
登月宇航員 Aldrin 知乎Live的航天相關



巴斯.奧爾德林Buzz Aldrin,是乘坐阿波羅11號首批登月的宇航員。


阿波羅11號一共安排了6名宇航員,3名機組人員和3名備份機組人員,機組人員中,尼爾.阿姆斯特朗是領航員/指揮,他因那一句「我的一小步,人類的一大步」而著名,而第二個踏上月球的宇航員,即登月艙駕駛,就是巴斯.奧爾德林,他在踏上月球後的第一句話是「Beautiful View」。(論如何在月球上文藝)










Hi, Im Dr. Buzz Aldrin !





Early astronauts, of course, needed tobe a very good physical condition, because we didnt know what space is goingto be like, but we also stress the day would be test pilots, which meansexpriences, reations, jet pilots, so they could react quickly in the eventssth. went wrong. Now there are more long duration flights are taking place,then more long term resistance, more psychological situations need to be accountedfor. Of course we now have male and females that was not that way early in thespace programs.






Early in the space program, we felt more accidents in space, thats might, takea toll on the number of astronauts, but that was not the case, until the spaceshuttle , early in the program, we had aircraft accidents in training, that washigher, a result, casualties.

Than actual space flight, when we got into theshuttle program, there were design shortages, because, the first, accident, theChallenger accident which exploited during flight, during lunch, the Colombiaaccident, was because of, some of them, insulation. during launch, or cameback, and hit the wing and cause the wing to have a whole in it, that did notcause anything until the spacecraft came back and, reenter, and the hot gaswent into the wing, again, it was not a problem of astronaut actions, it wasthe design floor of the Shuttle system that caused those accidents.

太空梭黨高能預警,迅速退散!事實上太空梭雖然事故率並不高,但是一旦出事很容易一鍋端,因此太空梭的確貢獻了世界上最慘烈的兩次航天事故,共14人遇難。我們並不是要否定太空梭的價值,太空梭和當時的一系列黑科技類似,想法很超前,可惜可靠性存在問題。哥倫比亞號的失事原因確實如奧爾德林所說的機翼損傷(挑戰者號不是) 。

航天任務的確很危險,不過看過Para.I後,就會覺得,他們在飛行員的時候,已經是高危職業了,因此,這個危險,對他們而言,沒有常人那麼危險 了 。


The earlier, tourism place, were into orbiter for few orbits, they could go tothe space station and stay there for, maybe three or four days or a week, andthen come back again, there were tourism flight, of course, that the Russianswere planning doing but havent done yet, which would leave the earth, andcircle around the moon ,and then come back, that would take than seven days, I』vebeen working on cycling orbits that world do the same thing, regular bases, thecyler would going back and forth.



The launchers into orbits, we call commercial because, they are, done bycommercial company, but they use the different launchers, and they are, prettymuch managed by the government, at their launchers, two, are government spacestation, but we call those commercial launchers they may be taken, governmentastronauts form other countries, in the future we will be taking, commercialflights again. Commercial spacecraft acquired by the government to takegovernment people to orbit, around the moon, and they will be doing tests, fromorbit, perhaps, a six month period, we can also send, commercial flights, withgovernment people, that would join up with a lander that is in a lower orbit,that can land and come back up again and be a reusable lander and that』s notfor tourism.

Of course, we could take tourists to and from the moon,come back. They would join up with the cycler. And then depart the cyclercoming back.


