
【譯】一些常常被忽略的小常識,四步恢復肌膚健康狀態 | 來自wikihow的一篇文章

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原作者姓名: wikihow

原出處: wikihow

原文鏈接:How to take care of your skin

Skin care involves more than just cleaning it and using lotion. It also involves having a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercise, and managing stress levels. Your unique skin type may also determine any additional treatments as well, such as using exfoliating scrubs or moisturizing masks.



Wash your face twice daily to keep it oil-free, improve complexion, and prevent breakouts. You should wash your face in the morning when you get up, and in the evening before going to bed. Use lukewarm water and a facial cleanser suitable to your skin type. You can wash your face with clean hands, a washcloth, or a soft sponge.

  • Follow up with some toner and moisturizer.
  • If you wear makeup, remember to remove it as well.
  • Dont forget about the skin on your neck! This is often overlooked.


  • 接下來使用一些爽膚水和乳液。
  • 如果你有化妝,記得卸妝;
  • 不要忘記脖子上的皮膚,這個部位經常被忽視。


Skip the hot water when bathing or showering, and use lukewarm water instead. Hot water can feel relaxing, but it can also strip your skin of its natural oils. This can lead to dry, patchy skin.[1]

  • If you have dry skin, use a moisturizing body wash with natural oils, such as almond, coconut, or olive oil.


  • 如果肌膚乾燥,可以使用一些天然的油比如杏仁、椰子、或者是橄欖油來滋潤身體。


Gently pat your skin dry with a towel. This applies to both the skin on your face an on your body. It would be even better to leave your skin slightly damp. This way, your skin can absorb the excess moisture and re-hydrate itself.[2]



Apply moisturizer or lotion while your skin is still damp. Use facial moisturizers and creams on your face, and lotions or body butter on your body. Change the type of moisturizer or lotion you use depending on the season. Use a heavier, richer one during the winter, and a lighter one during the summer.

  • Consider a moisturizer that contains SPF to guard your skin against the suns harmful rays.
  • All skin types benefit from moisturizer, including oily! Opt for a lightweight or gel-based moisturizer intended for oily skin.


  • 潤膚乳最好是帶SPF值的,減少陽光對肌膚的損傷。
  • 所有的肌膚都需要潤膚乳,包括油性肌膚。油性肌膚可以選擇輕薄或者是凝膠的產品。


Exfoliate your skin once a week. This will help buff away those dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling silky-smooth. You use scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Be sure to use a gentler exfoliator on your face than on the rest of your body. Remember, the skin on your face is much more delicate than the skin on your arms and legs.

  • Choose exfoliating scrubs carefully. The larger the grains, the more abrasive the scrub will be. Avoid scrubs with walnut shells if you have sensitive skin.
  • If you have dry skin, you may want to exfoliate daily. Be gentle about it, and always moisturize afterwards.


  • 小心的選擇去角質的磨砂,磨砂顆粒越大,去角質的越厲害。敏感肌膚不要選用胡桃殼成分的磨砂。

  • 乾性肌膚,有時候每天都想去角質,請溫和的對待你的肌膚,並在去角質後使用保濕乳。



Dont be afraid to wear makeup, but do it with care. Use makeup that is suitable for your skin type, and remove it before going to sleep to prevent breakouts.[3] If you wear makeup daily, avoid wearing any makeup for a day or two to give your skin a break.

  • Powder-based makeup is great for oily skin, but liquid or cream-based makeup is more suitable for dry.
  • Clean your makeup brushes regularly to prevent the build up and spread of acne-causing bacteria.


  • 油性肌膚適合粉狀的彩妝,液體或者乳狀的彩妝更加適合乾性肌膚。
  • 定期清洗你的化妝刷,避免那些容易導致痤瘡的細菌。


Read product labels carefully, especially if you have sensitive skin. Not every ingredient in skincare products is safe for skin. Avoid products containing the following ingredients: paraben, phthalates, propylene glycol, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Keep in mind that "paraben" doesnt always appear by itself. It usually is part of a longer ingredient, such as: methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.[4]

  • If you have sensitive skin, consider products that are fragrance-free.


  • 敏感性肌膚請選擇不添加香料的產品。


Drink 6 to 8 8-ounce (240-milliliter) glasses of water each day. Have you noticed your skin looking a little dry and dull lately? If so, you might not be drinking enough water. Try it for a week, and note the improvements. Drinking 6 to 8 8-ounce (240-milliliter) glasses of water may sound like a lot, but it will leave your skin looking youthful, bright, and glowing.[5]

  • Drinking plenty of water may also help reduce acne and keep your skin looking clear.


