
# [awesome-gulp](GitHub - alferov/awesome-gulp: A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation)中文版

> 一份[gulp](GitHub - gulpjs/gulp: The streaming build system)的資源,插件和使用實例清單, 致力於打造更好的前端工程構建流程。

被老外的[awesome](GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: A curated list of awesome lists) 清單刺激到,覺得有必要翻譯一份,為國產的程序員們做點事情,本清單將保持實時更新同步。PS:進都進來了,就順便看看其他的吧:

- [awesome-nodejs-cn](GitHub - Pines-Cheng/awesome-nodejs-cn: Nodejs 資源大全中文版,敬請期待)

- [awesome-npm-cn](GitHub - Pines-Cheng/awesome-npm-cn: npm資源大全中文版,敬請期待。)

- [awesome-react-cn](GitHub - Pines-Cheng/awesome-react-cn: react中文資料、資源、庫、文檔大全,持續更新中。)

- [awesome-react-native-cn](

>項目的Github地址:[awesome-react-cn](GitHub - Pines-Cheng/awesome-gulp-cn: gulp資源大全中文版,持續更新中。),歡迎start。


>如果想貢獻,請[Pull Requests](Pull Requests · Pines-Cheng/awesome-gulp-cn · GitHub)。

## 資源

### 通用資源

* [官網](gulp.js - the streaming build system)

* [Github庫](GitHub - gulpjs/gulp: The streaming build system)

* [插件註冊](

* [NPM模塊](gulp)

* [插件黑名單](plugins/blackList.json at master · gulpjs/plugins · GitHub)

### 官方文檔

* [快速開始](gulp/ at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

* [API文檔](gulp/ at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

* [CLI 文檔](gulp/docs at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

* [開始寫一個插件](gulp/ at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

* [使用訣竅](gulp/docs/recipes at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

### 組織

* [StackOverflow](Newest gulp Questions)

* [Twitter](

### 入門教程

#### Gulp入門

* [使用Gulp構建前端工程](Building With Gulp)

* [通過Gulp.js輕鬆自動化構建你的前端工程](Automate Your Tasks Easily with Gulp.js)

* [Gulp,讓前端工程可視化](

* [Gulp.js是什麼?](Tags: gulp - Stefan Imhoff)

* [使用Gulp在你的HTML中直接插入Scripts和Styles標籤](

* [5節課學會使用Gulp.js](

* [我是怎樣擺脫前端工程的困擾的?](Automating Linkage: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Build)

* [第一次開始Gulp Task](Setting Up Gulp Tasks for the First Time)

* [為什麼你不自己寫一個Gulp插件?](OverZealous Creations: The Blog)

* [6個最好的從根本改善你的開發經驗的Gulp實戰練習](6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience)

* [Gulp初學者教程](

#### Gulp 4 入門

* [遷移到Gulp 4的例子](Migrating to gulp 4 by example)

* [Gulp 4: 新的task執行系統 - gulp.parallel 和 gulp.series](Gulp 4: The new task execution system)

#### Gulp with Browserify

* [Gulp + Browserify, the Gulp-y Way](

* [Gulp + Browserify](

* [快速構建Browserify和Watchify](gulp/ at master · gulpjs/gulp · GitHub)

#### Gulp with Angular

* [Angular工程需要什麼 - Gulp能提供什麼](A complete toolchain for AngularJs)

#### Gulp with Angular and Browserify

* [使用 Gulp, Node and Browserify構建先進的 AngularJS工程結構](Omar Fouad - Advanced AngularJS structure with Gulp, Node and Browserify)

#### Gulp with React and Browserify

* [Browserify、Gulp 和 React](Browserify and Gulp with React Mozilla Hacks)

* [Taking React to the Next Level: Mixins, Gulp, and Browserify](

#### Gulp with Ember

* [使用Gulp.js改進你的Ember.js工作流](Improving Your Ember.js Workflow Using Gulp.js)

### 其他資源

* [Gulp 備忘錄](GitHub - osscafe/gulp-cheatsheet: A cheatsheet for gulp.js)

* [Gulp清單](GitHub - johnpapa/gulp-patterns: Playground for Gulp Recipes)

