



Where are from? 你從哪裡來?

I』m from China 我來自中國

How do you do 你好

How are you ? 你好嗎?

Fine thank you 很好,謝謝

Nice to meetyou 很高興見到你

Thank you verymuch 非常感謝

Thank you allthe same 仍然感謝你

You are welcome不用謝

Of course 當然

Thank you foryour help 謝謝你的幫助

I』m so sorry 我很抱歉

Sorry to botheryou 對不起,給你添麻煩

Please Never mind 請別介意 :Never mind沒關係

It doesntmatter 沒關係

Thats right 你說的對

Have a nicetrip 祝你旅途平安

I am alone 我獨自一人 I』m very Poor 我很窮

I can』t speakThai 我不會說泰語

Can you speak EngLish or Chinese ? 你會說英語或者中文嗎?

My EngLish is so bad 我的英語很差

I can speak alittle English 我會說一點英語

I can』t understand what you mean 我不明白你的意思

Can you Speak slowly ? 你能說得慢一點嗎?

Please say itagain 請再說一次

Please write itin English 請用英語寫下來

Can you help meto Write some places with Thai it


You are too nice 你人太好了!

It』s kind ofyou 你真是太好了!

This is the first time I came to ThaiLand 這是我第一次來泰國

ThaiLand is a beautiful country 泰國是一個美麗的國家

I』m just atourist 我只是一名遊客

.買東西 (問價,討價還價)

I』d like to buy this. 我想買這個

How much ? 多少錢?

How much is this? 這個多少錢?

How much is that?那個多少錢?

How much it alltogether 一共多少錢?

Too expensive 太貴了

It』s tooexpensive for me 對我來說太貴了

What a price!Lower it,please! 這麼高的價格,請降點

Do you have any cheaper? 有更便宜點的嗎?

What』s the lastprice 最低價多少錢

Do you have anything cheaper than this ? 有沒有比這個更便宜一點的?

Could you show me another one ? 能給我看看另一件嗎?

Can I have a paper bag 能給我一個紙帶嗎?May I try it ? 我能試試嗎?

I already paid 我已經付錢了

I』m just looking.Thank you 我只是隨便看看,謝謝

Could you give me a little discount 你能給我一點折扣嗎?

Can I pay here ? 可以在這兒付帳嗎?

Keep the change, please 不用找錢了,(給小費的一種方式)



:「」…比如 10泰銖,會讀作:Ten bath (Ten)…就好像我們說多少元一樣的道理.



May I asksomething ? 我能問點事嗎? I don』t know the way 我不認識路

I took the wrong way 我走錯路了

I lost my way 我迷路了

I don』t know how to get there 我不知道如何去那兒?

Can you take me through 你能帶我過去嗎?

What is the bestway to get there? 去那裡最好的方式是什麼?

How far is itfrom here ? 離這裡有多遠?

Can you show meon the map ? 可以在地圖上指給我看嗎?

What is thename of this street ? 這條街叫什麼名字?

Can I walkdown there ? 我能步行到那裡嗎?

Is it possible to walk there? 可以走路到那裡嗎?

I want to go to there 我想去那裡

How should I go? 我該怎麼走?

Which wayshould I go ? 我該往哪條路走?

Where is the bus stop ? 巴士車站在哪裡?

Where is the taxi stand? 計程車站在哪裡?

Where is the railwaystation ? 火車站在哪裡?

where is the airport ? 飛機場在哪裡?

Where is the toilet,please 請問廁所在哪裡?

Where is the Subway station ? 地鐵站在哪裡?

Where is the MRT ? 地鐵在哪裡?

Where is the BTS ? BTS 在哪裡?

I want to go tothe ... 我想去...

I want to go tothe toilet 我想去廁所

Where is thetoilet ? 廁所在哪裡?

Is there atoilet near here ? 附近有廁所嗎?


Please use themeter 請按表(打表)

Take me to this address,please! 請帶我去這個地址

I』m in a hurry 我時間很急

Can you drive more slowly? 可以開得慢點嗎?

Im scared 我很害怕

Stop herePlease!請停在這兒


Where can I buya ticket 我在哪裡可以買到票 ?

Where is theticket office ? 賣票的地方在哪裡?

May I see thetime table ? 我可以看看時間表嗎?

What time doesit leave ? 幾點發車 ?

A ticket toChiengmai please ! 一張去清邁的車票

Second classone way,please ! 二等單程

I』d like theupper berth 我想要上鋪


Where can Icheck in ? 在哪裡辦登機手續 ?

Where is boarding gate for AirAisa airline ? 亞航的登機口在哪裡?What is the gate number ? 在幾號登機口登機?