而在太空旅遊和商業航天領域,奧爾德林都提到了Cycler,Aldrin Cycler是奧爾德林1985年提出的一個航天器設想,可以稱之為奧爾德林循環器,屬於地球到火星之間的Mars Cyler的一種,其提前在拉格朗日點L1放置循環航天器用於補給(拉格朗日點是兩個星體的萬有引力抵消的地方,因此維持軌道幾乎不耗費能源)約146天地球抵達火星(當然你需要阿紫火星上待16個月,才能繼續用146天這麼短的時間返回地球)。。。


We had, departed the rocket, and had joined up with the lander, and thespacecraft we were launch again, we look around and saw something, that didntlook like that it shouldnt been there, its light moving and that meanstheres something else there, and of course I knew and all of us knew, thatwhen we separated, there were covers covering up the lander ,so these weremoved way, and went 4 different directions, and of course, looking out, wecould have been looking at that, and we wanted to take a close look with atelescope in the sector on board, and of course, we did want to, transmit backto the earth, that everybody else, orders, lie out there, that we dont knowwhat it is, that would not be a very smart thing because that would


everybody "what is that? ", "what is that ?" so we, get investigatingourselves, and asked, where the rocket was, and when, mission controller saidthat is six thousand miles away, that was not what we were seeing and it hadbeen one of those panels, now you can say that there was a little unusual,until we think about things.

Also on our flight, we discovered that there was, a broken, circuit breaker,that has to bring electricity to, the engine, to lift off, so we can come backhome, and if it was broken, we were not sure we can complete the circuit , theleader was people back on earth, so, they said, why you do a sleep period. Idont want to go to sleep now on the surface at the moment, and well look intothe difficulty, see if we can, figure a way around it



When we woke up and they said: well ,there is a way around it but we are goingto try and push that in much earlier just before launch.

so we did that, that was my finger, that was the metal, that was it , felt,pencil.

And when I did back, Michael Collins said Ah, it』s good! It』s good! Complete!

so we launched, okay, so thats an usual thing, ah because the consequences,could have been that we would have to say there on the moon, and thats notgood.



Observation, because here we didnt know we could fix it or they could fix it.and usually its difficult to go to sleep, with that answer, but it reallydidnt bother us, we knew that we were more important, the solution would come,yes, we know.






Well, in the military service, you are, serving somewhere, and its dangerous,if youre flying airplanes, you could, should hit him down or he shoot youdown, and you might not come back, you might be a prisoner. Now, we know thatcan happen, to us, the people back home, of course, it could happen also.

Andthe space program was not that much, different, but it, it is much more sensational,because the whole world is watching. What would happened. When we journey to Mars,or staying at the moon for long periods, more than a few days, the radiation isgoing to be greater and greater, well outside the protection, that the earthhas, especially going to Mars, until we go below the atmosphere here. And onthe surface of Mars, there is a lot of radiation, taking steps to protect thecrew on the Mars, and limiting the time, that they would be, maybe six months ,I think there is even greater, and that is, in the mentor health of the crewmembers for a long time. and we put someone in space, and he is going to comeback in a year, what he knows that before he ever goes, and he get less andless when he is up there, .now if he is there and he is not going to come back,there are many other mentor problems he may have, he may regret there, he maybegin to dislike the people.




We』ll gonna work well, now that it』s going to the end in several months but itsokay, it』s go on and on and on, so, to me, I see, the, the crew members is more seriously. I do think we have put solutionsnow but they needed to be more advanced, they were take more work


When we came along, no not very many had gone to space, certainly not, not manyhad gone, up to space, and to float outside, to do spacewalk outside, that wassomething, that both the Russian and the US.

Ihad to pioneer to get more, more comfortable, and I was the first astronaut totrain underwater, I』ve been a diver before, so I knew that it would help, andit did, and now everyone trains underwater, floating underwater, they float inthe space, and it』s very good, quite accurate for a long time, for a shorttime, we can fly the airplanes, but that is about 30s max, of zero gravity




And now the astronauts don』t train the other astronauts, if there are in thesame crew, and of course that for training as a group, but there are, trailers,then after a supervised training, then we do in a simulator, there are,instructors outside the simulator, who are watching what we do, sometimes wehave a very big for the entire mission, and we have everyone, around in themission control.



To spend a long time in space either at the moon, or at Mars, we will certainly,hope that we can use, the ice for fuel, and for water to drink, we hope to growwheat, vegetables, and and perhaps, have fish, in sort of when things get more mature, but certainly, ah, we don』 wantto keep sending, food, from earth, up to people in space, our space station isvery little, that is grown in space, just for, experiments for testing rightnow.