## 插件

### 編譯

* [gulp-sass](GitHub - dlmanning/gulp-sass: SASS plugin for gulp) - 通過 [libsass](GitHub - sass/libsass: A C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler)將Sass編譯成 CSS

* [gulp-ruby-sass](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-ruby-sass: Compile Sass to CSS with Ruby Sass) - 通過 Ruby Sass將Sass編譯成CSS

* [gulp-compass](GitHub - appleboy/gulp-compass: Compass plugin for gulp) - 通過 Ruby Sass和CompassSass編譯成CSS

* [gulp-less](GitHub - plus3network/gulp-less: A LESS plugin for Gulp) - [Less](GitHub - less/less.js: Leaner CSS)編譯成 CSS.

* [gulp-stylus](GitHub - stevelacy/gulp-stylus: Stylus plugin for gulp) - [Stylus](GitHub - stylus/stylus: Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs) 編譯成 CSS.

* [gulp-postcss](GitHub - postcss/gulp-postcss: Pipe CSS through PostCSS processors with a single parse) - Pipe CSS 通過 [PostCSS](GitHub - postcss/postcss: Transforming styles with JS plugins) processors with a single parse.

* [gulp-coffee](GitHub - contra/gulp-coffee: Coffeescript plugin for gulp) - [Coffeescript](GitHub - jashkenas/coffeescript: Unfancy JavaScript) 編譯成 JavaScript.

* [gulp-typescript]( - [TypeScript](GitHub - Microsoft/TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.)編譯成JavaScript.

* [gulp-react](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-react: Precompile Facebook React JSX templates into JavaScript) - Facebook [React](GitHub - facebook/react: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.) JSX 模板編譯成JavaScript.

* [webpack-stream](GitHub - shama/webpack-stream: Run webpack through a stream interface) - 將[webpack](集成在Gulp中使用。

* [gulp-babel]( - ES6編譯成ES5 通過 [babel](

* [gulp-traceur](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-traceur: Traceur is a to JavaScript-of-today compiler) - ES6編譯成ES5 通過 [Traceur](GitHub - google/traceur-compiler: Traceur is a compiler).

* [gulp-regenerator](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-regenerator: Transpile ES6 generator functions to ES5) - ES6編譯成ES5 通過 [Regenerator](GitHub - facebook/regenerator: Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.).

* [gulp-es6-transpiler](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-es6-transpiler: [deprecated] Transpile ES6 to ES5) - [過時的] ES6編譯成ES5 通過 [es6-transpiler](GitHub - termi/es6-transpiler: Tomorrows JavaScript syntax today).

* [gulp-myth](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-myth: Myth) - [Myth](GitHub - segmentio/myth: A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.) - a polyfill for future versions of the CSS spec.

* [gulp-cssnext](GitHub - MoOx/gulp-cssnext: DEPRECATED. Use gulp-postcss instead.) - [過時的] 使用下一代的 CSS 規範通過 [cssnext](GitHub - MoOx/postcss-cssnext: PostCSS plugin to use tomorrows CSS syntax, today.).

### 合併

* [gulp-concat](GitHub - contra/gulp-concat: Streaming concat middleware for gulp) - 合併文件.

### 壓縮

* [gulp-clean-css](GitHub - scniro/gulp-clean-css: Minify css with clean-css.) - 壓縮 CSS 通過 [clean-css](GitHub - jakubpawlowicz/clean-css: A fast, efficient, and well tested CSS minifier for node.js.).

* [gulp-csso](GitHub - ben-eb/gulp-csso: Minify CSS with CSSO.) - 壓縮 CSS 通過 [CSSO](GitHub - css/csso: CSS minifier with strutural optimizations).

* [gulp-uglify](GitHub - terinjokes/gulp-uglify: Minify files with UglifyJS) - 壓縮 JavaScript 通過 [UglifyJS2](GitHub - mishoo/UglifyJS2: JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit).

* [gulp-htmlmin](GitHub - jonschlinkert/gulp-htmlmin: Minify HTML) - 壓縮 HTML 通過 [html-minifier](GitHub - kangax/html-minifier: Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support)).

* [gulp-minify-html]( - 壓縮 HTML 通過

[Minimize](GitHub - Swaagie/minimize: Minimize HTML).

