














  1. 你現在的工作中,將表現出眾者與其他人區分開的能力或品質是什麼?
  2. 在決定誰能承擔更多的責任、挑起大梁時,老闆或經理最看重的三項能力或品質是什麼?
  3. 要想達到下一個目標,你最需要提高的三種能力或品質是什麼?
  4. 對你來說,決定事業成功、工作或工作環境好壞的前三項因素是什麼?
  5. 什麼樣的環境和機會對你取得成功更有幫助?
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What Exactly Is Career Sense? (and how to tell how good yours is!)

In my previous article, Why Career Sense Is So Essential To Your Success, I make the fundamental connection between career sense and career success. And why improving yours is a must if greater career success is your goal.

Think of career sense as your Career Success IQ (CSIQ)

But what exactly is career sense? In simple terms, think of it as your CSIQ, or Career Success IQ. Most people recognize the critical importance of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) for achieving greater career success. Did you know that there』s also PQ (Passion Quotient)? This says that the greater your passion for doing something, the more successful you』re likely to become at it. There』s also CQ (Cultural Quotient). That』s your ability to understand and get along with others who are different than you. These four Qs are all recognized as key factors for achieving success.

Your career sense, or CSIQ, is a fifth Q that』s critical for achieving your career success. Your Career Success IQ is your understanding of both yourself and the career success you wish to pursue. Because before you can become very successful at something you need to have a good sense or understanding of it first. That』s why many people with poor career sense or poor Career Success IQ aren』t able to achieve the success they』re capable of.

Doing more things that benefit your career and less things that don』t

In my first article about career sense, I shared how my understanding of the realities of what lawyers actually do saved me from pursuing a career path in law that wouldn』t have fit me. Instead, I chose a business career track that better suits my personality and interests. A good understanding of the industries, companies, and job functions you pursue is a big part of having good career sense.

From my deep understanding of my career objective, I was also able to join a company and job situation that offered me the fastest way to work in China. Other opportunities offered higher salaries and bigger titles, but they focused on the U.S. market. Assessing situations and opportunities in line with your career objectives is another big aspect of having good career sense.

And by talking to the Executive VP of the Asia Pacific Division about how I could get to Asia in his organization, I was able to get good sense of what things I should focus on and do to help me stand out over others. Knowing the most effective way to build and deliver your value to others is also a big aspect of having good career sense.

What separates many more successful people from less successful people

It』s simple. Less successful people have poorer career sense. More successful people have better career sense. Here』s why.

What』s your ability to manage your own career problems and issues?

To be more successful at anything, you need to be able to figure out your own situation and make good decisions for yourself. So quit trying to solve your career problems and issues by asking others what you should do. Because ultimately, I can』t tell you what』s best for you and your career. And I can』t always be there to help you assess and fix your job or career situation. You need to do these for yourself. And this requires you to have good career sense.

How good is your career sense or CSIQ?

So how do you know whether you have good career sense, or Career Success IQ? Your answers to these questions will give you an idea.

  1. What capabilities or qualities separate outstanding from average performers in your current job?
  2. What are the top 3 capabilities or qualities that your boss and management pay attention to most when assessing people for bigger roles and responsibilities in your company?
  3. What are the top 3 capabilities or qualities that you need to develop to reach your next career objective?
  4. What are the top 3 factors that define a successful career or career situation to you? A good job or job situation to you?
  5. What kind of situations and opportunities will most help you get closer to achieving your career objective?
  6. What are the most important characteristics that indicate a strong platform or situation for you to join?

If you have difficulty or are unable to answer these basic questions, you』re going to have even more difficulty achieving the success you seek?

Essential, not optional for achieving greater success

If you often face problems with your job and big career challenges, or feel you』re in the wrong career situation, here』s the cold, hard truth. Nobody forces you to make the job and career choices that you make. You』re the one who chooses to join the industry, company, or job function you don』t like, or boss you don』t want to work for anymore.

Or if you』re doing things that aren』t benefiting your career much, or feel stuck in your job situation, it』s likely because you don』t have any better choices and aren』t developing the capabilities and achievements for you to be more competitive. And a big reason why this is happening is because your career sense isn』t very strong.

So if you』re tired of getting passed over for hiring and promotion situations, if you work hard but aren』t able to stand out over others, if you feel that your success is falling short of your caliber and effort, or if you don』t like your overall career situation, then recognize how essential your career sense, or Career Success IQ, is to achieving your career objectives. Improving yours will help you to better understand and perform in your current situation and prepare you for the future ones you』re targeting. Because the better your CSIQ, the better your career decisions, job choices, and overall approach to your career success.

A managing director of a Fortune 500 multinational once told me his entire career planning and development approach, and how he identified and pursued opportunities throughout his career. He focused on just two questions. 「What are the things I need to learn?」 And, 「What are the best ways to learn them?」 Now, that』s a person with very good career sense!

In my 3rd and final article in this series of articles about career sense, I』ll talk about How To Develop Your Career Sense!



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