Do you know what this person is?
This person had many names used like 「Sam Tay」, 「Tony Blair」,
「Alan Jos」 and the most recent one was this: 「Wagner Tae」. He had a delusional and veryhostile view of India and it』s people. He is also obsessedwith democracy in general, though most often than not he』sdoesn』t like people that doesn』t follow his views (And thus he』sdenigrating democracy anyway and a bigot). Also, he』s a radical,far-right Chinese nationalist bigot and troll, which is very rare on Quorabut this person is more louder and more aggressive than anyother people of this type in Quora』s history. He is, and maybe a wumao (五毛). These kind of people in generalare very narcissistic about their country and they are hired by Chineseauthorities to spread propaganda and manipulate public opinion (Much more
recently this term is used as a deregatory term for people who does have a highobsession towards China and so nationalistic about it). These kind of peopleis very dangerous and they should be stopped. (Thoughit won』t be easy)Now i want to tell my experience about me and this person in
Democratic claiming: -------------------- India is indeed a Western style democratic country having the freedom of falseclaiming: As India is so called the western style democracy, Indians and Indiangovernment can keep flase claiming and talking nonsense for the past 70 yearsin the world as it is the nature of the democracy.India claimed:
"India is a democratic country, democratic countries never invade othercountries, democratic countries never lie, democratic countries never devaluetheir currency".India has been good at nothing, but false claiming for the past 70 years in theworld. 民主聲明:印度是西方民主國家,所以印度有錯誤聲明的權利。
A: Democratic Toilet Society:民主的廁所社會Democratic toilets (People do not need to look for Toilets, as the democraticToilets are everywhere in India. the Whole India is a toilet, who says Indiahas no toilet?).民主的廁所:印度人民不用去找廁所,因為印度任何地方都是民主的廁所,整個印度就是個大廁所,誰敢說印度沒有廁所?
Democratic shitting in streets , democratic pissing in streets, democraticdefecation in public.民主的大便可以在街上,民主的小編可以在街上,民主的排泄在公共區域
Democratic raping (India is the raping capital of the world, Indians rape their
mums, girls, daughters, infants, nuns, visitors, so long there is a hole,Indian males will plug into it).民主的強姦:印度是強姦之都,印度人強姦母親,女孩,女兒,嬰兒,修女,遊客。只要哪裡有個洞,印度男性就要插進去。
Democratic bastard country (almost all Indians are bastards, as Indians havethe freedom of raping days and nights in India).民主的雜種國家:幾乎所有的印度人都是雜種,因為印度人有部分白天黑夜強姦的自由。
Democratic crime rights (India rapists rape the victims first, then shot them,set fire on them, threw them into a deep well, it is India democracy to keepthose rights in India).民主的犯罪權:印度的強姦犯先把受害者強姦,然後殺死他們,他們架到火上燒,把他們扔到深井裡,只有印度的民主能讓這實現。
Democratic Caste system (India society has been deeply rooted with the worldlargest Caste system. If the world has the similar Caste system, India belongsto the untouchable group in the world).民主的種姓制度:印度社會和世界上最大的種姓系統融為一體。如果整個世界是一個大的種姓社會,印度一定是最底層的不可接觸者階層。
Democratic censorship (for BBCs Indias daughter, porns, Australia journalistNeville Maxwells report etc.).民主的廣電總局:BBC出品的印度的女兒,色情,澳大利亞記者Neville
Maxwell的報告都被封殺。(註:澳大利亞記者的報告,報告了1962年中印衝突的真相,是印度進攻中國,被中國打回去,並且打的屁滾尿流。)Democratic poverty (Indias 9 states are the same as 25 African countries inpoverty, the poorest place on the planet, 50% Indians under 18 are living under
Democratic dirty (India is the filthiest country in the world. Although the USPresident ordered Modi to CLEAN INDIA, all Indians are lazy to clean India,spend more times on Quora to block all true comments about India). 民主的骯髒:印度式最骯髒的國家。儘管美國總統要求穆迪清理整個印度,但是所有印度人懶惰至極,他們情願花更多時間在Quora上封鎖不利於印度的內容。Democratic military weapons (No 1 world military weapons importer in the world.India imports useless weapons, and becomes obsolete when these weapons arefully operational in India).民主的軍事武器:世界第一的武器進口國。印度進口各種無用的武器,這些武器才剛剛部署,就已經落後於別人了。
Democratic military parade (Indian military parade look just like a poor circusshow).民主的閱兵:印度的閱兵更像是可憐的馬戲團表演。
Democratic language (Indias own language is autocratic and inferior to Englishlanguage, so India set English language as Indias official language. Englisheducation in India only benefits to less than 1% of Indians, which makes Indiawith the largest population of illiterate people in the world).民主的語言:印度人的語言是比英語低等的語言,所以印度人把英語設置為官方語言。只有不到1%的印度人享受了英語教育的好處,這也造成了,印度是最大的文盲國。
Democratic pollution (the No1 in pollution and pollution growth in theworld).民主的污染:世界頭號污染和污染增長國家。
Democratic suicide (over 1,000 farmer suicide every year).民主的自殺:每年超過1000農民自殺。
Democratic alcohol ( 2015 over 100 died due to fake Alcohol).民主的酒:2015年超過100人喝假酒死亡。
Democratic tribe ruling society (primitive and uncivilised society).民主的部落社會:未開化的社會
Democratic heat wave (over 2,000 people died of heat wave every year).民主的熱浪:每年超過2000人熱死。
Democratic child labour (over millions Child labour underground).民主的童工:超過100萬童工。
Democratic fingers (use fingers to eat food and clear rear).民主的手指:用手指吃飯和擦屁屁。