* [gulp-imagemin](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-imagemin: Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images) - 壓縮 PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG 圖片 通過 [imagemin](GitHub - imagemin/imagemin: Tense, nervous, minifying images?).

* [gulp-svgmin](GitHub - ben-eb/gulp-svgmin: Minify SVG files with gulp.) - 通過Gulp壓縮 SVG 文件

### 優化

* [gulp-uncss](GitHub - ben-eb/gulp-uncss: Remove unused CSS selectors.) - 移除未使用的CSS選擇器通過 [UnCSS](GitHub - giakki/uncss: Remove unused styles from CSS).

* [gulp-css-base64](GitHub - zckrs/gulp-css-base64: Gulps task for transform all resources found in a CSS (those within a url( ... ) declaration) into base64-encoded data URI strings) - 將CSS文件中所有的資源(有url()聲明的)變成base64-encoded 數據的URI字元串

* [gulp-svg2png](GitHub - akoenig/gulp-svg2png: A gulp plugin for converting SVGs to PNGs.) - 將SVGs轉換成PNGs

* [gulp-responsive](GitHub - mahnunchik/gulp-responsive: gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes) - 生成不同尺寸的圖片

* [gulp-svgstore](GitHub - w0rm/gulp-svgstore: Combine svg files into one with <symbol> elements) -將svg files 合併成一個通過 元素

* [gulp-iconfont](GitHub - nfroidure/gulp-iconfont: Create icon fonts from several SVG icons) - 通過SVG icons創建 icon fonts

### 資源注入

* [gulp-useref](GitHub - jonkemp/gulp-useref: Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.) - 解析HTML文件中特殊標籤裡面的script或style標籤,合併成一個script或css文件,並替換。

* [gulp-inject](GitHub - klei/gulp-inject: A javascript, stylesheet and webcomponent injection plugin for Gulp) - 將指定的css或js文件以標籤的形式插入到HTML中的指定標誌內。

* [wiredep](GitHub - taptapship/wiredep: (UNMAINTAINED) Wire Bower dependencies to your source code.) - 將Bower依賴自動注入HTML文件中。

### 模板

* [gulp-angular-templatecache](GitHub - miickel/gulp-angular-templatecache: Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.) - 在$templateCache中聯繫並註冊AngularJS模板

* [gulp-jade](GitHub - phated/gulp-jade: Compile Jade templates with gulp build tool) - [Jade](GitHub - pugjs/pug: Jade) 轉換成 HTML.

* [gulp-handlebars](GitHub - lazd/gulp-handlebars: Handlebars plugin for gulp 3) - [Handlebars](模板轉換成 JavaScript.

* [gulp-hb](GitHub - shannonmoeller/gulp-hb: A sane static Handlebars Gulp plugin. Useful as a static site generator.) - [Handlebars]( 模板轉換成 HTML.

* [gulp-nunjucks](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-nunjucks: Precompile Nunjucks templates) - [Nunjucks](GitHub - mozilla/nunjucks: A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired))模板轉換成JavaScript.

* [gulp-dustjs](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-dust: Precompile Dust templates) - [Dust](GitHub - linkedin/dustjs: Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server)模板轉換成JavaScript.

* [gulp-riot](GitHub - e-jigsaw/gulp-riot: gulp plugin for riot) - [Riot](GitHub - riot/riot: A React-like, user interface library)模板轉換成JavaScript.

* [gulp-markdown](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-markdown: Markdown to HTML) - Markdown → HTML.

* [gulp-template]( - [Lodash ](GitHub - lodash/lodash: A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.)模板轉換成JavaScript.

* [gulp-swig](GitHub - colynb/gulp-swig: Swig template compiler for Gulp) - [Swig](GitHub - paularmstrong/swig: Take a swig of the best template engine for JavaScript.)模板轉換成HTML.

* [gulp-remark]( - Gulp plugin for [remark]的Gulp插件(GitHub - wooorm/remark: Markdown processor powered by plugins) 通過插件處理markdown

### 代碼校驗

* [gulp-csslint](gulp-csslint) - 通過[CSSLint](GitHub - CSSLint/csslint: Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets)自動校驗CSS.

