
English version at the bottom :)



  • 16歲那年,我得到了一份送外賣(中餐)和在廚房幫忙的工作。我的老闆 ( 來自香港的老人) 總是叫我「 Shit boy!」 。 他總是抱怨我做什麼都太慢了。一開始,我以為他是個混蛋。他真的惹我生氣了。但是五個月後,他雇了一個新孩子。這個新來的孩子做什麼都做的特別慢! 這個老闆讓我意識到,當我開始的時候,我是一樣的,我真的是太慢了。我和他一直是朋友,直到他退休回到香港。

  • 19-20歲時,我在一個湖邊的釣魚島找到了一份工作,離任何城鎮都有幾百公里遠。我的職責不是很具體,所以有時候,當我不知道該做什麼時,我會休息一下。如果我的老闆看到我坐在那邊,不工作,他就會開氣槍打我! 混蛋! 在我在那兒工作的第一年開始的時候,我想我在幾個月後就會辭職。但我整個夏天都完成了以後,我的老闆真的很喜歡我。第二年,我回到那兒去工作,我對所有新同事非常不滿意,又懶又慢。我發現他們就是和我去年一樣! 這個老闆告訴我,你必須在工作的時候工作! 同時也教會了我,如果你了解企業的使命,即使沒有人明確地告訴你去做,你將永遠能夠找到工作去做。

  • 在我大學的最後一年,我很幸運被一個非常聰明的營銷教授(中國人)選中成為助教。她給了我很多責任。事實上,雖然我沒上過她的一些課程,她還讓我評分她課程的文論和考試。起初,我告訴她,我認為我沒有資格為我從未參加過的課程打分。基本上,她說: 「你自己用教材去學習,我相信你能做到。」 我非常努力地學習所有課堂的課程,到最後我感覺自己確實比學生更了解這些材料。這個老闆告訴我,「如果你不知道怎麼做,那就閉嘴,自己去學吧。」 不要等別人教你什麼。這個教授真的很厲害,我們到今天還是朋友.
  • 我第一次成為房東- 我買了一座6套公寓的小樓房。我的目標是重新裝修所有的公寓,所以我不得不僱傭很多工人。我終於了解到,與許多有不同生產力和質量標準的人一起工作是多麼具有挑戰性。當你對他們的工作不滿意的時候,你真的很難給他們付錢,但是你想維持與他們的關係。有一次,我雇了一個好朋友為浴室築牆。他花了一個星期,他要我付給他900加元。他有很多借口解釋為什麼花了這麼長時間,想要這麼多錢,但在我的心裡,我覺得我可以雇一個人,在一天之內就完成,只需花100加元左右。但我必須付錢給他。當自己是老闆時讓我意識到,當你的員工不履行你的期望時,你會有多煩躁
  • 27- 28歲 — 當我還在做全職工作的時候,我創立了我的在線公司,而我還在買其他房子和公寓。我沒有很多時間自己辦在線公司的業務,所以我把所有的任務都外包給了世界各地的人。我在印度、卡達、孟加拉國、阿根廷、美國甚至中國都有工人。我學會了和文化不同的人明確地溝通需求和期望,並同時管理大量的項目。幾年前我把那家公司賣掉了, 但我還在和一些原始承包商合作。
  • 在29歲的時候,我管理了大量的房地產資產,這意味著我有很多人需要向我報告,也有很多承包商。相信我,給每個人足夠的照顧和關注並不容易。但我相信我之前的經歷讓我做好了準備,我認為我做得很好。

現在,對於任何行業的大多數員工來說,一個非常重要的問題是 「如何從老闆的角度看待一切?」 這很容易,任何人都能做到。事實上,我們都應該這麼做。你只要花點錢就能做到。以下是你在空閑時間可以做的一些建議:

  • 僱傭一名清潔每周來你家一次收拾收拾,搞衛生, 打掃,等等。它們通常不貴。我估計一開始你的體驗會跟我一樣- 你會驚訝於你的期望和實際的服務之間的不同。花點時間「訓練」這個人, 讓他更深的了解你的期望。與此同時你會訓練自己給出明確的方向,評估績效,並給予反饋。在像北京這樣的大城市,每周大概要花100 - 200元。
  • 想想您一直想做的事情,比如做一個網站或者做一份新的簡歷。我們都有「待辦事項」清單上的東西,因為某些原因我們從來沒有做過。上網到Upwork.com這樣的平台,找個人來為你做這件事。你會得到評估候選人、溝通要求、評估績效以及處理最後期限的經驗。你可能不會對最初收到的工作感到滿意,但通過經驗,你將學會如何獲得更好的質量工作。我每天將3 -5個項目外包給我信任的人,我很滿意。
    • upwork.com
    • freelancer.com
    • 99designs.com
    • guru.com
    • fiverr.com
  • 如果您需要一套新衣服,找個裁縫來你家,為你做一套。這比你想像的便宜多了。我在北京做了多年的定製西裝,價格可以低至800塊。不要花錢的話就試著做一件或兩件襯衫。這個過程會讓您有經驗,聽專家對你可能不了解的事情,在沒有充分的知識的情況下做決定,信任專家,等等。我已經把很多朋友介紹給我的裁縫,所以現在他基本上不收我衣服的錢了。


Thanks for reading! 語法錯誤請不在意,謝謝!



