



英文版:So how was pioneer school? It was great,we had brother Daniels as our primary instructor. Hes incredible hes a good teacher and Noah what was it like to be in pioneer school with your grandpa? It was great it really was hard to believe though I never thought this system would last so long and I certainly never thought I would be a grandfather so grandpa what was it like when you were my age? Well when I was about your age I had just become a new father. I could tell, even then, that your mother was going to be an artist. Those were good times for us. A few years later though your grandmother became seriously ill. We didnt know it at the time, but she wasnt going to get better. Watching your best friend die a little each day it just tears you up inside. With jehovahs help, and with the support of the brothers and sisters we got through it. We learned to rely on Jehovah in ways we never had before. And that helped, when , years later another test came our way. You see , back then, some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things. Some even went as far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs. I admit I was ready to see this old system go away too. But something just didnt seem right. Both at meetings and in my personal study, I was reminded of what Jesus said; nobody knows the day or hour , I was dedicated to Jehovah. Not a date. After that year came and went most of those with wrong expectations mad the needed adjustments, and they stayed. We didnt run away and we didnt give up we trusted in Jehovah. When I see older ones now I dont just see grey hair I see living breathing examples of endurance. Oh grandpa I didnt know you had to endure through all that we got through it with jehovahs help. But Scott you were in pioneer school recently, yeah just a year ago what are your experiences?


那麼先驅學校怎麼樣? 很棒,我們有丹尼爾兄弟作為我們的引導者。他真不可思議 他是一位好老師 諾亞,和祖父一起在先驅學校學習是什麼感覺? 這真是太棒了 很難相信,雖然我從來沒有想到這個物質系統會持續這麼久,我當然從來沒有想過我會成為一個祖父 所以爺爺,你在我這個年紀的時候是什麼樣子? 當我還是你這個年紀的時候,我剛剛成為一個父親。 不僅如此,我還是可以告訴你,你的母親將成為一名藝術家。那些對我們來說是美好的時光。幾年後,你的祖母病得很重。我們當時不知道,但是她並沒有好起來的。看著你最好的朋友每天慢慢走向死亡,只會讓你內心深處痛哭。 在耶和華的幫助下,在兄弟姐妹的支持下,我們克服過來了。我們靠著前所未有的方式學習依靠耶和華。因為有那時候的經歷,多年以後,我們也克服了另一個困難。你看,那時候有些人正在把某個日期看作是這箇舊系統的結束的標誌。有的甚至還賣房子,放棄工作。我承認我也希望看到這箇舊系統結束。但是,事情似乎並不如人意。在聚會和個人研讀中,我都想起了耶穌所說的話。 沒有人知道那一天,我獻給耶和華不應該是為了那一天。在那一年過後,大多數錯誤的期望都落空了,那些努力調整自己的人一直留在上帝的組織里。我們沒有逃跑,我們也沒有放棄,我們信靠耶和華。當我看到老年人時,我不僅看到灰白的頭髮,而且還看到了忍耐得住而得永生的人。 哦,爺爺,我不知道你必須忍耐到底 我們忍耐得住因為有耶和華。 但斯科特你最近在開拓學校, 是一年前 你有什麼經驗?




The time is fast drawing near for the reality that was foreshadowed by the Jubilee of liberty to be proclaimed throughout the earth to all man-kind now oppressed by many enslaving things. In view of

the earth-wide situation and the worlds condition, it appears most urgent for the liberation like that of the Jubilee to come soon. Most

certainly the near future would be the most appropriate time for it. Gods own written Word indicates that it is the appointed time for it. Here we are well along in the twentieth century of our Common Era. How long before our Common Era began was it that man was created and placed in his paradise home in what is now southwest Asia? The Holy Bible, which gives us the authentic account of mans creation, gives us a timetable running all the way back to his creation.

The Bible runs this timetable or chronology all the way back from the year of release of Gods people from Babylon in the first year of Cyrus the Great, the Persian king.-2 Chronicles 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1-4
Thus we can connect up the Bibles count of time with the worlds count of time down to this date. By doing this it becomes evident that man is nearing the end of six thousand years of his existence and

the beginning of the seventh period of a thousand years of his existence. The year of mans creation is generally spoken of as the Year of the World or Anno Mundi and symbolized by the letters A.M. Now if we take a copy of the popular Authorized or King James Version of

the Bible,equipped with marginal references, we find that it gives the year of mans creation as 4004 B.C.E., which is according to the Bible chronology figured out by the eminent Irish Anglican prelate, Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656). If we accept that date, then if we add 1,996 years, it gives us the total of 6000

years .Then the seventh period of a thousand years of life for man would begin in the year 1997 C.E."
Since the time of Ussher intensive study of Bible Chronology

has been carried on. In this twentieth century an independent study has been

carried on that does not blindly follow some traditional chronological calculations of Christendom, and the published timetable resulting from this independent study gives the date of mans creation as 4026 B.C.E. Acc
ording to this trust-worthy Bible chronology six thousand years from mans creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E.

So six thousand years of mans existence on earth will soon beup,

yes, within this generation. Jehovah God is timeless, as it is written in Psalm 90:1, 2: "0 Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during

generation after generation. Before the mountains themselves were born, or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth and the productive land, even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God." So from the standpoint of Jehovah God these passing six thousand years of mans

existence are but as six days of twenty-four hours, for this same psalm (verses 3, 4) goes on to say: "You make mortal man go back to crushed matter, and you say: Go back, you sons of men. For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch during the night." So in not many years within our own generation we are reaching what Jehovah God could view as the seventh day of mans existence.
HOW appropriate it would be for Jehovah God to make of this coming seventh period of a thousand years a sabbath period of rest and release, a great Jubilee sabbath for the proclaiming of liberty throughout the earth to all its inhabitants! This would be most timely for mankind. It would also be most fitting on Gods part, for, remember, mankind has yet ahead of it what the last book of the Holy Bible speaks of as the reign of Jesus Christ over earth for a thousand years, the millennial reign of Christ. Prophetically Jesus Christ, when on earth nineteen centuries ago, said concerning himself: "For Lord of the sabbath is what the Son of man is." (Matthew 12:8) It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of Jesus Christ, the "Lord of the sabbath," to run parallel with the seventh millennium of mans existence The Jubilee year of Gods ancient law was a "shadow

of the good things to come." The substantial reality that it foreshadowed

must yet without fail be introduced for the good of all the groaning human

creation. The blessed time far its introduction is fast approaching. Shortly,

within our own generation, the symbolical trumpet will be sounded by divine

power, proclaiming "liberty in the land to all its inhabitants." (Leviticus

25:8-10) God foresaw the need for this and had it foreshadowed in his ancient

law given through the prophet Moses. As his law foreshadowed this coming great

worldwide Jubilee, he has laid the full legal basis for its full, glorious realization.

Consequently there is now every reason why the human creation will yet be set

free, not by men, but by Almighty God. The long-awaited time for this is at

Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966)26-30頁(鏈接: pan.baidu.com/s/1ck9AKA 密碼: x3fa)



給我們最確鑿的人類創造相關記錄的《聖經》,可以讓我們追溯回上帝創造人類的時間表。聖經記載,古代波斯王居魯士元年,也就是上帝子民從巴比倫釋放出來的那一年,一直沿用這個時間表或者說年代表。---歷代志下36:22,23;以斯拉記1:1-4 因此,我們可以將聖經的時間與這個世界到現在的時間聯繫在一起。 對照著看,顯而易見,人類已經接近上帝造人六千年歷史的末尾,並即將進入第七千年的開始。 人類創造的年份通常被稱為世界年或者創世紀元,並由A.M表示. 現在,如果我們拿著一本流行的「聖經」或「國王詹姆斯聖經版本」,翻開附錄,我們發現上面寫著人類的創世紀年是公元前4004年,這是根據著名的愛爾蘭聖公會 主教詹姆斯·烏舍(1581-1656)的結論。

如果我們接受那個日期,那麼我們再加上1996年,我們正好得到六千年的時間。所以,人類生命的第七個一千年將從1997年開始。 自從「聖經年表」的深入研究以來, 在二十世紀,一項獨立研究正在被進行,研究者並沒有盲目地跟從傳統的基督教對世界年代的計算方法,這些獨立研究者公布了人類創造的日期是公元前4026年。 根據這個值得信賴的聖經年代表,人類被造六千年的末尾會是1975年,人類歷史上第七個一千年將於1975年秋季開始。 人類六千年的歷史即將終結,是的,就是這一代人。 耶和華上帝是永恆的,正如《詩篇》90:1,2所寫的:「耶和華啊,世世代代,你是我們真正的安居之所。山嶽出生以前,你生出大地和寰宇之前,從永恆的以往,到永恆的未來,你都是上帝。所以從耶和華上帝的角度來看,這過去的六千年人類的存在只不過是6個二十四小時,因為同樣的詩篇(3,4節)繼續說道:「你使凡人歸於塵土,說:「世人啊,你們都要歸回原處。」在你眼裡,千年恍如已過的昨天,恰似夜裡的一更。 因此在不久的我們這一代人的時間裡,我們即將迎接來耶和華視為的人類生命的第七天。 耶和華上帝使這即將到來的第七個一千年作為大赦的安息期是多麼英明!這偉大的千禧年安息日,會向全世界的所有居民宣告自由的到來!

這對人類來說是最及時的消息。 這對上帝來說也是最合適的時間,因為聖經最後一卷書啟示錄里說,耶穌基督在地上要實行千年統治。 耶穌基督在十九個世紀前曾預言:「人子就是安息日的主」。 (馬太福音12:8)這不會是偶然或意外,而是按照耶和華上帝仁愛的旨意,「安息日的主」耶穌基督統治一千年,也就是人類的第七個千年的時間。 上帝的古老律法的千禧年是「未來美好事物的影子」。 為了所有在痛苦中人類的益處,千禧年所帶來的美好一定會實現。 這個有福的時期,已經快到來了。 很快,在我們這一代,象徵性的號角就會被聖靈所吹響,「向境內所有的居民宣告自由。 」(利未記25:8-10)上帝預見到這一點的必要性,並通過先知摩西的古老律法預示了這一點。

由於他的律法預示了偉大的世界性的千禧年即將到來,所以上帝已經為千禧年全面而榮耀地實現奠定了充分的法律基礎。 因此,現在人類的創造有充分的理由被釋放,不是被人類,而是被全能的上帝釋放。 期待已久的時間到了!----------Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966)26-30頁


----------------警醒1966年10月8日19-20頁(鏈接: pan.baidu.com/s/1qYzGnL 密碼: nws6)

And 1966年的守望台:

------守望台1966年10月15日629-631頁(鏈接: pan.baidu.com/s/1nuQAzW 密碼: cytp)


-----守望台1968年5月1日272-273頁(鏈接: pan.baidu.com/s/1hsEP8r 密碼: f5sx)

AND 1968年的王國傳道訓練班第16頁


------守望台1968年8月15日第494頁-501頁(篇幅太長我就不貼了,完整內容請看我的網盤鏈接: pan.baidu.com/s/1c9CnJC 密碼: th6n)




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