* [gulp-htmlhint](GitHub - bezoerb/gulp-htmlhint) - 通過[HTMLHint](GitHub - yaniswang/HTMLHint: A Static Code Analysis Tool for HTML)校驗HTML.

* [gulp-jshint](GitHub - spalger/gulp-jshint: JSHint plugin for gulp) - 通過[JSHint](GitHub - jshint/jshint: JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code)發現錯誤和潛在的問題.

* [gulp-jscs](GitHub - jscs-dev/gulp-jscs: Check JavaScript code style with jscs) - 通過[jscs](GitHub - jscs-dev/node-jscs: JavaScript Code Style checker)檢查JavaScript代碼風格.

* [gulp-coffeelint](GitHub - janraasch/gulp-coffeelint: CoffeeLint plugin for gulp.) - 一種用來保證[CoffeeScript](GitHub - jashkenas/coffeescript: Unfancy JavaScript)代碼風格統一的檢查。

* [gulp-tslint](GitHub - panuhorsmalahti/gulp-tslint: TypeScript linter plugin for Gulp) - gulp的[TypeScript](GitHub - Microsoft/TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.)代碼校驗插件.

* [gulp-eslint](GitHub - adametry/gulp-eslint: A Gulp plugin for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.) - ECMAScript/JavaScript代碼校驗.

* [gulp-w3cjs](GitHub - callumacrae/gulp-w3cjs: w3cjs wrapper for gulp to validate your HTML) - 通過[w3cjs](GitHub - thomasdavis/w3cjs: A npm package for testing files or urls again the wc3 validator)檢驗HTML.

* [gulp-lesshint](GitHub - lesshint/gulp-lesshint: Lint your .less files from Gulp with lesshint.) - 通過[lesshint](GitHub - lesshint/lesshint: A tool to aid you in writing clean and consistent Less.)校驗LESS.

### 實時載入

* [browser-sync](GitHub - BrowserSync/browser-sync: Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. - 保證多個瀏覽器或設備網頁同步顯示 ([recipes](GitHub - BrowserSync/gulp-browser-sync: How to use the Browsersync module with gulp.)).

* [gulp-livereload](GitHub - vohof/gulp-livereload: gulp plugin for livereload) - Gulp的實時載入插件.

### 緩存

* [gulp-changed](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-changed: Only pass through changed files) - 僅讓發生改變的文件通過.

* [gulp-cached](GitHub - contra/gulp-cached: A simple in-memory file cache for gulp) - 一個簡單的文件內存緩存.

* [gulp-remember](GitHub - ahaurw01/gulp-remember: A plugin for gulp that remembers and recalls files passed through it) - 記憶並回收通過了的文件.

* [gulp-newer](GitHub - tschaub/gulp-newer: Pass through newer source files only) - 只讓新的源碼通過.

### 流控制

* [merge-stream](GitHub - grncdr/merge-stream: Merge multiple streams into one interleaved stream) - 合併多個流到一個插入的流.

* [streamqueue](GitHub - nfroidure/StreamQueue: Pipe queued streams progressively.) - 逐漸輸入隊列的流.

* [run-sequence](GitHub - OverZealous/run-sequence: Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order) - 按要求運行一些依賴的Gulptask.

* [gulp-if](GitHub - robrich/gulp-if: Conditionally run a task) - 按照條件運行task.

### 日誌

* [gulp-notify](GitHub - mikaelbr/gulp-notify: gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging) - Gulp的通知插件.

* [gulp-size](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-size: Display the size of your project) - 顯示你的項目的大小.

* [gulp-debug](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-debug: Debug vinyl file streams to see what files are run through your gulp pipeline) - 通過調試文件流來觀察那些文件通過了你的Gulp管道.

### 測試

* [gulp-mocha](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-mocha: Run Mocha tests) - 運行[Mocha](GitHub - mochajs/mocha: mocha)測試用例.

* [gulp-jasmine](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-jasmine: Run Jasmine 2 tests in Node.js) - 在Node.js中運行[Jasmine 2](GitHub - jasmine/jasmine: DOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework) 測試用例.

* [gulp-protractor](GitHub - mllrsohn/gulp-protractor: gulp wrapper for protractor tests) - 為[Protractor](GitHub - angular/protractor: E2E test framework for Angular apps)測試用例包裹Gulp.

