歪國人最愛的中國菜TOP10 新年餃子僅排第六!


第十名是腰果蝦仁 #10 Fried Shrimps with Cashews

Compared with the heavy tastes of Spicy Tofu, this dish is relatively light. Known for being nutritious, good-looking and tasty. Fried Shrimp and Cashews is said to protect the cardio-cerebral-vascular system and prevent cardiovascular disease. The shrimp is usually soft and easily digestible and accented by the cashews.


第九名是炒麵: #9 Chow Mein

Chow Mein is a rich source of nutrition and has many health benefits including improving digestion, anemia and immunity. Extremely popular in China and all over the world, this stir-fried noodle dish comes in many varieties. Cantonese Chow Mein is the most famous in Western countries.


帝都美食象徵北京烤鴨,則屈居第八 #8 Peking Duck

Now considered to be one of Chinas National Foods, the Peking Duck is prized for its eloquent taste and stunning presentation. This famous dish can be found at restaurants all around Beijing. Upscale restaurants take this dish so seriously that some even have their own duck farms and use only a special kind of duck for their specific Peking Duck dish.


第七名居然是餛飩 #7 Won Ton Soup

Won Ton Soup, called "Hun Dun" in Mandarin, is a highly welcoming dish in China. Since China is a nation of diverse ethnic groups and different cultures, each region has their own shapes for won tons. Won tons are usually boiled and served in soup, but they can also be deep-fried.


第六名和第七名算是親戚:餃子 #6 Dumplings

During the Spring Festival, Chinese families will get together and have dumpling parties. It is said that the dish was invented by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the finest Chinese physicians in history. Dumplings have a 1,800 year long history which is why it is one of the most popular traditional foods in China and extremely popular in Western countries.


第五名是一道非常受歡迎的家常小菜:麻婆豆腐 #5 Spicy Tofu (Mapo doufu)

Spicy Tofu, known in Chinese as "mapo doufu", is one of the most famous dishes from Sichuan cuisine. The dish features the trademark "hot" spiciness along with the characteristically tongue-numbing nature of Sichuans flavorful food.


第四名又是一道主食——蛋炒飯 #4 Egg-fried rice

Originally from Chinas ancient western regions, egg-fried rice has now become part of Chinese peoples daily cuisine. Famous for its aromatic smells, soft textures and handsome presentation, one can easily find this popular dish anywhere in China, from high class hotels to family-run restaurants on the street.



第三名是春卷 #3 Spring Rolls

Spring rolls are an appetizer, eaten either fresh or fried. They are usually eaten during the Spring Festival in China, hence the name. The dish bears very auspicious meanings as it resembles gold bars and people tend to link them with ideas of wealth. Of course, they also taste good.



第二名是一道享譽全國的家常菜:宮保雞丁 #2 Kung Pao (Gong Bao) Chicken

Kung Pao Chicken is the most famous dish of Guizhou cuisine. It is popular among both Chinese and foreigners. Ask a foreigner to name some of Chinese dishes, Kung Pao Chicken will be one of them.



糖醋裡脊 #1 Sweet and Sour Pork/Chicken

Sweet and Sour Pork is a Chinese dish that is particularly popular in Cantonese cuisine and can also be found in Zhejiang cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Shandong cuisine. The dish is now popular all over the world. With its great look and taste, Sweet and Sour Pork takes the cake among foreigners favorite Chinese dishes.




中餐點菜有妙招 亂點菜有危險

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