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English version:

How do you get management experience without being a manager?

To make faster progress in your career development, I believe it is important to learn how to think from the perspective of your boss. Lots of people think their bosses make foolish decisions, or treat them poorly, etc. Lots of people also dont like being criticised about poor quality work or low productivity. But once youve been a boss, your perspective will change a lot.

Heres my brief story:

  • 16 years old, got a job delivering Chinese food and helping in the kitchen. My boss (old man from Hong Kong) always called me "shit boy." He always complained I was too slow at everything. I thought he was an asshole. He really pissed me off. Then, after 5 months, he hired a new kid. The new kid was so slow at everything! This boss made me realize that I was the same when I started, I really was too slow. I remained friends with him until he retired and went back to Hong Kong.
  • 19-20 years old, got a job at fishing island in the middle of a lake, hundreds of kilometres away from any town or city. My duties were not very specific, so sometimes, when I didnt know what to do, I would take a break. If my boss saw me sitting around, not working, he would shoot me with an air gun! What an asshole! At the beginning of the first year I worked there, I thought I would quit after a few months. But I stayed for the whole summer, and by the end, my boss really liked me. The next year, I went back

    there to work, and I got really angry at all the new guys working there. They were just like me in the previous year! This boss taught me that when someone is paying you a salary, you absolutely must earn it – you must WORK while you are AT WORK! It also taught me if you understand the mission of the business, you will always be able to find

    work to do, even if no one specifically tells you to do it.
  • In my final year of university, I was lucky to be chosen by a very smart marketing professor to be a TA. She gave me a lot of duties. In fact, she made me grade tests and essays for classes I did not actually take in the past. At first, I told her I dont think I am qualified to grade papers for classes Ive never taken. Basically, she said 「learn the materials on your own, I trust you can do it." I worked extremely hard to learn all the coursework for all the classes, and after I felt that I actually did know the material much better than the students. This boss taught me that if you don』t know how to do something, shut up and F*ing learn it. Dont wait for people to teach you anything. She was an awesome professor, and we are still friends today.
  • 26 years old – Became a landlord for the first time. I bought a small building with 6 apartments. My goal was to renovate all of them, so I had to hire lots of workers. I finally learned how challenging it is to work with many people with different productivity and quality standards. It is really hard to pay someone when you are not satisfied with their work, but you want to maintain the relationship. Once I hired a good friend of mine to build a wall for a bathroom. It took him a week, and he billed me $900. He had lots of

    reasons why it took so long and cost so much, but in my heart I felt I could have hired someone else, finish in one day, for $100. But I had to pay him. Being my own boss made me realize how annoying it is when your staff dont perform at your expectations.
  • 27-28 years old – I started my online business while I still had a full-time job, and while I was still buying other houses and apartments. I actually had not time, so I outsourced basically every task to people around the world. I had workers in India, Qatar, Bangladesh, Argentina, USA, and even China. I learned a lot about clearly communicating requirements and expectations, and managing many projects at one time. I sold that business several years ago, but I still work with several of my original outsourcers today.
  • By 29 years old - I managed a large portfolio of real estate assets, which meant I had a lot of people reporting to me, and lots of contractors too. It』s hard to give individual attention to everyone, trust me. But I believe my previous experiences prepared me well, and I think I did a good job.

Now, an important question for most workers in any industry is "how to see everything from the perspective of the boss or owner? It』s easy, anyone can do it. In fact, everyone should do it. All you have to do is spend a little bit of money. Here are some ideas you can do in your

spare time:

  • Hire a cleaning person to come to your apartment once per week. They are usually not expensive. If your experience is like mine, you will be amazed at the difference between your expectations and the actual service provided. Spend some time "training" the person so you can align your expectations. You will get practice giving clear directions, evaluating performance, and giving feedback. In a big city like Beijing, this will cost 100 - 200 per week.
  • Think about something youve wanted to do for a long time, like make a website or make a new resume. We all have things on our "to-do" list that we never do for some reason. Go online to a platform like Upwork.com and find someone to do it for you. Youll get experience evaluating candidates, communicating requirements, evaluating performance, and dealing with deadlines. You probably wont be satisfied with the work received at first, but through experience, you will learn how to get better quality work. I outsource 3-5 projects per day to people I trust, and I am very satisfied.
  • If you need a new suit, get a tailor to come to your home and make one for you. It is a lot cheaper than you expect. Ive been making custom suits in Beijing for years, and the price can be as low as 800 kuai. If you cant afford a suit, try making one or two shirts. This process will give you experience listening to expert input about things you probably dont personally understand, making decisions without full knowledge, trusting experts, etc. Ive referred so many friends to my tailor he basically doesn』t charge me for my clothes anymore.

There are many more things you can do, if youre clever enough. The point is, find some ways to be the person in charge. The experience you gain will be invaluable for your career development. Also, next time your boss does or says something you think is stupid, you might just think differently!



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