* [gulp-coverage](GitHub - dylanb/gulp-coverage: Gulp coverage reporting for Node.js that is independent of the test runner) - 為Node.js覆蓋相對於運行的測試運行獨立的報告.

* [gulp-karma](GitHub - karma-runner/gulp-karma: Example of using Karma with Gulp.) - 通過Gulp運行Karma測試用例.

* [gulp-ava](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-ava: Run AVA tests)- 通過Gulp運行[AVA](GitHub - sindresorhus/ava: Futuristic test runner) 測試用例.

### 其他插件

* [gulp-util](GitHub - gulpjs/gulp-util: Utilities for gulp plugins) - 包含一系列有用插件.

* [gulp-plumber](GitHub - floatdrop/gulp-plumber: Fixing Node pipes) - 防止錯誤引起管道中斷Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors.

* [gulp-load-plugins](GitHub - jackfranklin/gulp-load-plugins: Automatically load in gulp plugins) - 自動載入Gulp插件.

* [main-bower-files](GitHub - ck86/main-bower-files: Getting all main bower files) - 構建時自動獲取bower庫的文件.

* [autoprefixer](GitHub - postcss/autoprefixer: Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use) - 解析CSS且根據規則添加瀏覽器兼容性前綴.

* [gulp-sourcemaps](GitHub - floridoo/gulp-sourcemaps: Source map support for Gulp.js) - 提供source map支持.

* [gulp-replace](GitHub - lazd/gulp-replace: A string replace plugin for gulp) - Gulp的一個字元串替換插件.

* [gulp-rename](GitHub - hparra/gulp-rename: Rename files easily) - 輕鬆重命名文件.

* [gulp-rev](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-rev: Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css) - 在靜態文件名的後面添加hash值,如: unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css.

* [del](GitHub - sindresorhus/del: Delete files and folders) - 使用globs刪除文件/文件夾.

* [gulp-exec](GitHub - robrich/gulp-exec: exec plugin for gulp) - 運行一個shell命令.

* [gulp-strip-debug](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-strip-debug: Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code) - 除去javascript代碼中的console,alert,debugger聲明.

* [gulp-cssimport](GitHub - unlight/gulp-cssimport: Parses a CSS file, finds imports, grabs the content of the linked file and replaces the import statement with it.) - 解析CSS文件,找到imports,將連接文件替換成imort聲明.

* [gulp-inline-css](GitHub - jonkemp/gulp-inline-css: Inline linked css in an html file. Useful for emails.) - 將HTML中的css屬性放到style標籤中.

* [gulp-gh-pages](GitHub - shinnn/gulp-gh-pages: gulp plugin to publish contents to Github pages) - 將內容發布到GiHub有頁面.

* [gulp-ng-annotate](GitHub - Kagami/gulp-ng-annotate: Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate) - 通過[ng-annotate](GitHub - olov/ng-annotate: Add, remove and rebuild AngularJS dependency injection annotations)添加Angular依賴注入.

* [gulp-bump](GitHub - stevelacy/gulp-bump: Bump any semvar JSON version with gulp ( - 通過Gulp Bump任何semvar JSON版本.

* [gulp-file-include](GitHub - coderhaoxin/gulp-file-include: [gulp-file-include] a gulp plugin for file include) - 通過Gulp Include文件.

* [gulp-zip](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-zip: ZIP compress files) - 以ZIP格式壓縮文件.

* [gulp-git](GitHub - stevelacy/gulp-git: Git plugin for gulp ( - 通過Gulp運行git命令.

* [gulp-filter](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-filter: Filter files in a vinyl stream) - 使用globbing過濾文件.

* [gulp-preprocess](GitHub - jas/gulp-preprocess: Gulp plugin to preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files based on custom context or environment configuration) - 基於自定義內容或環境配置預處理文件.

## 腳手架

### 模板

* [web-starter-kit](GitHub - google/web-starter-kit: Web Starter Kit) - Google的Web Starter Kit.

* [gulp-plugin-boilerplate](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-plugin-boilerplate: Boilerplate to kickstart creating gulp plugins) - 創建Gulp插件的開始模板.