Democratic religion suppression (Modi killed over 10,000 religions people, evenwhen he was a CM of India. He was banned from entering to US by the US courts).民主的宗教鎮壓:穆迪殺死了超過1萬宗教群眾,他甚至被美國法院禁止入境。
Democratic sterilisation (over 1,000 Indian women died of sterilisation everyyear).民主的絕育:每年超過1000女性死於絕育
Democratic birth control (kill 1,000 Indian kids every day as Oxford pressrevealed).民主的計劃生育:每年殺死了1000印度嬰兒,牛津Press報道過。
Democratic Olympic medals (Zero gold with 1.2 billion population).民主的奧運金牌:12億人,0金牌。
Democratic infrastructure (still remain the infrastructure which the UKbuilt).民主的基礎建設:還在用大英帝國建造的基礎設施。
Democratic slum (the largest slum in the world).民主的貧民窟:世界最大貧民窟
Democratic legal system (India crime cases will take 600 years to complete inIndia legal case based on the present speed of Indian democratic legal system), 民主的法制系統:基於當前印度的法制體系的蝸牛速度,審理案件通常需要600年。Democratic animals (rats, dogs, elephants, cows etc. have the freedom ofjogging in Indian streets, it is very hard to see the difference between theanimals and Indians in Indian streets).民主的動物:老鼠,狗,大象,牛等等有在大街上隨意走動的自由,在街上,你很難區分印度人和這些動物有啥區別。
Democratic animal rights (India respect animals more than Indians, all animalsare worshiped as Indian Gods such as Rats, Cow etc. However, all Indians Godsare either eaten up or beaten up in streets by people from the world).民主動物的權利:印度尊重動物高過印度人,所有的動物都被印度人供起來看作神靈。這些印度的神靈,在其他國家是要被打,或者作為食物來源的。
Democratic food (India believes that so long as India is a democratic country,India will naturally become a high standard of living country in the world).民主的食物:印度認為,印度既然是民主國家,印度將會是生活標準的典範國家。
Democratic GDP calculation method (India believes that when India changed GDP calculation method, then India will natural become a superpower).Democratic progress (India ranked 103 in terms of GDP/head in 1950, now ranked145 in 2017. India then claimed that India has made the greatest progress inthe world).民主的GDP核算方法:印度認為,更改了GDP核算方法,印度就自然的成為超級大國。
民主的進步:印度 1950年的時候,人均GDP排103位,2017年的時候,排145位。印度人說:我們取得了巨大的進步。
-------------------------------------------- B: Democratic Education: Democratic beggars (India believes that democratic beggars enjoy more freedomthan people working in autocratic offices, thus beggars are one form of work inIndia, thats the reason why India has been proud of the freedom).Democratic education (none is listed in global top 200 university). Democratic PISA score (Indian PISA kids scored bottom in the world with an IQof 72).民主的教育:民主的乞丐:印度認為民主的乞丐比公務員們享有更多自由,所以在印度,乞丐也是一種職業,這就是印度人自豪的自由。
Democratic illiteracy (India believes that freedom is more important thanautocratic schooling, most are illiterates, and the rests are ill-educated.Over 400m Indians can not write or read his or her name, over 450m Indians cannot read newspaper, but can write or read their names, the best of remaining 450mscored bottom in PISA contest).民主的文盲:印度認為自由最重要,尤其是專制的教育相比。超過4億印度人不能讀寫自己的名字,超過4.5億印度人無法看報紙但是能寫和讀自己的名字。剩下的4.5億就是在PISA里排倒數第一的。Democratic IQ (Based on the world IQ ranking, Indians have an average IQ of 82.Based on the best Indians kids PISA score, the best Indians kids have an IQ of76. Indians IQ are dropping although Indians already have a low IQ in theworld).民主的智商:基於世界智商排名,印度人的平均智商是82.但是基於印度孩子的PISA分數,最好的印度孩子的智商只有76.看來印度人的智商有下降的趨勢。
------------------------------------------------------------- C: Democratic Corruption: Democratic corruption (asking for money by Indian officials openly).Democratic demonetisation (All Indians officials are clean from corruption,Indian currency notes are corrupted. Thats why Modi implemented thedemonetization in India).民主的腐敗:所有印度官員都經常開口要錢。民主的換鈔:所有印度官員都是清廉的,但是紙幣是腐敗的。這就是為什麼穆迪搞了換鈔運動。
Democratic bribe (biggest payday for poor Indian people, Indian poor peopleexpect voting everyday. As a result, there are large numbers of Indians live onvoting, they sit there, doing nothing, but expect food and money and then casttheir votes in accordance whom they are told to vote).民主的行賄受賄:印度窮人巴不得天天能投票,因為投票日,就是最大的發錢日。
-----------------D: Democratic media
--All Indian media just simply copy all what the Western media in India in the past70 years, All Indian media are full of lying for the past 70 years, especially in theinternational issues.All Indians generations grow up in the lying media and Indian government falseclaims, so that Indian can not face any truths or facts about India and thereality of India in the world.-----------------------
Everything is justified/legalised by putting a word "democratic" infront of everything in India. ----------------- Can you guess what was the last word for those who were dying from the heatwave? "Is there any voting today?". (They were hoping free food,money and clean water from the election candidates).---------------------
One example: The democratic farmers in democratic India enforced democratic laws ondemocratic rapists to cut off the democratic penis from the democratic rapistsand then put the democratic penis into the democratic mouth of the deaddemocratic rapists. Those democratic farmers are then democratically elected asthe democratic leaders of India to rule the democratic India.The above is the so called the largest democratic India.推薦閱讀: