遵循孩子 vs. 遵循教育計劃(蒙台梭利教育 vs. 傳統教育)

此文為9月21日巧智博仁國際幼兒園園長Karolina Gillert(白琳)的Workshop筆記整理,分享給有需要的家長和老師,僅用於學習交流。歡迎轉發,未經授權,禁止轉載。



? Mixed Age—Individual,


? An overview of children』s characteristics from 3 to 6.


? Montessori materials,


? Sensitive Periods(Windows of opportunity),


? Teachers』 Role in the Montessori Environment,


? Summary: we should follow the child,


Mixed Age—Individual,


Even if children at the same age/ siblings/twins, they are different. So we dont stick to educational plans for children at the same age, because their levels are different even if they are at the same age, we should look at them as individuals.


An overview of children』s characteristics from 3 to 6,


Age 3,3歲

? Workers,工作者

We call 3 year-old children workers. They have short concentration, a vague sense of social relationship: they work near their friends, but they are not really interacting.


Age 4-5 ,4-5歲

? Social butterflies,社交蝴蝶

At this age, boys are usually less social than girls.


For some girls, they go to spend time with their friends, holding hands with friends all the time, and they dont care about their academic learning.


This time is also a time for social drama. One day Lucy tells Mona: you are my best friend, and the next day she will tell her: I hate you and we are not friends any more. They tend to use very big words like love, hate, friendship, etc, but they don』t really understand the meaning of these words. So as adults, we should tell them we don』t use these words, and we should not hurt our friends』 feelings.


Age 5-6,5-6歲

? Leadership,領導力

A 4-year-old can take care of themselves, but they can』t take care of other people, and they are not ready to be leaders yet.


But a 5-year-old has developed abstract thinking, they have a long concentration , so they can do math and language, and they begin to realise that friendship means more than just one friend, now they begin to develop into leaders.


They have the leader skills, and a high self-esteem. When they first come to the Montessori environment, they are the youngest, and then they become the middle, and the elder, so now they can say I am familiar with everything in the environment, and I can be the teachers』 helper. And if the teacher asks him for help, he will feel special and offers more help.


Self-Esteem and self-confidence is the key to successful academic learning. If they can develop self-esteem and self-confidence during 3-6, they can take it with them to primary school, because again they will become the youngest.


? Competition 競爭

Competition is very common among 5-6 years-old. In a classroom, we can see boys always want to be the first, the fastest, and the tallest. It』s absolutely normal, because it』s in their genes.


If the boys are in a traditional school, where they are all at the same age, it will be a disaster. Teachers always have to deal with conflicts, to separate them. But in Montessori environment, the 5-6 years-old are only 30 percent, so it is less challenging.


? Role models,角色模範

Older children in the environment always offer to help the younger children, and if they tell the 3 years-old I will show you how to do this work, the 3 year-old will be happy because they don』t care about being the first or to control things, so both parties will be happy.


In the environment, if the 5-6 years-old are naughty and restless, the teacher can tell them: the younger children are looking up to you sweetie, so can you be a role model and show them how to sit nicely? Then the 5-6 year-old will sit perfectly, because they have the skills to sit nicely, and they want to be a good model.


? Bullying,霸凌

In Montessori environment, we can see children bullying each other, but we never see an older child bullying a younger one. The older child has no interest in bullying a younger child who can not even go to the bathroom by himself.


Montessori materials,


Montessori materials are based on observation of children. There are 5 areas in the Montessori environment: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, and Art.


Sensitive Periods (Windows of opportunity),


? Order(Age: 1.5-3/3.5),秩序感(1.5-3/3.5)

Children at this age:


They cry when they see their hands are dirty


They push back all the drawers or doors when they see they are open


It』s hard to teach them art, because if they have paint/glue/water on their clothes, they want to change clothes right away, but 5-6 years-old don』t care


? Routine,一日流程

They read the same story everyday, and if daddy reads the story tonight instead of mommy, he will be upset. It』s not because he loves mommy more than daddy, just he is obsessive about the same routine.


The reasons for the sensitive period for order are not clear, but maybe it』s because it gives them a sense of security.


? How to support the sensitive period for order,如何支持孩子的秩序感:

In practical life, younger children can do the cleaning, mopping, cooking, because they want to establish order by doing this. At home, we should also let children take part in the daily life.


By doing practical life, children can stretch their muscles and satisfy their sensitive period for order.


? Movement (Age:0-6),動作的敏感期(0-6歲)

It is proven that children don』t have enough movements tend to lack concentration.


Swings: children all over the world like swings, and they don』t feel dizzy even if it』s very high, but adults feel dizzy and lose interests in swings. It』s because it satisfies their needs for movements, and it』s in their nature.


So for children from 0-6,所以對0-6歲的孩子,

? We don』t ask them to sit still


? We allow them to walk and carry things that are even bigger than themselves


? We allow them to mop the floor even if they are not really helping and they make a mess


? We tell them to take pink tower to the mat far away one at a time, and they never feel tired.


? Small Objects(Age: 1.5-2),細小事物的敏感期(1.5-2歲)

Children are interested in small objects. So don』t be sorry if you find your child take home the smallest cube in pink tower, or the golden bead. It』s very normal because they cannot resist the temptation, and please give them back to the teacher.


? Language(Age: 0-6/7),語言敏感期(0-6/7歲)

It』s like a miracle that every child in the world will be fluent in their mother tongue at the age of 6, no matter how difficult the language is, and nobody is teaching them.


Teachers』 Role in the Montessori Environment,


Teachers do one on one presentation, instead of lecture in front of the whole group.


Teachers in the Montessori environment present works to one child at one time. Parents may wonder how teachers can know what other children are doing when she is just presenting to one.


Children learn from the environment, not from the teachers. Working in Montessori environment needs the skills of observation and class management.


? So teachers usually,所以老師經常:

1 Observe the child, recognise the levels of the child, like time of concentration, social skills, independence, and know what to do for the children.


2 Present the work to a child, maybe just for 4 minutes, and he can practice by himself. Then the teacher will go to present to another child. But before the teacher goes to present work to a child, she has to make sure everybody is busy doing their work, and the assistants can help.


Children learn by working as well as observing. They can learn how to do a work by observing the older child. So when the teacher invites a child to present a work, sometimes she will say: I know how to do this work, I saw Annie did it before.


3 Keep records. If one child is interested in doing language work, the teacher can record it and show more challenge in language; If she lacks concentration in language, we don』t push her, and asks her to do the buttons again, and try the language work one week or even one month later.


Summary: we should follow the child,


So adults should be patient. It takes time for children to master one skill. They need a lot of repetition. Children』s development is dynamic and unpredictable.


Some parents may ask teachers when my baby girl can do math, because I saw Kitty do it.


The teacher』s answer is when she is ready. And they may ask again, when she will be ready, and the teacher』s answer is I don』t know.


So what we can do is to follow the child. Some child is above in math, but below in language. Below doesn』t mean worse or retarded, it』s just they are different.




TAG:蒙特梭利 | 儿童教育 | 父母教育 |