  • 飲用足夠多的水還能幫助你減少痤瘡,讓你肌膚保持清爽。


  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They are not only good for your body, but they are great for your skin. They are full of vitamins and antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables that are particularly good for skin include:[6]
  • Apricots, blueberries, and yellow bell peppers contain antioxidants, which can help keep you looking youthful.
  • Avocados, which help hydrate your skin. [7]
  • Carrots, which help improve complexion.
  • Pumpkin and kiwi, which help keep your skin soft, smooth, and youthful.
  • Spinach, kale, and other dark, green, leafy vegetables.
  • Tomatoes, which help protect your skin against sun damage.


  • 杏子、藍莓和黃色貝爾辣椒含有抗氧化劑,可以幫助你保持年輕;
  • 鱷梨,有助於皮膚保濕;
  • 胡蘿蔔有助於改善膚色;
  • 南瓜和獼猴桃,幫助保持你的皮膚柔軟,光滑,年輕態;
  • 菠菜、甘藍和其他深綠色葉的蔬菜;
  • 番茄,有助於減輕紫外線對肌膚的傷害。


  • Dont shy away from fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel.[8] They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep your skin looking clear.[9] They may also help prevent aging and sun damage, and improve skin elasticity.[10]
  • Vegan or vegetarian? Try walnuts.
  • Dont like fish? Try grass-fed beef. It also contains omega-6 fatty acids, which can help keep your skin taut and youthful.


  • 是素食主義(者)?可以嘗試下核桃。
  • 不喜歡魚?可以嘗試下草飼牛肉,含有omega-6脂肪酸,有助於保持皮膚緊繃和年輕。


  • Eat dark chocolate, but in moderation. Chocolate is typically seen as being unhealthy, but if you stick to 1-ounce (15-gram) portions, you can get all its benefits without packing on weight. It contains antioxidants, which help hydrate skin.[11] It can also help improve skin texture and appearance and prevent acne and aging.[12]



  • Dont be afraid of fats, but make sure that they are the good kind. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help keep your skin looking youthful.[13] You can also find healthy fats in eggs, nuts, and fatty fish, such as salmon. Avoid the bad kind of fats found in junk food and sweets.



  • Avoid skin-damaging foods. This includes processed or refined carbohydrates as well as unhealthy fats. Consuming too many of these make your skin age faster. Avoid consuming too many sugars as well.[14]



Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep can make your skin appear dull and sallow. It can also result in bags or shadows under your eyes. Getting enough sleep will reduce wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It will also give you a healthy, glowing complexion.[15]



Reduce your stress levels. Stress can not only wreck havoc on your mind and sleep, but your skin as well. It can lead to acne, breakouts, and other skin problems. Set realistic goals and limits for yourself, and leave time each week so that you can do things that you enjoy.[16] Try some of the following relaxation techniques:

  • Take a walk around the block. This will allow you to work off some steam. The fresh air may also help calm your mind.
  • Try some breathing exercises. This will force your mind to focus on the exercise and may help you forget whatever it is that is stressing you out.
  • Meditate. This is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries—and for good reason! Many people find that it helps them clear their minds and relax.


  • 繞著街區走一走,這可以讓你緩解一些工作壓力,新鮮空氣還可以幫助你保持頭腦冷靜;
  • 做一些呼吸的練習。這可以讓你把精力集中在呼吸上,也許可以幫助你忘記那些讓你踹不過氣的壓力;
  • 冥想。這是一種流傳了幾個世紀的古老而有效的練習,很多人通過冥想放空心靈,得到放鬆。


Make sure you get a few hours of exercise each week. Exercise increases blood flow to your skin and supplies it with oxygen and nutrients. If you exercise hard enough, the sweat will help flush out the toxins in your skin. Exercise may also help reduce stress.[17]



Avoid spending too much time in the sun, and always wear sunscreen when you do. Choose sunscreen with a minimum of 15 SPF. You should wear it every day, even during the darker, colder winter months. Avoid the sun between 10am and 2pm, as this is when its rays are most harmful.[18]

  • If you dont like wearing sunscreen, consider using a moisturizer or foundation that already have sunscreen in it.
  • If you swim or sweat a lot, you may need to reapply sunscreen more often—about every 2 hours.[19]


  • 如果你不喜歡用防晒霜,可以選擇帶防晒指數的乳液或者粉底。
  • 如果你游泳或者出了很多汗,你需要每2個小時重新塗一次防晒。


Quit smoking. Smoking depletes oxygen and nutrient levels in your skin. It also damages collagen and elastin, which results in wrinkles.[20]



Use an oatmeal face mask, if you have acne, sensitive, or oily skin. Oatmeal is great at soothing irritated skin and absorbing excess oil. Mix 5 tablespoons (25 grams) of finely-ground oatmeal with enough water or milk to make a paste. Spread the mixture over your face and wait 20 minutes. Wash the mask off using lukewarm water, then pat it dry with a soft, clean towel.[21]

  • For a more scrub-like effect, massage the mask against your skin using circular motions.


