





Chinesemiddle class in uproar over alleged police brutality


BEIJING— The relatives of a Chinese man who died in a high-profile alleged policebrutality case have decided not to sue, citing immense pressure, their lawyersaid Thursday. The move comes despite thousands among China』s middle classsigning online petitions to protest the dropping of charges against police in arare but concerted display of white-collar outrage with Beijing.

Thesignatories of at least two online petitions organized through universityalumni networks are infuriated by the Beijing prosecutors』 decision last Fridayto drop charges against five police over the death of Lei Yang, a 29-year oldgraduate of prestigious Renmin University, in police custody in May. The fivepolice were previously accused by investigators of using improper force andcovering up Lei』s death.

Theoutcry over the authorities』 handling of Lei』s death is the latest manifestationof simmering urban discontent in China, where Communist Party leaders arefacing higher expectations — and increasing questions — from the expandingmiddle class over hot-button issues ranging from environmental pollution tounfairness in the judiciary.

「Whensomething occurs in society that is so dark, so impossible to accept, then it』slike an inner fire in our bones that』s been sparked,」 said Yu Li, a signatorywho works in the IT sector in Beijing.

Lei』sfamily had initially planned to sue the five men directly if the decision todrop charges was upheld by higher authorities. By Wednesday night, however,they had ultimately chosen to drop further legal action, the family』s lawyer,Chen Youxi, confirmed Thursday.

Chencited the family as saying: 「Due to our own reasons, the pressure is too great,the effort involved in a long litigation will be more than we can bear.」

Asnews of the decision spread, supporters from various university alumni circlessaid the signature drive for the petitions should continue, with one groupsaying they refused to accept the case was over and would continue protesting.

Theorganizers of the petitions said they did not wish to take the protest to thestreet for fear of swift government retribution. For the same reason, theyspoke on condition of anonymity. But the case has threatened to erode thelegitimacy of the party among an influential social segment that』s alreadyimpatient with yearslong social woes, including food safety scandals andwidespread corruption.

Thepetitions, which sought a 「correction」 of the decision to not prosecute theofficers, have gathered more than 2,400 signatories of former students ofRenmin and some of China』s other top universities. They range from graduates of1980s chemistry departments to students who received graduate business degreesin the 2000s, as well as prominent academics and the current CEO of afoodstuffs company.

Thelist has expanded to include alumni of Tsinghua University, Peking University,and Zhejiang University and Fudan University in eastern China. Organizers ofthe movement said many of the signatories have gathered in more than two dozenWeChat messaging groups, where they were venting and sharing legal analyses,essays and even poetry about Lei』s case.

Asthe online campaign spiraled this week, authorities scrambled to squelchdiscussion. Censors blocked all searches on China』s popular microblog site,Weibo, for 「Lei Yang case」 while propaganda authorities distributed noticesagainst carrying the story in news outlets, according to China Digital Times,an overseas website that publishes what are believed to be official censorshiporders.

Ina country seemingly inured to police brutality against migrant workers orfarmers, commentators say the Lei case has attracted nationwide attentionprecisely because of his white-collar background as an environmentalist with astate-affiliated think tank.

ZhangWen, a well-known liberal Chinese social commentator, said China has often hadcases of social justice that involved farmers or migrant workers clashing withlocal authorities, 「but because of their class status, their cases do notmobilize this mass opposition or create awareness.」

「ButLei Yang』s case has broken through geographic or even class barriers,」 he said.「If it could happen to him it could happen to any of us. Any of us could be LeiYang.」

Notlost on many in China』s educated class is the fact that Renmin University —which means People』s University — was founded by the Communist Party in itsearly guerrilla days. It』s unusual for organized criticism to emerge from aschool that boasts a long tradition of producing political thinkers,economists, and historians who join the party establishment.

Yu,the signatory from Beijing, said he never characterized himself as politicallyactive until news of the Lei case this year stunned him.

「Weexpected the case to be open, to be conducted according to law in due time,」said Yu, who entered Renmin University』s business school in 1996.

「Instead,what we saw was that they judge cases from a political perspective withstability as the first consideration,」 he said in an interview. 「They valuemore the loyalty of the police force rather than the cries of the people.」

TheBeijing procuratorate press office did not immediately respond to a fax seekingcoment.

Lei』scase adds to an increasing number of incidents in recent years that threaten toundermine confidence in the government among the middle class, a segment ofsociety that China』s Communist leaders have traditionally counted on placatingby delivering steady economic growth.

SusanFinder, a Chinese law expert at Peking University』s School of TransnationalLaw, said Lei』s case sparked furor among China』s legal establishment, includingcorporate lawyers who normally pay relatively little attention to socialjustice cases.

Whatstruck many of the establishment professionals, Finder added, was the sensethat debate over a legitimate legal issue was being muzzled — a feeling manywere not accustomed to. Several prominent legal professionals this weekdeclined interviews.

「Youwouldn』t think that the big firm lawyers would be so upset,」 Finder said.「People feel like there』s no space for any other views.」

Itwas difficult to ascertain what online commentary was permitted. Censors tookdown an essay by a judge from Lanzhou city and even briefly blocked a legalanalysis posted by a former Beijing government prosecutor surnamed Li,defending the city』s decision to drop charges.

Li,who refused to provide AP her full name though said she was now working in theprivate legal sector, said her post was unblocked after a day. In a follow-uppost, she expressed incredulity at how she was censored in the first place.

「Did the relevantauthorities hear the cries?」 she wrote. 「Freedom of speech is truly important.」



Chinesemiddle class in uproar over alleged police brutality


接下來繼續高能:警察涉嫌暴力——廣泛關注——家屬受到壓力不起訴——白領聲討、請願,但是當局不予理會。簡單的一段,一個利用專政機器、殘害中產階級、罔顧民眾呼聲的極權主義警察國家形象呼之欲出。這個國家,正如同一名中產階級所說,「insociety that is so dark, so impossible to accept」,簡直無法居住好么!面對國家機構的暴力,和隱瞞真相,壓制受害者家屬,中產階級憤怒了,你看,朋友圈都要刷爆了,是利用了社交網路啊!

雷同學的家屬決定不起訴,因為「thepressure is too great」,你看看,完全就是納粹做派嘛。

大概是作者覺得帽子扣得不夠爽,作者說「Ina country seemingly inured to police brutality against migrant workers orfarmers」。善良的加利福利亞白人一看,大概還以為我國如同某些非洲軍閥統治的國家,農民工一進城就會被警察打,而社會已經麻木。那麼為什麼雷同學的案子會導致友邦媒體驚詫呢?因為雷同學不一般,他是「white-collarbackground」,還是中國著名學府人民大學的高材生,命比較精貴。

以上可有任何一句話不實?當然沒有。所以這才是深得春秋筆法 的精髓,述而不作,筆削《春秋》,只告訴你部分事實,而隱去另外一部分事實不表。比如文章從一開始,並且在整個文章各個地方展現中產階級的憤怒,以及團結一致對抗當局。可事實是,一部分中產階級的確是明確表示支持雷同學的,但是又有另一部分中產階級表示支持警察的。雷同學的支持者可以刷爆朋友圈,警察的支持者也可以。要不怎麼今天下午寡人在吃完榴槤蛋糕,就發現有人在喊054807給我站住?

當然了,作為國人,我們對雷同學的案子是很熟悉的,我們讀一遍就能發現,這位作者漏掉了最關鍵的東西,那就是案情。雷同學為什麼會死在警察手裡?文章沒有任何交代。不說這關鍵性的一點,而由以此文的筆調,很容易讓極度善良的紐約有色人種讀者產生在中國走在大街上,就會被警察打死的錯覺,從而發出中國好可怕的感慨。畢竟,如果把標題改成「Party Offical Died during a Polices anti-Whoring Operation 」,(中國循環經濟協會是國資委領導的,說一個offical不過分把,要不然改成employee?)就很尷尬了。那文章中憤怒的中產階級都成了逗比和五毛黨。是啊,善良的華府白人政府僱員讀者會說,Party已經代表邪惡了,offical自然就是腐敗官僚,你看看,還去whoring,還被抓了現行,還死了,這不是死得其所么?你們喊什麼冤呢?逗么?那個什麼律師,維護這種人,就是個五毛 。而且(如果作者是一個細緻的人,他就應該寫上去)還是在結婚紀念日去whoring,叔可忍,嬸不可忍!這種在我們華盛頓,是要直接綁在椅子上沉波多馬克河的好么!中國政府這個事情處理得好啊。


講道理,以前我主要關注《經濟學人》,以為所謂毒舌也大概如此了,直到昨天才發現,自己還是太年輕了。這些西方主流媒體,在今年連續在兩次大事件(英國退歐、美國大選) 出盡洋相,淪為笑柄,依我看,就是因為根子已經完全爛掉,以至於隨便吐出一文一字,都是臭不可聞。





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