But what people are living on the moon, they will be using, food that hasbeen grown there, are, we are going to Mars even much more important because ofall the, food will have to be send at long distance, for a growing number ofpeople, at the moon it』s more number, maybe, two, somebody going well, or, thefuture may be a six, well, for a period very longer longer several months, andmaybe, a rotating every have here at six months.




I dont think we are going to bring resources, to feed people, back on earth, fromthe moon, that』s impossible, and it is impossible in Mars, too, because, youhave to feed the people who are in Mars, we are now going to solve the earth problemby going in space either, by doing the people here that』s really a lot of them,thats not the ways to solve the problem, and certainly, we are not going tofeed the people here, and what we bring back from space.




Q:What feeling do you have when you seethe earth on the moon?

When I was young, I do in the airplane, and I look down on the earth, and laterI took, passenger airplanes in a higher and look down , and then we, were went intothe orbit, even higher we look down, so going to the moon, its just much muchfurther away, and and instead of, the earth by this is becomes, getting andgetting smaller, go away, and the moon get bigger, we know that, thats not asurprise, but, to actually look and see the earth, like, no one had seen it beforeexcept if you were being out there, to look back and see the earth, that is avery remarkable experience, and its, its like a make believe, its real, wecan make believe lots of things, and thats what it maybe look like but whenyou actually see it, it gives you, a very close, reality check, that you are notdreaming everything. that is, the earth out there. The little out there.






People always want to know, what being there felt like, now for years, we knewwe were going to be there, it got closer and closer, and we were assigned agroup, as we trained, and we were lorn, we were going to get there, now allthis time weve been thinking about, what is might be like when we get there, it』ssort of like what we thought. Now how in the world unexplained that somebody, who』sonly thought about that, for 2 or 3 minutes, when they thought of the question,for me to answer, understand because we were getting used to being there for a longtime, and there, is this, suddenly, over there, now, it is happening gradual so,our mind has adjust our feelings, and so how we feel about walking on the moon wewere been thinking about that, for a long time, that affect how we thinkingwhen we get there, so if I were to trying describe that to you. you still couldn』tquite understand cause you didn』t go through all that time, and, it is justthings like a question that is very easy to ask. And you live together, simpleanswer like proud, thrill ,glorious.



there are a lot of space, and there are a lot of opportunities, there are a lotof countries, and I think, to make space available, the countries, has to worktogether, and help each other, not just, okay you come along, no, we want to,we ,know many things, so we want to help, partners, so now all of us knowabout the same thing, so we can go further, and and thats where I look, rightnow, that things can be done at the moon by our helping , the other nation,because, two nations can do very well, maybe one, and if one is experienced,and and we are going to do, several things but not actually be there, but wecan help, others, other nations, well we save some of the resources, to look ahead,and there are many ways we can all, bring the nations together, so we are aboutat the same level, now, people from different nations are all going together,to go to Mars, because, we make the moon, that way, and now, some of the thingswill be built on the moon, we may help the design, but they may be built, by anation, they may be landed and we may help putting them together, cause we wantto do that at Mars, now if a nation builds a particular thing at the moon, whydont they build the same thing to help other people at the Mars, now, thatsgood idea I think because we can also learn how and learn how to make someimprovements, and it helps to know who is going to do what. 30 years now,10years, 20 years. And to do these things in the future, you really have tothink, about what can I do in, three or four years, in earth orbit and how cani begin.



Move together to the moon and do things that would help us all go to the Mars.


Were all part of a family, and we need to, get us to Mars. Get my head toMars, get your head to Mars.



Very nice, being with all of you, out there, today, but soon, I have to goback, to America, and I have to, talk to the president, our new presidentabout, Orion orbit going to Mars and helping people to the moon, and I think hewill.

So, Bye bye, that』s what Im going to do and it is going to be my birthday too!




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