Airline ticket 飛機票

Could you tell me how to fill in? 請告訴我如何填寫?(填出入境單)Where is my seat ? 我的座位在哪裡 ?

Can I have a window seat,please 可以給我一個靠窗的位置嗎? Where can I get my baggage? 我去哪裡取行李?


Your passportand declaration card, please 請出示你的護照和海關申報單 Do you haveanything to declare? 你攜帶的東西有必須申報的嗎?

No. I dont 沒有

Please open this bag 請打開這件行李What are these? 這是什麼東西?

These are formy personal use 這是我的個人用品


Immigration 入境檢查 duty-freeitems 免稅品 Passport control 護照檢查Quarantine 檢疫

Outgoing passenger card 入境登記卡Residents 本國居民 Ongoing passenger card 出境登記卡Non-residents 外國居民

Customs declaration card 海關申報單Visa 簽證 Currency declaration 現金申報單Destination 目的地

Valid (invalid) 有效(無效) Cash 現金



Im very hungry我很餓

Where is the restaurant near here ? 這附近餐館在哪裡?Can I see the menu ? 我可以看一下菜單嗎?

Do you have Chinese or English menu ? 有中文或英語菜單嗎?Have a little spicy food ? 有辣一點的食物嗎?

Which is more delicious ? 哪個更好吃 ?It』s very delicious 非常美味 I like this 我喜歡這個

Can you tell mehow to eat this ? 你能告訴我如何吃這個嗎? How to eat ? 怎麼吃?

I want to eat rice 我想要吃米飯I want to eat noodles 我想吃麵條

I』m thirsty 我口渴

I want to drink我想喝水

I want to acold drink 我想喝一杯冷飲

I』d like aglass of water,please 我想要一杯水 I want to drink a cup ofcoffee 我想喝一杯咖啡 Check,Please 請結帳


I made areservation in the internet 我在網上預訂了房間 Is there ayouth hotel near here ? 這附近有青年旅社嗎? Excuse me,doyou have any rooms ? 請問有房間嗎?

I want a single room 我想要單人間I want a double room 我想要雙人單 Can I see the room 我能看一下房間嗎?

Can you tell mehow to find my room? 請問我的房間怎麼走? The toliet ispublic or private? 廁所是公共的還是私用的? may I take ashower 我可以淋浴嗎?

It』s too hot inhere 這兒太熱了

Isthere a electric fan in the room ? 房間里有電風扇嗎 ? I want a roomwith air conditioning 我想要一間帶空調的房間 I want a roomwith electric fan 我想要一間帶電風扇的房間風扇房(room of fan

空調房(room of air-condition

Is it safe? 這裡安全嗎?Could you keep my valuables ? 能幫我保管貴重物品嗎?

I 』 d like to stay for one night,please 我要住一晚

Can I stay here for one night ? 我可以在這裡住宿一晚嗎?

What is the check out time ? 退房時間是幾點?

How much is the room per night? 每晚多少錢?

Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要支付押金嗎 ?

Do you have a cheaper room ?你們有便宜一點的房間嗎?

I will take this room 我想要這間房

Does the price include breakfast ? 價錢包括早餐嗎?

I go out for a while 我出去一會兒

When do you close 你們什麼時候關 門?

I 』 d like to check out now 我想要退房

<3>. 玩

can I take a picture in here ? 我可以在這裡拍照嗎?

Could you take a picture for me ? 你能幫我拍張照嗎?

Can I take a photo with you ? 我能和你合影嗎?

when I am ready,please press this button 當我準備好以後,請按這個鍵

one day trip 一日游

half day trip 半日游

I want to ride the elephant 我想騎大象

Have a rest 休息 一 下

How long shall I wait 我需要等多久?

whats time to start 什麼時間開始?

I will return as soon as possible 我會儘快回來

Where can I rent[rent] a bike(bicycle) 我在哪裡可以租一輛自行車?

What time must be reture ? 什麼時間必須歸還 ?

Is this free ? 這是免費的嗎 ?

One thousand two hundred and fifty 一千兩百五十

lets think about 讓我們想想/考慮 一 下

五. . 應 急

I feel sick 我感覺不舒服( 感覺噁心)

I caught a cold 我感冒了

I can 』 t sleep well 我睡眠不好

I have a fever 我發燒

I have diarrhea 我腹瀉

Is there a drug store near here 這附近有藥店嗎?

Is there a hospital near here ? 附近有醫院嗎?

Is there a doctor who speaks Chinese ? 這兒有會說中文的醫生嗎?

Do you have any medicine ? 你有葯嗎?

I will call pliceman 我會找警察

where is the police station ? 請問警察局在哪裡

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