables


MartinBoyd Lucinda Brayford

PeterCarey Oscar and Lucinda

MilesFranklin My Brilliant Career

ThomasKeneally Shindlers Ark

AlexMiller The Ancestor Game

HenryHandel Richardson The Fortunes ofRichard Mahony

ChristinaStead The Man Who LovedChildren

RandolphStow To the Islands

PatrickWhite Voss, The Tree of Man



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