* [polymer-starter-kit](GitHub - PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit: A starting point for Polymer 1.0 apps) -Polymer 1.0 應用的起點.

* [este](GitHub - este/este: Dev stack and starter kit for functional and universal (browser, server, mobile) React apps) - 同構的web應用最全面的React/Flux開發棧和開始模板.

* [mnml](GitHub - mrmrs/mnml: Start a responsive html5 site with postcss and browser-sync) - 開發響應式HTML5/Sass項目的最小開始模板.

* [kraken](GitHub - cferdinandi/kraken: A lightweight, mobile-first boilerplate for front-end web developers.) 一個輕量級的、移動端優先的前端開發開始模板.

* [angularjs-gulp-browserify-boilerplate](GitHub - jakemmarsh/angularjs-gulp-browserify-boilerplate: Boilerplate using AngularJS, SASS, Gulp, and Browserify and utilizing best practices.) - 一個使用AngularJS, Sass, gulp, 和 Browserify技術的開始模板.

* [hapi-ninja](GitHub - poeticninja/hapi-ninja: Boilerplate Hapi server example. Node.js, Hapi, and Swig.) - 一個使用Node.js, Hapi, and Swig技術的開始模板.

* [laravel-5-boilerplate](GitHub - rappasoft/laravel-5-boilerplate: A Laravel 5 Boilerplate Project) - 一個Laravel 5 開始模板.

* [react-starterkit](GitHub - wbkd/react-starterkit: Yet another react starterkit. Including react-router, reflux, jest, webpack, gulp and stylus.) - 包含react-router, Reflux, jest, webpack, gulp and Stylus的React開始模板.

### Yeoman生成器

* [generator-gulp-webapp](GitHub - yeoman/generator-webapp: A gulp.js generator for modern webapps) - A 一個流行的web應用的gulp生成器.

* [generator-gulp-angular]( - 使用Gulp的AngularJS 的Yeoman生成器.

* [generator-react-gulp-browserify]( - 一個React庫的Yeoman生成器,包含gulp, Browserify, Browsersync and Bootstrap.

* [generator-node-gulp](GitHub - youngmountain/generator-node-gulp: Create a Node.js module with yo, including gulp and Mocha unit tests.) - 一個Node.js模塊生成器,包含gulp和 Mocha.

* [generator-gulp-bootstrap](GitHub - niallobrien/generator-gulp-bootstrap: Yeoman generator for Bootstrap, Gulp & libsass (gulp-sass).) - 一個包含Bootstrap, gulp 和libsass的Yeoman生成器·.

* [generator-angulpify](GitHub - jgoux/generator-angulpify: Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, Gulp and Browserify) - 一個包含AngularJS, gulp和Browserify的Yeoman生成器.

* [generator-ionic-gulp](GitHub - tmaximini/generator-ionic-gulp: A Yeoman generator for fast hybrid app development that stays out of your way) - 一個Ionic工廠的Yeoman生成器.

* [generator-gulp-plugin-boilerplate](GitHub - sindresorhus/generator-gulp-plugin-boilerplate: Scaffold out a gulp plugin boilerplate) -一個輸出 [gulp plugin boilerplate](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-plugin-boilerplate: Boilerplate to kickstart creating gulp plugins)的腳手架.

* [generator-jekyllized](GitHub - sondr3/generator-jekyllized: Jekyll workflow with Gulp, SASS, AutoPrefixer, asset optimization and cache busting and much more. Can you really want more?) - 一個包含gulp, Sass, AutoPrefixer,資源優化,緩存等的Jekyll工作流.

## 其他

* [elixir]( - 一個為你的應用定義基本的gulp任務的乾淨、靈活的API.

* [gulp-app](GitHub - sindresorhus/gulp-app: gulp as an app (OS X)) - 將Gulp作為一個應用(OS X).

* [lmn-gulp-tasks]( - gulp任務的單元測試示例.

* [gulp-chef]( - 一個優雅的、簡單的重複時候gulp task的方法.

## 證書

[![CC0](](Creative Commons)


Go hackathon 與 packer
Web 前後端分離的意義大嗎?
Egg + Vue SSR 組件非同步載入
前端構建系統 Gulp 的使用與常用插件推薦 - 上篇
Webpack HMR 原理解析

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