  • 如果需要更好的磨砂效果,可以採用畫圈的動作來按摩塗有燕麥面膜的面部。


Try a yogurt mask if you have dull, dry skin. Yogurt is very moisturizing. The lactic acid in it also makes it mildly exfoliating, which can help brighten dull or sallow skin. Mix 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of full-fat Greek yogurt with 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the mask over your face and wait 20 minutes. Wash it off using lukewarm water, then gently pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel.[22]

  • Consider adding a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten your skin or reduce acne.

如果你是黯沉,乾性肌膚可以使用酸奶面膜。酸奶滋潤的效果很好。乳酸還可以溫和的去角質,提亮黯沉或者蠟黃的膚色。將2大湯匙( 30克)全脂希臘酸奶和1到2茶匙蜂蜜混合在一起。將它塗在臉上等待20分鐘,用溫水洗乾淨,然後用柔軟乾淨的毛巾輕輕拍干。

  • 可以考慮加入一些壓榨的檸檬汁來提亮膚色或減少粉刺。


Put some honey on your face. Honey is hydrating, moisturizing, antibacterial, and antimicrobial. It is great for all skin types. All you have to do is spread some honey over your face and wait 15 minutes. Wash the honey off using lukewarm water, then gently pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel.[23]



Use natural oils to moisturize your skin. Some of the best are: vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and shea butter. Olive oil is great for some skin types, but it can cause some flaking for others. Simply spread the oil over your skin after a bath or shower, just like you would with regular lotion or body butter.

  • Always read the label to make sure that the oil youre getting is pure and not mixed in with other oils.


  • 記得閱讀產品標籤,以確保你使用的是純粹的油,而不是與其混合的油。


Try a spa day. Most spas will let you use some of their facilities without getting a pricey treatment (for instance, they will charge a separate entrance fee), so if you want to occasionally try a hot tub or steam room, or even go Eastern European style with a cold plunge and then a sauna to invigorate your skin, sweat out toxins, and improve circulation, its totally doable and you might like it!

嘗試一下SPA。大部分的SPA中心會讓你使用他們的一些設施,而並不需要去做那些要昂貴的療法(例如,一些昂貴的收費項目他們會在單獨的入口處收費) 。所以,如果你想偶爾嘗試一下熱水浴桶、蒸汽房,或者是東歐風格的桑拿:先澆冷水然後蒸桑拿來刺激你的皮膚、出汗排出毒素,改善循環,這是完全可行的,你也許會喜歡上!


  1. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  2. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  3. refinery29.com/wearing-
  4. ↑ Get Gorgeous, Naturally! 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine
  5. ↑ Get Gorgeous, Naturally! 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine
  6. ↑ 25 Best Foods For Your Skin
  7. ↑ Get Gorgeous, Naturally! 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine
  8. ↑ Foods for healthy skin: Top picks - Mayo Clinic
  9. ↑ 25 Best Foods For Your Skin
  10. ↑ Get Gorgeous, Naturally! 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine
  11. ↑ 25 Best Foods For Your Skin
  12. ↑ Get Gorgeous, Naturally! 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine
  13. ↑ 25 Best Foods For Your Skin
  14. ↑ Foods for healthy skin: Top picks - Mayo Clinic
  15. ↑ The Truth About Beauty Sleep
  16. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  17. ↑ Exercise for Healthy Skin
  18. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  19. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  20. ↑ Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin - Mayo Clinic
  21. ↑ Homemade Oatmeal Face Masks and Their Skin Benefits
  22. ↑ How to Make An At-Home Yogurt Face Mask | HelloGlow.co
  23. ↑ Food On Your Face : Honey | Crunchy Betty
  24. ↑ Nourishing Homemade Sugar Scrub
  25. ↑ Homemade Coconut Oil Sugar Scrubs
  26. ↑ Treat Yourself To A Luxurious Homemade Milk Bath! - One Good Thing by Jillee
  27. ↑ Proper Daily Face Care Can Make a World of Difference



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